Classic WoW General /cwg/

TBC Is Best WoW Edition


clips twitch tv SingleOddDiscBleedPurple

Is it the original code?
>We've got an old build that's up and running that we're using for reference. Most of this job is going to be infrastructure: making sure everything can work on a more modern setup.

Why run it on a modern setup?
>Classic WoW has all kinds of bugs and problems, it has all kinds of exploits and hacks that everyone knows about. We think we have a way to have the old WoW version work on the modern infrastructure and feel really good. The infrastructure is how we spin up instances and continents, how the database works.

Is this being done by the retail WoW team?
>We’re going to hire people specifically for this job, and we’re going to staff it with people who are interested in bringing back Classic WoW in the best, most authentic way.

When is the release date?
>We actually don't know when we're going to release it. I know that's a generic answer that we give for all of our Blizzard titles, but with this one, we don't actually know how long it will take. This is a massive effort.


>Vanilla Resources:


>Private Server if you can't wait (also see /lhg/):



>Classic WOW general
>Draenei image

3rd for warrior is alpha class

>Development started before Naxx did
>not vanilla

More vanilla than "100% mana regen after every kill" that made levelling easy as balls

xth for kungen is retarded

It's clear Blizzard plans to release every single expansion or else they wouldn't talk about it as a huge task.

Will you be ready for Classic wow TBC after vanilla?

female characters would look so much better if their shirts didnt suction to their tits like the left but more realistic like on the right prove me wrong

you can't prove something that is true wrong

Literally no, they don't.

The classic game is standalone completely different from anything after it. Yes, BC comes close, but still stands in the same pool of shit with the rest.


>Blizzard will never make Vanilla servers
>Blizzard will never make BC servers
>Blizzard will never make Wrath servers
>Blizzard will never make Cata servers

Let me use a simple diagram.


Vanilla = Vanilla
top cookie = QoL and LFR
bottom cookie = new raid content and balance patches

>Mage is the best class
>Among classes with 1 button

not true some fights you need to decurse, polymorph, or blizzard. that's 4 whole buttons legion baby

Name QoL in BC other than Keyring improvement, summoning stones, and auto loot

>Vanilla is sooo hard I need to press 4(FOUR) buttons!

Played Druid in Vanilla thru TBC.
Played Paladin from WotLK up to Pandaria.
What should I play for Classic? I can't imagine the dull grind of the Paladin. I'm on hearthglen the x4 leveling rate is saving me from putting my head through a wall.

if you want to heal then priest is pretty fun.

for dps the only real engaging classes are hunters and fury warriors.

best tank in vanilla is warrior, druid can memetank some stuff and paladin is pretty garbage at tanking anything that doesnt require massive amounts of aoe threat

imagine being so shit you can't see yourself spending a week grinding to max level just once on a permanent server that will never be shut down.

Badges of Justice.
25 & 10.
Paladins & Shamans.
The beginning of class homogenization.
Arenas. (ruining the Classic game's idea of pvp as a war between two factions by turning it into
Mounts at 20 & 40.

>25 man raids are bad
This is some top shelf bait

>Arenas. (ruining the Classic game's idea of pvp as a war between two factions by turning it into
battlegrounds already did that you MOTHERFUCKING nigger
>mounts at 20 & 40
now this is bait
>25 & 10
as opposed to 40 and 20 and 10?


waaaa me cant backdoor rush win with my premade me have to play arenas against potentially skilled players in an even environment why me fuck you blizzard

you can say what you want about arenas but atleast pvp required some semblance of skill in tbc, unlike vanilla where the pvp king was the guy with the most free time

Is anyone playing on Outland/Medivh?

cross server battlegrounds

which was huge for queue times on servers with shitty faction balance, but it also killed the feel of running into your nemisis in AB

wow, after months of grinding heroics you can afford one (1) epic, this ruins progression
there are tons of ways to dismount people in wpvp

so like vanilla

>Paladins and shamans
now horde can actually compete with alliance in PvE, and not have healers generating ~50% more effective threat than alliance

No, we're playing Hades.

