/wfg/ - Warframe General

recoloured lephantis grind edition

>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png
(Due to a large influx of applications, the clan is full for the time being.)

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/kYhdYFc
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Riven Prices: wftrader.com/nindex.php
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.3.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/879496-plains-of-eidolon-update-2230/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/836927-hydroid-prime-update-2160/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh


Nezha still a cute


all of these mods are crap

why are all the set mods shit?

>he doesn't know

>finally have Tigris Prime as main 'fuck this shit' weapon, fully modded
>finally have fun secondary weapon I use most of the time because fuck using Tigris all the time and trivializing shit
>almost have fully modded Guandao
So what do I do now, I can't think of anything I genuinely want to grind. I've already got an 8 forma pet so it's not like I can waste some time with that. Arcane grinding just doesn't appeal to me.

I could go try to make some 'fun' weapons, but I know I'd just end up defaulting back to my current setup

There are some gems hidden

Like pistol damage primary multishot and memelee combo critical multiplier

But even then only a newbie would be interested on the whole set

I told myself I wouldn't, but I think I'm gonna go to the market and drop however much plat for an argonak riven just so I can roll it until I get -zoom
I don't even care what the other States are, I just want to use this gun without looking through a fucking telescope every time I want to ADS.
Who the fuck thought giving it this much zoom was a good idea

>no bow for bow only sorties
>no sniper for sniper only sorties and POE
>no fully modded ignis wraith for trash clearing and syndicate medallion hunting

Run event for amp parts and format

Get rivens and roll them to perfection

Grab the amprex and fully forma it for fun times.

Is there any point to standing cap in quills? One night and I'm already over my daily limit.

You guys think I could jew a Brakk riven or is there nobody using it?

what does crit link do

Please please tell me aksomati is not trash

I have a riven for it and I wanna believe on the gun but that fucking ammo economy is killing me

I want Ivara to sit on my face with her frog booty.

I've got a fully modded Rakta Cernos for bow
Fully modded Vectis for sniper
Don't have an Ignis, so I guess I could do that with the Munitions mod

Already done like 30 boss runs of the event and it's fucking aids, but I've still got shit for Zaws, picked up a decent amount of resources, grabbed like 10 formas just sitting around

>muh ammo economy

Explain why you aren't using Carrier user. 'ammo economy' is a non-issue.

I wasted like 70plat buying keys for mutalist alad v and got and got full mesa in like 6 tries did i do good?

It's trash

>Who the fuck thought giving it this much zoom was a good idea

its made for POE desu

Not even PoE needs this much zoom.
Honestly I'd be much happier if ADS on all weapons was just an aim sensitivity switch. Even on snipers I've never found the zoom to be helpful, just the lowered sensitivity and increased shot accuracy.

If it weren't for the fact that bullets fired literally aren't as accurate during hipfire I'd just make a DPI toggle and use that.

To ask again from last thread. For Ember it's str>range>eff>dur right? Also something about keep like 80 duration or something close to 100 due to energy drain.

Somebody never seen what +zoom riven Seer is like

for ember you wanna pick a real frame


is the snipetron supposed to be complete garbage or am I using it wrong

>is the snipetron supposed to be complete garbage

its mr fodder what do you expect?

What's the best non-deconstructor sentinel weapon?

artax because sentinel dps is trash anyway

Vulklok with a Riven

You can see just how old the thing is by looking at its stats. Yes, it's fuckin garbage.

I second that. You can't go wrong with a mini-Lanka.

Should I grind for Harrow or be lazy and buy it with plat

Titania needs more energy.
prime when?

It makes no sense to have a Titania Prime, lorewise. But they didn't give a fuck about valkyr prime so fuck it

So how do I go about this?
Do I rank it up? Reroll it? Or just sell as is?

>tfw have a vulklok riven and thought nobody would ever want it
Should I actually start rolling it? What stats should it have?

>narrow minded, streamline, flow, continuity
Only ever have energy issues in PoE
Uh, yeah it does.

>5.5 minutes of razorwing (assuming you never pick up a single energy orb) isn't enough

Prime bonds is the funniest part I guess

It's not.

Insect frame when?

Well he didn't turn out to be very big, what now?

