Help me understand the asians intelligence. Are they really as smart as they seem? I mean, we all had them in our classes and were in awe of their skills in math, science, etc... but is that REAL intelligence, or is it simply mimicking pattern since their parents whip them and shit?
Help me understand the asians intelligence. Are they really as smart as they seem? I mean...
I would say this is Veeky Forums related, considering asians will be in any area of the financial, business world.
You don't understand. Intelligence has nothing to do with where they're born. Your question is /pol/ tier because you present performance in mathematics as "intelligence" and as a characteristic of a group of people with no clear boundaries comprising around 4,5 Billion individuals.
Intelligence is not about doing well in mathematics. Maths are not valued equally in every culture.
You may think "Asians" are performing better than other people in maths but it's mainly because the ones studying in western universities are the very best, from the wealthiest families, who attended the best universities. There are also several cultural reasons to the better performance of "Asians" in maths, like the dedication to work and how they value education, or even their preference for reproduction instead of innovation (Is there even a single Asian winner of the Fields Medal?).
Intelligence is not genetic
Maths are not intelligence, just a cultural activity, more or less valued, more or less taught depending on where you live.
>inb4 muh transcultural IQ tests! Bell Curve!
They can do tasks that you tell them to do, but that's it. There's literally zero creativity.
sounds like someone sucks at math, lol.
>Is there even a single Asian winner of the Fields Medal?
There are 6 East Asian Fields medalists. 8 if you include an Indian and a Persian.
It's just their current culture that put an emphasis on math education. Only a very superficial level though, one might say.
>muh blank slate
biology is everything
3 japs, 1 taïwanese
If you count Russia and USSR as Asian you can push the number to 11/46
kek biology has almost nothing to do with social behaviors and culture. You became a faggot by yourself, not because your parents were faggots too.
This. The asians in the west are the top of their own societies, not some gutter cleaners. They've already been "selected" for intelligence, thats why they're doing well. Your average asian is about as dumb as your average european/burgerfat.
>Are they really as smart as they seem?
Yes and no.
We are extremely disciplined at memorization & mathematics. Chinese kids are doing Calculus in High School while you 'Merican schools keep getting dumbed down because your Niggers can't learn basic algebra. lol
On the other hand, Chinese kids have ZERO critical thinking ability. We're taught from birth to obey and never question authority.
We suck at innovation, but we'll copy your IP and undercut your pricing before you can spell "bankrupt".
>We suck at innovation, but we'll copy your IP and undercut your pricing before you can spell "bankrupt".
"Your brilliant Kickstarter idea could be on sale in China before you’ve even finished funding it."
Yekutiel Sherman couldn’t believe his eyes.
The Israeli entrepreneur had spent one year designing the product that would make him rich—a smartphone case that unfolds into a selfie stick. He had drawn up prototypes, secured some minimal funds from his family, and launched a crowdfunding campaign. He even shot a professional promo video, showing a couple taking the perfect selfie in front of the Eiffel Tower.
But one week after his product hit Kickstarter in December 2015, Sherman was shocked to see it for sale on AliExpress—Alibaba’s English-language wholesale site. Vendors across China were selling identical smartphone case selfie-sticks, using the same design Sherman came up with himself.
Sherman had become a victim of China’s lightning-fast copycats. Before he had even found a factory to make his new product, manufacturers in China had spied his idea online, and beaten him to the punch.
No, my wife is a college professor in Taipei. You would not believe some of the dumbest questions she gets daily from these students. Especially ones that ask for grade changes. Most are just like other students in class: on cellphone, applying makeup and sleeping. I work here and my boss was dumb and narrow minded..had no clue about computers or diversity to go with the industry and closed shop: no website, no online attempts to expand. Dumb people are everywhere, Asia is no exception.
They're intelligent. Their school system is strict. However, they lack any type of creativity, leadership and innovation. Hell, at universities they even have these after-school lessons about how to sleep in school without getting caught.
Race is everything you bluepilled faggot.
>Intelligence is not genetic
This is what the average libtard actually believes.
Your "redpill" is almost as wrong as saying genetics is not involved.
Heritability is the sum of genetics + environment. Different traits have variable genetic components. Best guess from multiple studies across the genetics field has found that with intelligence, genetic component is ~ 20%
So go read a book and put in some effort you stupid "redpilled" fickwit. Even you can become somewhat intelligent.
Source: a PhD in genetics
studies of identical twins separated at birth actually give nurture 60% of the variation at the most conservative.
source: Myth of the Blank Slate Steve Pinker
>kek biology has almost nothing to do with social behaviors and culture
The internet settled the nature vs nurture debate. Nature determines almost everything. Everyone has access to hoardes and hoardes of useful information at their fingertips. What do they do with it?
Genetics is 99%, sry faggot.
I am Asian. The ones you see studying in Europe are probably smarter than normal. Plenty of normal (amerifat, burger tier) Asians around. Just too stupid to travel alone.
Asians are smart, but it's more that they work very hard from a young age and are fucking driven.
But I think they lack the creativity and guts that white people have.
Every race has it's strengths and weaknesses, but I think Whites and Latinos have a really good balance of brains-brawn-lifestyle
ITT: /pol/ faggotry
West has been mimicking and stealing shit from Asia from Day 1. Literally the West's idea of creativity is stealing shit from other people then claiming it as their own.
Proof: You're on an anime message board which is a copy of an anime message board.
Oh yeah? Tell be genes affect intelligence and their method of effect.
>hurr they correlate so there must be casuation
My American Highschool in Alabama had an AP Calculus AB Course what are you on?