I'm going to play a holy human female paladin and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

coming soon
>hierlooms :)
>lootbox chests
>barber shop
>selfie mode
>balanced specs
>lvl 20 mountz
>LF dungeon
>girl gamers
>wrath babbies
>cata babbies
>legion babbies
>wod babbies
>mop babbies
>flying mounts
>wow tokens
>pet battles
>pet selfies
>gear tokens
>custom tabards
> friendz
>wide sweeping patches that change the entire game but keep normies interested and playing for another month
>sjw shit
>feminist shit
>customizable EXP rates
>chat moderators that are easily triggered
>GMs who are taught the customer is always right
>bans and mutes for offensive language
>gear score
>refer a friend
>Res scroll
>casual raids
>in-game hearthstone in the INNs
>achievements that unlock shit in overwatch
>overwatch babbies
>achievements that unlock shit in hots
>hots babbies
>achievements that unlock shit in hearthstone
>hearthstone babbies
>simplified class quests
>streamlined leveling
please add to this list as you see fit

>cross server battlegrounds
this was vanilla tho???

>i am a retail enthusiast
>i believe in the holy bible of logs and 3 million addons
>pressing a buttin when it flashes
>i need a detailed map and quests automatically pop up for me
>i need dungeon finder
>i am the retaulcuck
>ill never have a girlfriend
>ill never have a friend
>i am a forever alone kissless virgin

BC server soon Vanilla keks, enjoy strugging at 1.6k rating and crying about "OP comps" just like the good ol' days.

not if you count the pre-expansion patch one month before TBC launch

or maybe i remember wrong

why can you choose your gender in wow it should be assigned to you like in real life if i could have chosen my gender i would have chosen female

except all of those things are done on pservers by addons instead of being integrated into the default UI?

>inb4: you don't have to use addons if you d-don't want to!

>ill never have a girlfriend
the irony is ofcourse that nostfags are more likely to be incels

2 and a half months before BC actually.
>this vanilla patch doesn't count xD vanilla was only vanilla till 1.x, after that it was no longer vanilla lol

those ppl are retailcucks too, just LARPing to get recognition

Classic WoW will most likely be a mini-game inbetween retail content. It'll be more like what Hearthglen is right now but a bit more undertuned. hearthglen is too fast.

vanilla is subjective and what ones inner self believes it to be. most of the purist keks believe vanilla to be 1.12 with 2017 quality of life addons :DDD

cant wait to play vanilla with sprinkles. who doesn't love sprinkles?


toppest of keks retard

>this vanilla patch doesn't count xD vanilla was only vanilla till 1.x, after that it was no longer vanilla lol

not a purist myself but whatever floats your boat i guess

>maybe if I shitpost enough then cross realm battlegrounds wasn't a part of vanilla
so if you decide that you didn't like battlegrounds at all then you could claim that the patch they added battlegrounds is no longer vanilla. Real vanilla has no battlegrounds !

yeah... wpvp is so
*death ray*
fucking good.. retail
cucks don't know what they're
*rocket helm*
missing.. this is the pinnacle
*sips fap*
of skill... fucking arena
*ambushes greys*
babies... the epic scale of the
*nigh invuln belt*
open world battle against an
*thistle tea*
enemy faction.. is unachievable in arena

the grenades were cool though

I hope we get true progression servers and we can all server hop after patch 1.5

As long as you are a holy human female paladin in real life, there is no problem with that. You are, right?

>i was in full blues and this rogue camped me for 2hours so now my ass is hurt and only play arena

Never said they are bad, you asked for quality of life changes, and this is one.

The main raids being 40 was a really cool design, implying the need of a small army defeating powerful enemies, unfortunately those enemies could only be considered difficult for that point in time.

I agree, battlegrounds kind of, sort of did that, but they kept the idea of 2 factions at war.

The mounts at lower levels for lesser money IS a quality of life change, as the guy I replied to was asking for. Being cheap and early attainable made them feel like not something to be grateful that you achieved, but just a part of the goal to get to the maximum level as fast as possible, TBC was no longer for the journey, but for the destination.

40 were all the "main raids", the 20 and 10 were supporting and early raid-like dungeons. TBC had an early raid that was 10, a supporting 20 and the main raids were 25. A quality of life change.

