Pretty much all smart people are saying that the stock market is in for a long awaited dip.
How are you preparing for the big even?
Are you ready to BUY THE FUCKING DIP?
Pretty much all smart people are saying that the stock market is in for a long awaited dip.
How are you preparing for the big even?
Are you ready to BUY THE FUCKING DIP?
>Pretty much all smart people are saying that the stock market is in for a long awaited dip.
No they aren't. Because smart people know you can't time the market.
You mean the bitcoin dip? I've been buying it since March.
>No they aren't. Because smart people know you can't time the market.
Yeah, that is why there are people such as Warren Buffett, Robert Mercer, Ray Dalio and many others.
Fucking index autist, retard, I swear.
Read the news. Retailers are closing, lots of other signs that market is in for a fucking DIP fucker.
i'm not trading with stocks, grandpa, go chew on your tobacco somewhere else
if anything, just buy gold, that seems to always raise in value once everything else hits the shitter
>I read the intelligent investor now im intelligent
US retailers closing in record numbers.
Students unable to pay their loans back.
Unemployment rising.
Labor force participation is still below 2007 levels. Yes, it's because the boomers are retiring, but that is still putting a damper on the number of wage earners out there who have money to throw around.
Healthcare costs and rental prices are destroying the disposable income of the average American. Just look at data for how much those two things account for GDP, in the past decade they skyrocketed.
Housing and rental prices are completely unjustified compared to how much money most people make.
Milennials are entering the labor force with shitty jobs and tons of debt. Bound to put a damper on disposable income.
Technological unemployment and automation is increasing at a faster and faster rate which will lead to a cycle of deflation.
Corporate debt is at an all time high and revenue growths recently have not justified increases in stock prices. Low interest rates have pretty much caused a bubble in every asset class.
time in market > timing the market
How will crypto behave during a crash?
I think there are reasons for it to go up and reasons to go down
Pretty much all economic gains made in the past couple of decades is from credit expansion. Eventually the debt bubble will explode since wage growth is pretty unimpressive and good quality jobs are becoming more and more scarce.
Fertility rates in the U.S. are plummeting, U.S. population will probably start decline once it becomes an unattractive destination for immigrants.
The VIX has remained under the historical median range of 17 for over 100 days which is unusual. The forward PE is over 18x which isn't attractive value. Lets add here the declining auto sales, Westinghouse bankruptcy. Then theres the bubblicious valuations of companies like SNAP or TSLA. Then there's companies like VRX with debt to equity of about a 1000%. Reuters reported recently that credit ratings worldwide have never been this poor. Yes theres a few reasons to be cautious. A decent correction is long overdue.
then sell your stocks you fucking lunatic if you are so sure about the dip
>hurr durr I listened to John Bogle and can recite things
We all listened to him, but if you are unable to see what is about to go down, you are blind or stupid, possibly both
crypto is somewhere between being a precious metal share and an asset, so no one really knows how it'll behave, it can go either way
Up, way up
I've been hearing that for literally years now.
Go try to time the market some more lol
Literally shorting S and P rite now. Thx op
Sorry bro, but i think the dip is permanent.
where did u learn this? sounds interesting.
>being this fucking retarded that he confuses inflation with a stock market dip
zerohedge comments section
t. nocoiner
I wouldn't mind buying the dip.
Yet you plebs screech like autistic retards when proof is brought before you.
>watches the big short
>"guys! I've just had this crazy smart 100% original idea"
>doesn't even know the difference between a dip and a bubble
It was just a movie guy, and the story took place decades ago. We have crypto now, instead of making risky shorts you can just buy bitcoin which is on a massive uptrend & will work as a big hedge in case of economic FUD.
Question: although I am also quite skeptical about the current state of the global economy, I am wondering what the trigger for the next recession might be.
If I am not mistaken the trigger for 2007 was the revaluation of the interest rates on mortgages causing massive mortgage failure.
What can be the main trigger this time? I understand the everyone in the US is in a lot of debt and growth has been due to credit expansion, but as long as that remains steady not much is gonna happen.
So again, what could be the trigger to make the debt fueled society collapse.
>Banks in NL already start using 0% interest levels on saving accounts
>South Europe is still fucked even though the ECB threw billions at it
>ma refugees
>ma terrorist attacks
>ma brexit, frexit etc.
I have been holding some shitty stock I bought once due to emotion, it hasnt been doing that well, but it hasnt completely crashed either. Definetely not going to sell if some jew is ''''predicting'''' a dip
Just bought some of the ark dip!!
Thanks for the tip bro. I'll be doubling up my long positions. Just promise me that you won't kill yourself after the short squeeze :^)
I grabbed some too.
>buy high
>sell low
Stay poor
I've got around $25k cash in my brokerage account right now, I'm ready for a dip, volatile bear markets are fun times, I really enjoyed trading volatile and/or bankrupt stocks in 2008/9 like Pilgrim's Pride, GM, Ford, American Airlines, Reddy Ice, Circuit City, etc.