Fate Grand Order General /fgog/

Previous: >EoR IV: Salem


>Christmas 2016 Rerun 11/15 to 11/24
***Lottery limited to maximum 10 rounds
>Christmas 2016 dropmap
>Ishtar, Jing Ke, and Ushiwakamaru are always in the rate-up
Saint Martha: 20, 22-25, 27, 29
Emiya: 21, 22-25, 28, 29
Nursery Rhyme: 22-25, 26, 29

>Apocrypha Anime Event
1 Quartz everyday for a week
1 New 4* CE Brave Sieg
>Astolfo is always in the rate-up
21-22 - Amakusa

>Monthly items: Chains of the Fool, Poison Sting, Hero Proof.


>Farming Guide

pastebin.com/Hp918cqA (embed)

>Mega Pastebin
pastebin.com/HTrhq7Nk (embed)

>TLs Pastebins
pastebin.com/RA8Px5jz (embed)
pastebin.com/yP9nRYZM (embed)

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm a smart master!

Calamity Jane SOON
Alexander Graham Bell SOON

Why is Merlin 10.0 if he can't solo fuyuki Herc?

He is a support servant, he isnt a damage dealer

Reminder Scat is stronger than Lancelot in lore

which servant would you hatefuck until they were pregnant

>Cufag think his shitty servant is better than Herc with Bond CE

But he can solo herc. He just turns herc into a girl therefore making him a naked chick since herc doesn't wear a shirt, and this game isn't r-18 so herc gets banned from the game so merlin wins automatically. merlin is the best servant in the game, afterall.

>scared of Altera
>who got BTFO by Saber Alter
>who is weaker than Lancelot with a pole

Nobu a beast!



Rin is a whore

>Scatfags still butthurt she can't solo anything whereas Cu can solo almost any boss in the game


isn't she cold

Merlin has way bigger attack though.
Has offensive buffs too.
He can deal damage just fine.
His survival skills is good too.

>when Cu exists

>summer servant
>level 50
nice bought account

>soloing matters guys

He can even solo Lancelot in lore wise.

Cu > Herc and Scat
Because using Cu need more skill than them.

>Herkeks had to wait ONE FUCKING YEAR to clear Pre Nerf Nero
>same year in which Gilgameme clears Pre Nerf Nero in 3 turns and Lancelot does it in 4
It's hilarious how the Herkeks think their favorite is relevant for anything other than low tier quests.

You aren't much better Gilgamemers you might have beaten Pre Nerf Nero one turn faster than INVINCIBLE but you still failed to beat King Hassan.

>tfw Lancelot can't solo any bosses


Boy, was I wrong.



What happened to Azalea bros?

>gets btfo by Altera

But i beat KH. And i have Herc with CE and Gilgamesh in my Chaldea.


>gilgacuck can clear pre nerf nero in 3 turns
>cushit and herkek can't

Does that mean Lancelot is worse than Cu?

>Lancelot is in 2 different classes, both are 4*
>Gilgamesh is in 2 different classes with 3 differing forms, them being 3*, 4* and 5*
>Heracles is in 1 class only, a 4*

>Cu Chulainn is in 3 different classes with 4 forms, them being 3 3* and one 5*
Ummm, Gilkeks, Herackeks, Jetsfags, mind explaining this?

>known to have superior eyesight and SENRIGAN
>no eyes
What is this meme?

>Marvel's Sigurd is a black guy who is hiding from Asgardian space cops and angry ex-girlfriends because he fucked Thor's granddad's girl
>spends a thousand years sleeping around with human women while flying below the radar to keep Norse spacelaw off his case
Is it bad that I kinda want this in Fate?

Great way to start the thread, guys

But let me remind you that if your servant isn't Arts meme, they aren't worth shit

Please don't forget to mention that Lancelot needed 3 CS for that.

No you haven't youtube.com/kRXW9KxcCc4


>Dogfags and Hercucks thinking they can solo ANYTHING without help from a support.
The levels of delusions are astonishing.

>Gilgamesh has 3 differing forms

Shitposting is the only thing this general deserve.

