/wfg/ - Warframe General

Nekros edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png
(Due to a large influx of applications, the clan is full for the time being.)

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/kYhdYFc
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Riven Prices: wftrader.com/nindex.php
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.3.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/879496-plains-of-eidolon-update-2230/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/836927-hydroid-prime-update-2160/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Nezha a thicc

>tips on how to build limbo?
>which limbo skill is the one where there is like red blocks that comes off him and everyone dies?
>rolling limbo

vigilante armaments and hunter munitions are subpar mods with a low chance at impressive outcomes that stick in peoples memory and cause them to be overvalued

Go fuck yourself

ember is credit to team on this event

I want to stick my ____ up the newfags reddit spaces!

>some discussion is about to be revived
good job, OP you fuckin faggot

do the weapon classes for zaws have a very mobile stance like final harbinger

>>which limbo skill is the one where there is like red blocks that comes off him and everyone dies?
that ability is called having a quanta

who are you quoting?

xth for keeping pedos off this board, site and out of society


kys my man















>Bounties count towards daily cap
What the fucking fuck.
This shit is timed. What is even the point of trading fishes and ores then?

>max out zenurik energy dash and pulse
>zero incentive to actually do anything else because every other bonus is just so inconsequential
nice rework you did there DEtards

>what do you mean?

Pls post girl(boy) tater

>I'm helping by making things worse
I want to keep discussions about pedo shit off this board, but shaming them and making them ostracized rather than helping them or rehabilitating them only makes child rape/murder rates go up, you stupid faggot

Truth. She wrecks 'em. Just jumping up there, slapping down a hefty slam, and then it practically just explodes.

Go away retard. We don't want your kind here.

I actually read that in his voice what the fuck


taters aren't kids, taters have lived more lifetimes than your whole current family combined with the body of a teenager (which includes 18 and 19). Have you stood next to Nakak with your Tenno? You're not exactly a child, you fucking retard



>Run 2 (T W O) Meso N4 radshares
>Both times we get only Oberon primes

Pic related
Also fun fact, the probability to get 4 Oberon Prime BP's twice in a row is 2.56e-6


Well, I farmed those a long time ago, I recommend always scrolling down and checking the user's comments on the wiki.
People always report where they got their drops. For example I see some people complaining that they seem to not get this mod from Ceres but 2 of the most recent comments says they were "lucky" on Saturn.

what a disgusting goblin

nth for reporting obvious offtopic bait like this

IGN: KnRyuu

"...and so a dreamer shall return,
borne on glassy silver wings,
through harrowing trials,
he shall defeat the diseased queens.
His brethren he hopes to rejoin,
for silver and red is his coin.
Their enemies shall despair,
As they strike across the plains from the air,
Their mistake was thinking of us solo,
We are family, we are Tenno."



I only had enough traces for two N4's, and DE blew it for me.

i love you too user :^)

>twitch prime frame

it's all too bad. I refuse to believe it's not bait.


user you're gonna shit on frame I post who cares which one it is :^)

fishes are way more efficient. there is no point to trading ores.

max out the naramon waybounds so you can use them with zenurik for void dashing that's faster than everything but nova and itzal
travel over 210m in a second while invincible

if there are no rewards worth your time in the bounties, you could always sell your ores or fish to instantly get all the points in the day without going into the plains, from previous adventures in the plains, kinda like the quils.

When do I get more amps? I'm still stuck on this shitty Mote amp.

Should the average chiper time be low or high?
Is 6 seconds b-bad?

When you've ground for an annoying amount of time to get one.

Get seven murkray livers from the event while you can, it'll let you skip one of the more tedious bits.

gonna have Nekros Prime soon. I know Despoil is more or less a must, but what else is best for it?



Don't worry about despoil. Range + efficiency is really all you need.

so hunter munitions is super overrated right? I noticed that the price plummeted over the last couple of days, lmao at anyone who bought it for 70 plat

is there a loadout that can actually use 5/6 or 6/6 of the hunter set?

Should be low. I'd say 6s is pretty decent
>Tfw you have 5s though
This absolute shitter here should just craft auto-ciphers

that is cuuuuuuute as fuck

get it down to 5 seconds

yeah fuck all the meme spouting morons, I've found a few comfy uses for it but it isn't actually top tier.If it gets nerfed because of them I will be very upset

Is farming credits using the Index still possible? If yes, how do I do it?

6 seconds is fine, 5 seconds is going to earth and other easy missions, 6 seconds is a sign of someone who does a lot of high level missions

go there and kill guys

Who's this cute girl(male)?

5 is standard, nothing special.

Index is still the best way to farm credits. Just run the low or medium modes over and over. Get to the threshold then stop scoring and start letting the enemies score

>a few comfy uses for it
like what?

Show me someone who has 4s over at least 2000 ciphers though desu

IGN: Galimor

Where have all the Warbros gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the Warbros gone?
Long, long time ago.
Where have all the Warbros gone?