I'm not personalizating it here, I'm just explaining why Classic was Classic, and it was about the concept of warcraft, PVP was out in the world and a means to survival. I never liked Battlegrounds, but objectively speaking they still seem to be related more to the warcraft idea, not balanced, not requiring skill, just gear. It was latter that people demanded PVP be something large in the game, so arenas were created, classes were tuned and PVP specific gear was introduced.

In the early BC yes, it took some heroic dungeons to afford a single item, but later on with the troll raid more and more relevant gear was added, plus badges started dropping from raid bosses.

"tons of ways to dismount people in wpvp", it's not only the wpvp, plus if you fly high enough to reach a guy idling in the air so you can dismount and have him die on impact is not exactly pvp, it's completely avoiding any sense of danger or any inconveniences you have to go through to reach a herb, raid, quest or anything similar to that.

1 out of 4 isn't bad, right?

I'm not going to read that.

What's Heartglen?

girls please message me i am very lonely maybe we can level together on retail classic :) i just want a female friend i feel they judge less and are nicer than men

it is a "fun" WoW private server with 5x Quest XP, 4x Kill XP, 2x Rested XP and more.

Wtf does it have anything to do with the fact that Blizzard isn't going to just throw Vanilla in the client?
They will be trying to crystallize the whole WoW experience from beginning to Battle of Azeroth. We won't get anything until they decide how to design that.
Blizzard is Blizzard, they do not release shit half done thus why it took them so long (~2 years since Nost drama) to decide and make a public announcement at Blizzcon. On top of that there is many more dilemas on how to proceed for each expac.

I'm a girl with a penis does that count?

no i want girls with 2 x chromosomes only please no trannies

Thats transphobic. Reported.

The whole reason they are doing the Classic thing, is because 2008 people have been asking for an official Classic game.

There have been private servers for each expansion so far, but arguably the 1.12 2.4 and 3.5 are the most demanded ones, with 1.12 being the winner here. The reason why it's only going to be a throwback to 1.12 not the latter expansions, is because the Classic game is severely distant from the other games, YESSS Burning Crusade comes close, just not close enough to have the "fun and adventure in an imaginary world", rather than a clean and polished gameplay.

If they are out there announcing that a classic game is a massive effort to create, taking lots of people and resources, then another 6 standalone versions for the expansions would multiply that amount, plus taking into consideration the amount of people playing the expansions after the Lich King won't be half the amount of people playing the Classic game.

What addons are acceptable for streamlining the game while preserving the fresh-faced vanilla experience? All I have right now is swingtimer and energywatch; currently resisting the urge to download questie

>Blizzard is Blizzard

...WoW Classic doesn't make much sense to me either, then. Why release something they know most people will pick up, play for maybe a week or two, then give up on because NEWSFLASH experiencing the same things at entirely different ages will result in entirely experiences.

There's an ulterior motive here and its not money or a direct commercial goal. Its not fan service either, vanilla already exists for those who want it. Blizzard has very little to gain from re-releasing WoW.

You can't seriously believe that 6 years from now that even the scrubiest of scrubs will have cleared naxx, they wont have released BC.
>inb4 they will add unfinished content and new raids in vanilla
why would they spend so much effort when people would have no problem playing BC?(some extreme vanilla autists would probably quit but other people that are nostalgic about BC and not vanilla would join)

I should probably roll a warrior then.

Was only seeing autists arguing why BC sucks over Vanilla but it makes sense. Still, I think the community is going to push for BC and WOTLK servers which are probably going to happen (cause it's another opportunity to gain players).


didnt this never happen?

>I want friends that won't judge me
>judges anyone that isn't a cis straight white male

kys shitlord degen.

not him but afaik it was online for a few minutes

>WoW team lead is making a shitty kickstarter mmo
How the mighty have fallen

I seriously don't believe it, what I believe is that whatever they put as monetary investment in Classic, they will find a way to multiply. There will just be a Classic version of the game, playable as an official Blizzard server, kind of like Diablo 2, probably without the seasonal character wipe. There is no >after naxxramas is farmed what comes next

>downloaded classic client
>jumped on a new server
>super laggy
>7+ people camping quest items with a 2 minute spawn timer

is this the true vanilla experience?

oh they will gain shekels. But I feel like they will treat Classic like a mini-game format. It'll be undertuned and streamlined a bit.

