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It's a picture showing the spread of the bubonic plague in 14th century Europe.
polish people really like cows
I think he's asking how the plague is spreading through the picture itself
What does green indicate?
It isn't on the legend.
superstition. I believe the poles were smart enough to not exterminate all the cats (because muh witches) and they kept themselves relativity clean when compared to the other Europeans
Why is bruges in cyan? I think the poles locked down their country so it didn't spread to them
Dunno but that part of Belgium wasn't effected by the plague.
Must have been an error.
I don't think anyone knows the exact reason, or combination of reasons for Poland getting out scot free
Milan however shut its gates for 5 years, not letting anyone in or out, and outright disposed of anyone inside the city who was visibly sick until the plague passed.
>Basques and Poles are genetically the whitest people
>Don't get affected by the plague
Coincidence? I think yes.
The Milanese are white as fuck too
Polish king Casimir III ordered quarantines on borders and in royal cities. It worked like a charm.
that's why he's called "Great" too bad he didn't get a legit heir and the Piast line died with him.
Poland protected the Jews so in turn Yahweh spared them his wrath.
Its always something isn't it. So many great leaders legacies that sometimes didn't even last half a century
Bubonic plague don't like Poland, Milan and East Germany. :)
That's the problem with hypercompetent autocrats. Their success relies on making everything depend on them, which means everything collapses once they die. The lightning of genius rarely strikes twice in a row.
The (((merchants))) did the plague
King in 14Century"I go Crusede"
Ten years later " Oh, no I have bubonic plague in country"
RIP in piece, Piasts were based
they were
truly he best Slavshit dynasty
But later Poland have Union with Hungary.
How the fuck did it reach Sicily and Corsica
same way it reached everywhere else past Constantinople
Oh look its this thread again.
In before: Why didnt they just close all the borders?
Piast in Silesia governed to the seventeenth century
Imagine if all those countries united
Tell them only that the Piast are dead, and that Poland died with them.
Now go. Leave this place and never return.
From what I remember Milan had a very strict quarantine during the plague. I believe in the case of Poland the sparse population and large numbers of Jews who did hygenic practices for religious reasons helped mitigate the spread of the Plague
yeah but the Sejm was full of cunts who should all die because they didn't fucking put a Piast on the throne they gave it to some other fucker instead which would eventually lead it into a tradition of being a decentralized state that constantly got paralyzed by lazy szlachta instead of not absorbing a retarded amount of lithuanian land and becoming a strong centralized state like everyone else.
It fucking empire, but aristocracy (szlachta) can destroy it.
New to Veeky Forums . Piast looks interesting. Can you recommend me books about him?. ( or books that have his time period included).
We've had serious plague epidemics in Romania till 19th century, even early 20th. Beat that.
Where are you from?
/pol/ and started Veeky Forums a couple of months ago.
Literally a zombie apocalypse
He means your country, mate
Trade routes, population density and climate.
Mother Bulgaria.
Poland didn't have any wells to poison
Not even rats want to live in Poland.
what the fuck did they do in Milan
no jews to poison the wells
Poland had a lot of Jews though
aryan genes from sarmatia
lol'd out loud
*no wells for jews to poison
Can't find it anywhere to download.
Sardinia, boats, at least a decade, so stupid they couldn't even read, yada yada
Here you go.
define "whitest"
Best books on plagues/endemics throughout history?
You guys better stick to posting images of swords and armor
are you retarded
I remember that thread.
You don't poison the wells you are drinking from, and Jews had it comfy in Poland.
Fucking savage
Probably via fleas.
why is Bruges green
Not even bubonic plague wants to touch poles
butthurt squad already here
>poland should have centralised and lost the interesting political system it had
it was intervention from foreign realms that wanted to fuck over poland that destroyed, they were the ones who slowed down the political process
>b-but muh enlightened friedrich and stupid poolack animals
All that had to be done to make it work smoothly was removal of Liberum Veto and pic related before Cossacks chimped out under the leadership of Chmielnicki
Oh fuck I was in that one.
God hates non-slavs
Op forgot to upload the legend...
Kept their gates shut and bricked up people alive in their homes if anybody living there seemed to have the plague.
They tried that in London too after the first outbreaks and it worked more or less.
What's up with Magdeburg? Was it part of poland?
Poles are Wends
That's true though.
please don't contribute to the degeneracy of this board
Why is there purple areas
You need some immigrants to strengthen your board. I am glad to help.
what a qt
Poland had small cities, most people lived in small villeges acros the country and they didnt travel muh so plaque didint spread.
God's Playground
nie pozwalam!
Holy kek, mate
more like this
Thank you. Instantly downloaded. I love thick books even more than thicc women.
what about russian region
I live in Milan.
Was it a Civ player?
what's up with bruges?
Hurr, 13th and 14th centuries are times of massive city building and urbanisation in Poland.
So what? Poland was still less urbanised then most countries in Europe.
I still believe he's a master ruseman to this day.
Define most
If it was the case, areas poorer that Poland (or similar) wouldn't get plague either, so: whole Scandinavia, Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, England, Scotland, Ireland, Portugal, Castille.
>poorer that Poland
no such thing
You're a fucking retard
>Unironically thinking someone unironically can be poorer than Poland