Then you're an idiot, because you'd have to actively try in order to fuck that up.

It's basically Lanka, but for sentinels and Grineer somehow. You build it in the exact same way excluding conditional mods cuz sentinel, with damage/multi/crit/status. RoF is also good.

wasnt mag supposed to be tenno made but she also got a prime?

Titania was made by some scientist turned tenno. There is not prime version of her because the orokin didn't make her. Did you play the quest?

My personal Vulklok riven has dmg/mutli/projectile speed + negative ammo maximum. So I got the perfect riven.

Better than most, I got mine in 3 runs.

Titania now has suffered through tens/hundred of years of tear and wear.
Prime is as she originally was, made by orokin scientist nonetheless.
What is so hard to understand?

cosign, you have no room for failures

Regardless though, quest frames are getting primes dead last confirmed.
So she'll get one in multiple years from now if she does end up with one.

Literally Titania.


Did you? She was a contracted researcher who finished Titania while stealing the tech to perform transference. She never became a 10o, she never kept titties hidden from the Orokin, in fact Ballas undoubtedly saw it first-hand once completed; She just absconded and then placed her own mind in a goddamn tree and got stuck there.

>fully modded ignis wraith
>syndicate medallion hunting

What? Does it somehow vacuum those shits?

I want to impale pixie-form Titania on my dick.

Yours? Why not Nezha's? He's so much bigger, it'd be so much more fun to watch!


>new alt-fire for ignis to succ items from a distance
>unneeded ammo transforms into rifle ammo

I want to see her abdomen bulge and tears roll down her face user. I don't want to fucking kill her.

>equip loot detector
>point ignis in general direction of room from 30m away
>break every box
>run in and vaccum shit up

the reminding squares on minimap are the medallions


>try doing medallion stuff with a pubs
>retards dont break containers so everyone is fucking running around in circles because its fucking over loot radar

You certainly have the chicken look down

which part of the amp gives mastery and whats the best combo again?

medallions and caches need their own icons

>making game better
Xaxa buy plat 10o!

that'll make game too easy, we cant have that



1/15 alone

>tfw breaking loot crates and resources pop out, leaving another square on the minimap

I got spare mutalist alad v keys anyone want them 3 for 30plat?

Now that's what I call Judaism

I got spare mutalist alad v keys anyone want them 3 for 29 plat?

I dont give a fuck. Make your own mistakes you sheep.

check the warframe.market price before you go and call me a jew you retard

go to spanish trade chat for that lad
i bough 9 keys for 45 plat there

*notices forma.

>go look at these other kikes before calling me a jew
Congrats, you're both Jews.

Which warframe is the best for jerking off in captura?

Nezha obviously

Nova if you like ass


so you are saying that warframe.market buy price is a bad place to gauge a fair price?

Ok ill just use WFtrading from now on thanks for the advice goyim

>fair price for farmable resources
They shouldn't be tradable at all because there's never a reason to buy them. Anyone who buys them is a goy and anyone who sells them is a kike.

Honestly relying on sentinels to get kills is one of the worst things you can do.
With that said, I like Sweeper with max Fire Rate and all four 60/60 status mods (Corrosive + Blast).

It basically keeps knocking down nearby enemies nonstop because of the Blast procs.

Oh that's what you meant. I use concealed explosives for that and/or spin attacks.

Other than valkyr (not a fan of her melee), are there any female tank frames?

Everyone post exactly what you're doing right now


>be wageslave whale
>no time to farm
>wants to buy orokin cells

wtf DE????

>either do the archaic invasions for one piece that you need 3 of just to make one key that doesnt guarantee the part you want drops from boss or fucking hope you get that 5% droprate from hive or rotation c
>only choices are to either farm useless content like a retard/pay full fucking plat price or take a minor gamble with a high rate chance and just throw some plat at another player for some keys to get the frame

Idk user aslong as the person isnt trying to fucking milk you of plat id much rather waste like 40-50 plat on another player than i would just sending 220 plat into the DE void for one fucking frame

wew finally. Now how do I not be complete trash with him/her?

Ember. Before they ripped off Overheat.

>mfw grinding on craptop because main pc literally crashes everytime i enter the plains

Grinding in one game while being put back to level 1 in another