They're fed up with this shit game, yet still return.
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

>someone is getting some Nezha dick tomorrow
aww~ user you do care~

>7% qr

4-5 seconds is from doing a lot of NMLoR because you can end up doing 20 per mission and those only take 3-4 seconds and it won't let you use ciphers

is it normal to feel protective of my lil operator

not him, but it made me actually finish my ignis wraith build since I didnt want to just copy my normal ignis.
I also like it on the buzlok and my riven harpak.

Best sentinel for Nekros?


a majority of people don't typically do LoR because people are a little uptight about it, though, user, so there are even veterans who haven't done it, so how would they ever get to NMLoR? 6 seconds is typical if you do high level missions, 5 seconds is a gimmick

well they are dumb enougth to go into battle where the enemy number by the hundred with explosive weapons, flying murder robots and wear no armor at all but what seems to be a toy gun made from fish parts.

can you read, user?

my little user cant into reading comprehension

She's called 'original' and she's girl(girl).

Apparently its you who can't into reading comprehension. Your 5 seconds is absolutely nothing special as evidenced by the pic. The fact that you nor I can come up with a

with a good synapse riven there's finally a decent beam weapon. I can fit sinister reach and hunters munition and still have >20k sustained pure radiation dps and guarenteed constant crits with this baby I snagged for 45p.

it isn't as good as normal corrosive akstilleto prime but I enjoy it



If I had to guess you use cipher keys constantly and probably haven't done nightmare/sortie content extensively

>Ask for 4s cipher speed
>Some retard posts his 5s chipher speed
I never claimed it was special though you absolute shitter, it was just a joke since my cipher time was higher than that animeposter's

>I'm only pretending to be retarded
I wasn't contesting your """point"" you weren't making one, you stupid fucking faggot, you were just trying to show your ciphers solved and you didn't read and now you're trying to save your ass for being an illiterate retard , though, I was just saying you didn't read :^/

New guy
What the fuck does pic related mean
I've tried to find out but this shit eludes me
Please help

>new exodias are shit except for one that has a grating bug that should be fixed
>seemingly cant trade the plague parts for some odd god forsaken reason
>wisps gems and forma are the most valuable
>at the same time running the event is uncredibly boring and dull
i think im done? this feels like it, or i have a severe depression added to the disgust of WF grind

all im missing is gara and zaws MR but tbqh fuck that noise

see you guys in the xmas PA announcement

Can a kind user spoonfeed me on their favorite Balla dagger components? I'm thinking of doing Peye and and Vargeet Jai II to have decent CL dagger and something I can use outside of just CL.

omg user get off of earth, there's a lot more than those two tilesets

>regular enemy units do practically no damage
>napalms do a billion damage per second

great game

tiers = levels of map on starchart
rotation = mission rewards in order of aabc

Only for the corpus hacks, since I never struggle with grineer ones

fastest dagger will also combo faster

your choice are crit or status. methinks that crit is the safe bet with zaws

Your initial point() was that 6 is decent, implying that yourself having 5 seconds is better, jerking your ego like you always do. Now tell me that wasn't you, please do. I havent pity laughed in a while and miss it.

On a Tier 3 Survival or Excavation mission, there is a 7.14% chance for Split Chamber to drop on the 'B' or 2nd rotation (10 minutes, 2nd excavator). Tier 3 Defense has a 2.26% chance to drop Split Chamber on Rotation C or Wave 15. A Dark Sector 3 Survival mission also has a 7.14% chance to drop Split Chamber on its 'B' rotation, or 10 minute reward.

defense, survival and excavation missions have rewards pulled from a table at certain intervals (waves, time, and excavators, respectively) these tables have three reward rotations, (generally referred to as A, B, and C, despite the reward pattern being AABC) all such missions have tiers their rewards are pulled from, all defenses from certain planets have the same reward pool, mercury and earth are both tier 1, for example. the percentage is how likely split chamber, in this case, is to drop from the specific mission, in that specific tier, on that specific rotation (each rotation has multiple possible rewards)

if you want something usable outside of just CL I suggest viral + slash + condition overload. you can use weeping wounds to patch up the status chance towards 100% if need be. It worked well enough for me on the sheev.

B is 15 and C is 20 you fucking moron

lmfao this esl thirdie is still trying to salvage what remains of his pride after being outed

>5s cipher is not better than 6s
I swear to fucking god you only find this kind of stupidity on Veeky Forums

hey, here, I meant to respond to and now I'm the illiterate retard, you're all rubbing off on me I hope you all get your meat shirts cut open and choked with your gut sausage

Balla Peye Jai II is pretty much all you need, choosing the Ekwana Jai II or Vargeet Jai II is personal preference. You can use the Vargeet for berserker, although it doesn't affect finisher speed, or Ekwana for Condition Overload. meme