/twg/ Total War General - KANGZ never edition

Thrones of Britannia stuff:

Mortal Empires hotfix patch notes:

Empire Divided info:

How the Combined Map works

>FAQs and General Info

>History information:
Next big history game is a setting they've never done before. Will feature "important character relations that occur between the major personalities in the game."

Screenshot sharing and campaignposting encouraged!

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Which lord will you pick, user?
Settra the Imperishable or Queen Khalida?

>want to buy Empire Divided to signal to CA that I want them to do more shit for older titles
>don't want to buy Empire Divided because it's Rome 2 and CA shouldn't think I like Rome 2 and support this course of action

I am conflicted and upset

My boy SETTRA. Little chaos shits need to be taught a lesson.



Firing up Attila with the Radious mod for yucks. Does this, or any mod for that matter, fix the diplomacy problem of the Barbarian EU you tend to end up with when fighting the Romans? I recall last time I played Attila vanilla that sort of dragged the game down for me.


Skaven don't feel right playing either as them or against them.

Good lad. I can't wait to unlock his chariot and be all like BOW DOWN TO THE GOD KING.

Why not? They're a bunch of shitty ratmen with some less shitty ratment and some pretty okay artillery. And lots of nasty diseases. Also, easiest fags to autoresolve against :)

Isn't it obvious user
clearly queen khalida since SETTRA DOES NOT SERVE

>tfw Chaos sends in Kholek
>tfw Settra delivers his head back to Archae-shit 4 days later
CHADTTRA. How will chaos shits ever recover?

Also, I'd totally be like "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Nehekharan children." before going on a conquest to kill ALL greenskins in a 10/10 genocide.

They hit really hard at range with low model count, high damage troops. Their leadership is way too high and they reform over and over again. And they never achieve the 'swarm' feeling that they ought to have. I regularly fight VC and GS armies with more troops than Skaven armies. Indeed as Empire in the last battle I had 1:1 troops.

i think Araby just moved from last place to penultimate one in my list of inferior, boring, lore lacking and undetailed factions

Eh, just trying out new things. Been ages since I touched Attila. Mostly trying to find a way of breaking up the Barbarian EU that doesn't involve making myself the enemy of all the world.

>Reform over and over again
OH MY FUCKING GOD YES. I didn't know if I was the only one who felt this way but I've lost some battles which, while I was outnumbers, I would've and clearly should've won if not for the fact that those cunts repeatedly recovered and refused to shatter.
Chasing down breaking units doesn't seem to kill them anywhere nearly as quickly as older games like Medieval 2 for example, and it doesn't seem to make them shatter either.
Fucking nightmare.

Holy fuck settra sounds cool, pls share the story name
settra bigger dick than kholek proven

>bretonnian lord decide to get some artifacts from those old pyramids
>Wake up a giant army and get his shit kicked in

bretonnians have to be the most stupids humans in the setting

Do they even have a full roster?

Don't know the story, just read it on the warhammer wiki.

>Archaon tells Settra to kill Kholek because he doesn't want to be buddies anymore
>Tod comes in alone and challenges Khazrak 1v1 in the midst of his Brayherd
>Khazrak for some reason agrees and gets killed
>Tod gets killed by the Brayherd in turn
>People die and resu multiple times
End times was fun.

How hard is it to link previous thread in the OP you idiot?

>click on Phoenix Guard
>no sound

I fucking hated the Archaon wank, he's always been a boring as shit character, even his underling Crom was better. The ET in general were just cool moments threaded by idiocy.

that is how they are supposed to be. They route really fast without Leadership boosts, and every single one of their units gets a speed boost while routing. You aren't supposed to chase them, that way it feels like wave after wave are hitting you. I really enjoy fighting them, and just target fleeing enemies with my archers if I want to wittle them down so they don't do anything when they reform.

Skaven don't really shatter until you kill their lord but they will rout at the drop of a hat.

Settra for the first 25 playthroughs

You can easily handle GS frontlines with a Skaven frontline build, there's something wrong with that.

Are 6 Shades(GW) too much?

It is also really fun to fight them because the constantly routing enemies cause massive gaps in their line that let you do some really fun minor encirclement maneuvers and cause the battle to constantly change.


I think these "High Elves" are planning something, but I might be wrong.

only if you can only afford 5 shades.

By all means it was probably an imperial faction or a border princes that opened the tomb
The brets just went to fight the army of super skeletons and shit

>Click on Phoenix Guard
>"For Nehekara!"


Nah, so long as you have enough corsairs/executioners or at least black guard to back them up, that's fine.
Shades do a wonderful job, but they do benefit from having some proper anti-infantry too.
Unless I'm mistaken and you can field a whole army of shades just fine.

The elves have always been trustworthy user
I don't know what you are talking about user

>expecting reason from retarded muh chivalry feudal thugs

come one man..

The red duke would never have let this happen

do non-whites unironically believe in magic?

>he doesn't know

>played 100 hours of ME with the old races
>feel burned as fuck since they are not even update to foundationupdate

that's why i stopped playing. HE campaign was during the bugged chaos as well as DE campaign. I barely survived that on VH and then I had Dawi shits to deal with in both. It's too annoying to play before foundation

Did you guys ever have cuck experiences? What kind of cucking do you think historical figures back in the day experienced? Who were your favourite cucks and cuckees?
stories encouraged


Could someone help me with EB 1.31c?
The trivial script doesnt seem to work
Everytime I start it an error pops up "
>XMLScriptParser: Couldn't load file: script.xml
>Error Parsing file: script.xml
>Row: 0 Description: Failed to open file

>6 shades too much?



uhm altdorf is a fucking hovel surrounded by spikes sweety

that actually looks really nice

yes back in the war against the zulu the british captured a warrior that was covered in war paint and they asked him why they werent retreating etc and he responded that their magical paint protected them from bullet , when the brits told him "well what about your dead friends over there ?" he responded : "they didnt believed in the magic enough"

Altdorf has come a long way

Does it get a unique battle map as well?