BC isn't a bad game at all, the majority of wow players loved it, really. I did too, but it's the end of the Hello Island Kitty Adventure that is Classic WOW and the beginning of the streamlined, balanced and polished gameplay that the latter games are offering. The people that have been asking and playing vanilla all those years are doing it because of the Adventure-type of the Classic, the ones asking for The Burning Crusade are the ones who are seeing an opportunity to demand just some game they liked years ago.

The people's passion for Classic is great, a demand for BC still exists, but people are by no means as passionate about it.

Yeah but after a few years those servers will have 1/10th their original pop if they do nothing.
Their "classic" team that will be scratching their dicks after vanilla is out and working perfectly could work on bringing later expansions and keep people interested.
What would be optimal for gaining more shekels?
>release vanilla and do nothing else
>have that skeleton crew that will work on vanilla, work on BC->wrath after they are done with it

how do you know it's shitty?

Sounds like a Cataclysm ratio

What’s the hardest class to master? Looking for something that I can play for a long while.

1.12 MAX
What? 1.12 had cross realm BGs?

Holy fuck, you nostbabies are the worst.

The demand of supporting staff for Vanilla will decline as the playing population does, which means that those people can move on to work on the current game or to the other Blizzard stuff.

ret paladin

Overwatch lootboxes make more in a day than WoW Classic will make them in a year. I doubt it will be unprofitable, but there are infinitely better uses of their resources.

unironically melee Hunter.

Class homogenization didn't really begin until WotLK. They still had the hybrid-tax philosophy in BC. Classes were all still specialized at that time. The only thing that changed were the amount of viable specs per class, which increased.

implying anyone would play that shit if Blizzard didn't put millions into their tournaments and literally paying streamers to play their game.

whats gonna be the most OP class when naxx has been out for years and people start to get full bis geared?
anyone whose been playing on one of the longstanding private servers who has some insight into this?

no class is OP this is vanilla all classes suck in some way

hunter is the only class in vanilla with an actual skillcap in both pve and pvp

>what class is going to be the most OP when 0.00001% of the server has even seen Naxx

geez I dunno, Rogue lol?

do Legion babs actually think Wrath Naxx and Vanilla are the same?

*presses frostbolt*

how much more skillfull do you have to be

Classic will make plenty of cash, they've been listening and calculating and scheming and all that marketing that goes behind a project of a multi-billion company.

Blizzard will never do anything only because it's so dear to the players. There will be profit from that whole thing.

>staysafe is streaming private servers on twitch with 500 viewers
>he's not banned
>not only that, but he also got partnered and got a subscriber
>meanwhile, alex gets banned everywhere he streams

how does chad keep getting away with it bros?

See I think classic is part of the calculating and scheming for another project. It doesn't make much sense as an end in and of itself. Was the brood war remaster that much of a success that they feel the need to expend 10 times the effort bringing back another ancient game? Probably not.

Within 4 years there will be a new Blizzard MMO on the market.

Could be, why not?

It's just absolutely not realistic to think about continuing through the expansions. By the time Cataclysm is about, the amount of people waiting to play it would be insignifficant, and Blizzard are very proud of each Warcraft expansion they have released, reaching LK and not continuing would be their way to admit that anything after wasn't as good as the previous, which is something they will never ever do, except for "realizing minor mistakes". Classic stays Classic, whether you've raided Naxxramas a thousand times.

A new game on the other hand is a whole nother beast

I liked your stream senpai.

>Cataclysm wasn't good

t. never played Cata pre-nerf

The very first 4.0 was PASSABLE

As soon as 4.1 hit it turned to utter shambles

I did play from launch and it was what made me quit the game about 2 weeks after hitting max level.

yes, that's why high end raiding guild dps setups on private servers basically consist of warriors, rogues and mages with only token representation of other classes thrown in there.

Alex is a lolcow who can't stay out of trouble. It's certainly petty of CM Ornyx to go after him with DMCAs because he called him a big dummy but there's a point where you're just bringing it on yourself.
>Staysafe: I think they've relaxed on going after private server streams on Twitch. If they do decide to ban them I hope they give me a warning first and I'll never do it again.