>Gilgamesh and Lancelot can both Artsmeme
>Heracles and Cu Chulainn can't
wtf, i thought heracles and cu chulainn were the superior servants?

Not really, no. She is the demon king, after all.
I wish I could have her final ascension for the weather.

>A skilled Cu specialist on the other hand can adapt to situations

Prove him wrong then. Oh wait, you can't

But Cu solo'd a lot of bosses!

>making shit up
At best he used one. Meanwhile, Gilgameme needed TWO MERLINS for the 3 turn clear.

>the servant with the most garbage np gain in the game and 1 arts cards can Arts meme
What did he mean by this.


>can solo bosses
>but can't solo Cursed Arm
>when Kirei easily did it
Kirei >>> Cu

Semi-sama fucking when

Lancelot (Saber)

Cu can

He meant Saber.

>Cufags things they have any kind of opportunity against challenge quest bosses
You retards are kidding yourselves

I swear there's probably no other bubble of the global TM community that gives as much of a rat's shit about Sigurd as /fgog/, and I have no idea why.

Try to use your brain.

Sita when?

Alternate forms count.
But not that one.

This fucking thread

I thought Melvin hated Saber Lancelot

Late November. For real this time. Not like in Babylonia where a false alarm went off before anything was confirmed. This time it's guaranteed to be her time to shine.

The video that the jetfag posted and used as proof had the player use 3 CS. Even with two Waver Lancelot couldn't charge his NP more than once because he had LBd dmg CE equipped.

Cu can, he's just that powerful.
Scat a shit.



>Gilgamesh can clear pre-nerf Nerofestival
>but can't win usual japanese school student
Explain this gilhags.

Cu specialist btw

more costumes when?

Also remember that Lancelot destroying Nerofest Gilgamesh in 1 turn means that he could indeed just shit on Goetia in 1 turn, as both have the same HP.



He's varying his shitposting to try and seem like he's not spamming proxies.
Notice how he's praising Heracles just because he wants to shitpost Cu when normally he hates Heracles.

>They are actually bringing up "muh survival skills" over the actual subject
We need someone to make that "muh dick" image but with Cufags saying "muh survival" to everything.

>Achilles's horses said in the novel that if Achilles had fell off his chariot during the plane scene he would die
Does this mean CIA is the strongest person because throwing people off a plane would kill them because of gravity

Nope, used one CS. 3 CS is for the 2016 clear.

wait you can kill Servants by dropping them fron a high distance

Achiles can't solo gravity
Uuuuu achileskeks?

CIA is the strongest because he shoots people BEFORE throwing them out of a plane.
He has a conceptual weakness against BIG GUYS though.

>Cufags are Reddit
You guys are literally this stupid. Aren't you?

And then you wonder why everyone who ever actually did stuff here left. Look up threads from early 2016 and just take a whiff of how fucking hard this place degenerated.

You sure like moving the goalposts

Well yeah most servants don't have a way to deal with gravity or soften the fall.

Argue with the comprehensive body of video evidence that demonstrates Cu can solo the hardest quests on the game. And Honako Green doesn't post on Reddit often.

>that guy who said non magical weapons can't hurt, let alone kill servants
Achilles just BTFO him, huh?

Not much has changed. Don't try to pretend you were there to see the shitposting in 2016, newfag.

Melvin has Protection of the Mods A.
Nothing we can do about that.

>Is Arts meme
>High survivability
>Higher than 10.0 on the Ten Commandments

>cu can't solo anything!
>yes he can

>reddit is bad meme
>cu is not the best servant meme
Typical /a/tard.

I guess I remembered it wrong. Do you have the vid of the 2017 clear?


>pleases old men for quartz

Yeah sure is, I loved the discord drama over this


How could this happen..... Herkbros....

Which one do you want to be our helper in Salem?

I'd say it's because the earth is something special and can hurt them. If not throwing them against a wall or the ground would do nothing.

>Not much has changed.

Sure, that's why everyone who organized info, pastebins and did translations fucked off like a year ago after you retards ramped up the shitposting past summer. There's nothing left here save you monotonous fucks.