Here's a "before" screenshot from vanilla for comparison

We really have come a long way...

Someone post that image of Morathi without all the crap around her

source nigger

>didn't even capitalize Altdorf
the absolute state of CA

Africans are constantly killing each other over accusations of witch-craft or Vampyrism and albinos are shunned because they're "cursed"


Hovel user forgive me for ever doubting you

Warhammer was truly shit

9/10, should've used a picture of Varrock or Falador

In other news, niggers are dumb, who could have guessed?

the last story like that i saw was a women who had a restaurant being killed for having served fish to warriors cause eating fish made their "magic charm" go away

>whites can't even shoot fireballs

>niggers cant feed their families

You mean this one? Niggers are fucking feral savages, but they are entertaining for the white man to watch. From the safety of home, of course.

If you don't eat anything for 30 years you get access to magic powers

I remember it different for some reason

>it expands as you upgrade it
Amazing. Why couldn't CA do this? Christ, before ME, it didn't even have a wall.

Shame Call of Warhammer was so scripted to hell and back because it was a better Warhammer game than TWW...

>dat blonde chick at the diplo messages
Christ she was HOT.

too much effort for too little time.

>it was a better warhammer game
indeed. Chaos would randomly take over and destroy the old world causing a CTD

> better Warhammer game
In a way, yes.
Lets hope that patched WH3 "really big map" with all the DLC's will be able to compare.
All we have to do is to wait 2 more years.

I never said it wasnt bug free.
But at least it had more units, no building slots/province system and other trash born in RTW 2 and imported to Atilla and TWW.

It had the medieval 2 battles though so I wouldn't call it outright better.


yes thats the one , totally forgot she was also raped

>scripted to hell and back being a bad thing

Tell me how many "Varg fucks up the entire old world" episodes you had.

Rate the new factions and their respected LL and starting positions.

Thought i would like Lizardmen but they are so boring, and the Elves are best imo. I prefer conventional armies, and skaven have no Cav which sucks dick.

>But at least it had more units
Did it really though? From what I remember, the two elven factions present were bare bones as possible and the VC didn't have any of their monstrous units, instead substituting in fucking skeleton archers and the screaming skull catapult. Chaos had god specific units, which was neat, but lacked other things like forsaken, chaos spawn and dragon ogres.

>M2 fags will unironically defend the AI automanaging your settlements with infinite building slots

fucking kek man


Enjoy easy mode. Also if you are playing as a horde, enjoy not having to sack anything because you get so much normal income.

I think he meant that script overload were causing the game to constantly crash.
Scripted events were pretty cool tbqh, like Dark elven raiding parties on Marienburg n stuff.

I thought delves were shit to begin with because they're the faction I picked first.
I was wrong. I was so, so wrong.
My game save is now ready to just go steamroll the entire map for shits and giggles.

I've yet to try the other factions. I'm almost tempted to try helves, but I get the feeling that they're going to be harder for me because I abused the AP ranged so, so hard with delves.

It isn't really that fun when you have stack spawns everywhere just because you expanded. Also teleporting chaos invasion so fuck you if you had a river crossing defence plan.

That norsca thing in Mortal Empires is easily fixed with the half income for norscan factions mod.

HE archers are honestly ridiculous, i thought sea guard were shit at first but an army of 20 archers is insane.

Mazdamundi-Morathi They are kinda the same, both are semi good LL and have pretty much same possition and are forced to fight each other
Rats They are so bad and their possitions are so bad it is hard to tell which rat is worse,lack of mount of both rat LL is making them inferior, iam not saying they are not interesting to play tho.

>20 archers
What de fugggg DDD:
Seriously though, they obviously have some damn good air units (that reminds me, harpies are absolute shit EXCEPT FROM when you need to deal with non lizard artillery units immediately) but not having AP must hurt later on.

Skaven at least get a good few units that fire while moving or do anti-large damage on a good range.

>some basic shit that CA should've put in needs to be modded in a year later


>see the potential gameplay value in settlements having limited buildings slot that you need to optimise
>still find R1/M2 settlement management infinitely more enjoyable with its relaxed and more realistic/less arcadey style

You might as well just remove city building at that point

The fact that you need to enable an option in M2 to even let you build shit yourself instead of having the AI auto manage everything says a lot

realm divide in shogun 2 is the most bullshit fucking mechanic ever in any game every fucking faction in the game is spawning fucking full stack high level armies fucking all over the map how the fuck am I meant to progress when all my settlements are being bombarded by massive fucking armies all the time

I have never finished a Shogun 2 campaign

just can't be assed to

Why aren't we talking about the BEST fantasy game?

yeah it's so much fun up until realm divide then it just slows down massively and you have to spend 20 hours slowly crawling your way through the rest of the map while being raped from all angles

It's not Total War

>tfw you are a hardcore fag and you consider Shogun 2 the best TW because it is absurdly hard on legendary.
>and you like it

Foundation fucking when
Don't want to start an empire game until then.

I like the idea of having a lot of options, some of which even visually change the settlement's region. Everything else about it just sucked though.