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Mascot Monday

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>Atlus' online shop is now open: shop.atlus.com/
>Yukiko confirmed for Blazblue Cross Tag Battle: personacentral.com/yukiko-announced-playable-persona-character-blazblue-cross-tag-battle/
>Chie confirmed for Blazblue Cross Tag Battle: personacentral.com/chie-announced-playable-persona-character-blazblue-cross-tag-battle/
>Yosuke confirmed for BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle: personacentral.com/yosuke-announced-playable-persona-character-blazblue-cross-tag-battle/
>Persona 4 featured in BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle: personacentral.com/blazblue-cross-tag-battle-announced-features-persona-4-arena/
>Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night revealed: persona-dance.jp/
>Persona Q2 revealed: pq2.jp
>Persona 5 anime coming in 2018: personacentral.com/persona-5-animation-announced-air-2018/

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I love Ann!

Claiming this go-go girl that makes me go ga-ga.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.

Me too!

Machines > Meatbags

I really don't. Maybe she's saying it with humorous effect but comparing with her usual irreverent and slightly pervy dialogue I'd say she's being absolutely sincere.

Futaba, to my knowledge, never once looks down on someone for admiring a girl's body and does so about as often as any of the boys do.

yes but aigis is worst toaster

Best boy is actually best girl.

>Futaba, to my knowledge, never once looks down on someone for admiring a girl's body and does so about as often as any of the boys do.

Let's be real, in Mementos alone she does it MORE.

I can't wait for Persona 5 Akechi Goro of the Resurrection!

Obligatory Makoto post

Ann is a love machine.

I like how only Mementos gave out the kind of details that P4 had front and center all the time. That and also how the beach scenes were handled illustrate perfectly just how different the design philosophy was for the two games.

So you're implying she's artificial?

Well if she was real the world wouldn't be the sack of shit that it is, so yeah

Yeah, I know. Thanks user, you're one of the good ones.

No, just inhumanly attractive and built for loving.

shes mine /pg/

She's mine /pg/

Ann's bone structure is so inhumanly thin even by anime standards and her flexibility is just scary. I feel like I could tell her to stand-up, strip naked and fold herself 7 times and she could actually do it.

>Lemme just paint a circle on the ground around me without moving my legs real quick


>not the first post from this IP

who do you think it is?

I'm so hungry for (You)s, please give me (You)s

he's mine /pg/


I agree, she is a little fucked up in that animation. I've also seen this exact picture and text used before, but still a good read.

Ya got me! It was FuukaFriend behind the ugly posting the whole time!

Huh, I didn't copy-paste. I guess my opinion is just really clear in my mind.

whoa guys sorry i can't hang around to chat there's a great deal on protein powder at junes but I was just thinking what if you vivisected futaba in front of sojiro and while she was still alive you poured boiling hot curry into her insides and the intense heat on her exposed womb made her cum right before she died haha kamoshida out

Fuuka more like Fuck off haha

IT HUGNERS.......... FOR MORE........

we know, futaba

I'd like to HUGNER Futaba.

Futaba! I Hugner!

Are you sure? Maybe you just made a similar post before. Oh well. I didn't mean it as a bad thing.

I'm glad to see a new FuukaFriend.


>also not the first post from this IP

Is /pg/ being raided by Ace Defectives?

y-you too

She's pretty great.

I have no stake in this, but people who watch IP activity and run same image searches should probably just take a fap break and come back when they give less of a shit.



I get it was intentional, since "not having a place where you belong" is the central theme of P5, but I really missed hearing a voiced line of someone welcoming me home every calendar day like in P3 and P4.

She is. Here's her great tummy.

Phantom is from Sumaru City!

Sojiro says "Ah, you're back." when you walk in.
Sure, it isn't as joyful as Nanako's, but it's probably about the same as Akihiko's "Where have you been?"

I feel like most days he just kinda sighs wistfully.

All of SEES would actually greet you.

Well he isn't a very happy man, user.


The love of his life died and his daughter wouldn't talk to him for like 2 years.

Pretty great and pretty cute.

Haru is a beautiful rich woman and Joker is her trophy husband!

>had to give a huge chunk of money to adopted daughter's relative to get him to fuck off
>his cafe doesn't do much business
>his adopted daughter is a shut in who won't talk to him and he doesn't know how to help her
>woman who he loved 'killed herself'

There are some things he couldn't hoo boy away

Any Futabafags and Aoi Yuukifags that posts past this shall be cursed

I miss fuukafag


How can you fag for a voice actress? That makes no sense to me.

Yeah, from memory:
>Junpei: 'sup dude
>Fuuka: Hi! How was your day! (really enthusiastic)
>Yukari: Oh hey.
>Akihiko: Where have you been!?
>Mitsuru: Welcome back.
I forget Ken and I'm not even sure if Shinji had one but it was probably "..." I think Aigis was like "You have returned." but changed when she started becoming a real girl.

>when she started becoming a real girl.

I think Shinji said "Hey" or something. Ken for sure had a greeting but I don't remember.

And Koromaru would bark excitedly because he's a good boy.

Any Annfags and Nana Mizukifags that posts past this shall be cursed

Any Harufags and whatshernameagainfags that posts past this shall be cursed

>Fuuka: Hi! How was your day! (really enthusiastic)
>only one that's genuinely interested in your wellbeing



Good night.

Nigga the least you could do was search up her name on Google. 0/10

Night Personabab.

Oh nooooooooo

Haru doesn't deserve my time mate

If she's real enough to leak from her crotch manifold when she thinks about lewd, she's real enough for me.

Well she's not real enough to do that


you guys never told me Kuma was best boy

Go back to the tv world please Teddie

Kuma isn't even the best trap in P4.


ann is a boring character

That's because he's best girl.


I strongly disagree but it's ok to think that

Well defined

The only boring character in P5 is Ohya and she still provides a perspective on relationships that no one else in P5 has

I strongly disagree.

Ohya is fucking amazing, she's very cute but modest about it, her story and her personality is extremely endearing.

post her

i just think she's not super interesting. there's very little going on in her s-link besides her losing & gaining interest in modeling intermittently, and in group scenes she rarely does anything that isn't just being a ditzy, super positive blonde or being mad at ryuji

Post your doujin ideas
>While in college, Joker gets a hands on lesson in sex ed from his qt RA
Are RAs even a thing in Japan?

let me guess, it's kawagranny, right?

I'd certainly be surprised if Kawakami went from being a homeroom teacher to a college RA

I don't like Futaba, Haru, Ann, Makoto, Sae, Chihaya, Hifumi, Tae, Kawakami, and Ohya.

Aigis goes through puberty as she becomes more real, and drags Makoto off several times a day to roughly facefuck and forcefully ride him to relieve her urges.

For love still ongiong
For my Chihiro and her Justice

Is it really facefucking if the girl is doing it to herself?

>forgot the twins

This but only with Makoto

god damn doujin-chan, you even added my ironic meta post (4602-4606)

No, she's using HIS face.

This but only with Ann

>still no persona game that let us kill a girl in the game
Atlus need to understand where there's love, there's hate as well

Well that would be intense facesitting them
I try to be thorough