/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

The League edition

Last thread got purged by the League Confederates.

>information. If you're new to Bloodborne and /bbg/ READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS

>Accessing the DLC
Note: If the eye isn't showing up, go to: Settings > Playstation Network/Account Management > Restore Licenses

>/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules:imgur.com/1RjNbF4)

>/bbg/ Spelunking Club
Password = /bbg/
Create a new S/FRC chalice dungeon and beckon anons to join
Use the Short Root Chalice with the password /bbg/ to be summoned or invade
(every Friday 6pm EST, anything goes)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne AR Calculator

Other urls found in this thread:


Let's see if this gets deleted too

Seems Sponge must have been the OP of the previous thread. The mods nuked his entire post history at once.

What the hell happened?

That's some good art of Valtr

>cal santiago

I don't know, if you managed to read my post, spelunk user: tell me when you're ready and I'll create the Cursed Pthumeru Root Dungeon.

The fables of our glorious spelunk are not lost forever to the sands of time

Sometimes they nuke threads rather than delete just the posts. Happens in /v/ threads.

Another depth 4 boyos?

Get in on this spooky action.
Glyph: 4jgaifa8
Password: hello

>Decide to farm for the 31.5% Blt triangle I'm missing
>99 tries and no oos
I immediatly lost all will to farm. I may end up using my 30.4% forever... 1.1% won't matter too much, will it?

>shitposter literally kills the thread

Thanks for the host Yahrnie, bretty gud shit for a depth 4. I guess it's true that size doesn't matter


should have still linked to the previous previous thread OP

Coming too.


Did you learn nothing from Byrgenwerth? Some things are better off buried and forgotten.

Fear the old Sponge..

Are you shitting me?

you full?

Yes, sorry.

Spongebob-kun did nothing wrong, jannies should have already nuked this shithole after waifuniggers infested it.

Turns out I do have a save with the Roaming Abhorrent Beast glyph still active, but I tried using the glyph on another character and it can't seem to spawn it. Is there a way to reactivate a glyph that's fallen out of use or will I just need to make an edited dungeon that's a copy of it?

You'd have to do the latter, unfortunately.

Ban evasion is against the rules.

>Invade Chalice next to a cooperator
>He waves
>I let him live until the gesture is over
>Host arrives, he has a Repeating Pistol.
>Cooperator has Evelyn
>They BMA gun spam me to death
I will never, ever again not instantly nuke a "friendly" target.

Oh wow, it didn't take 15 mins this time

Alright, quick and easy first layer.
Ringing on layer 2, Jordan and Cybil.

ok i know there are already 3people spelunking but by chance does someone else feel like spelunking a depth 4 dungeon?

Well, at least that's an option now. Would've been a shame to lose it forever.

>Ringing on layer 2
Be prepared to ring for a while

What's with depth 4 dungeons today?

>Not clearing out the layers to advance
I bet you play with female characters too fag

Muh flaming giants


>I-i bet you kiss girls faggot

so... we're seeing new things in depth 4 now? because I have never seen an undead giant with a flaming scythe, and I'd like to think I've spelunked a fair amount. seen 3 undead giants in a swamp, a roaming elder, roaming hotdog and other roaming bosses.. but a fire wielding giant? what the fuck?

Reddit discovered it before us
So now bbg is on a spree to delve depth 4 dungeons and find new things

People have encountered this fuckers before tho

It's amusing to me how a normal person would probably get dead in ten seconds flat if they walked into Yharnam. The only possible means of survival would be guns, and even that might not do them any good since the strength of guns depends on bloodtinge.

Bloodborne's setting would make a pretty neat survival horror game. Have to shoot the monsters just before they attack you and run away to hide, and nothing wants to stay dead unless you butcher it like a Hunter would.

that shit has been existing since the beginning of the game, it's just that its appearence sparked some kind of curiosity on us, since we don't spelunk anything but frcs and the occasional sinister

I wish this turned out to be a Geralt joke

definitely peaked my curiosity too, I'll probably host one later today once I'm home from work. takes less mats too and that's always good

Ahh, le super hyperarmoring 1 shotting meth head


>made the OP last thread
>it gets nuked for some reason but I didn't get banned


Alright, the new version of the Abhorrent chalice is live:

There's one other fun quirk about this chalice. From what I remember, this weird interdimensional crossover is what actually prompted its creator to post about it in /bbg/ so long ago, and it was only while he was showing off this pathway into esoteric and mysterious realms that people noticed there was an Abhorrent Beast wandering around in the layer below.

Altogether, one of my most favorite chalices.

Reringing Jordan and Cybil, got my shit kicked in.

Is amy the worst boss in the game?
I think she is.


You're fucking zullie, when can you get us some more weapon pthu 1's?

Amy is pretty fine as a massive monster fight. Those are never too good, but it works out in Amy's case. Worst fight is definitely Witches of Hemwick.

Thanks for joining me Cybil and Jordan.

The spelunk was a success, we found that rare chest guarded by ghosts.

Which ones are really needed? I did the Burial Blade one because it's impossible to do any sort of NG playthrough with it otherwise. It's been a while since I played through normally, so remind me which weapons are like 2nd or 3rd most trouble to get near the start of a run.

Thanks for hosting. What was in the chest, anyway? We should focus on doing more of this depth 4 dungeons, instead of the usual FRCs.

>dat amy fight
It was fun guys

Got any interesting treasure?

That chest had 4 inflicted organs used for the rotted effect on the depth 4 chalice.
The rest of the dungeon had a uncanny chikage and a uncanny reiter.

Where fuck are you niggers getting all these Layer 4s? I never get a layer 4 when I make or participate in a chalice, Christ Almighty in Heaven Above

Chances are mods just purged the whole thing instead of picking through for each of the shitposter's posts. Damn shame.

I didn't expect mods to be so lazy. Do they do this often? Deleting threads/generals because they don't want to clean up the individual posts?

Best way for farming Ritual Blood (4)?

Don't worry guys! Dungeons are still untainted! It's just a glitch :^)

how are they so dumb?

It's mostly the fact they overestimate their knowledge. They think they know how the game works, how dungeons are stored in a save, when they very obviously don't.

That's pretty neat

Messenger bath

I thought you needed to be in NG+ to unlock it, my bad.

2 bagmen in the main room on layer 1 and another 2 in the same room if you trigger the trap. Also buyable if you've beaten Queen iirc

should i?

The only one I can think off that would be a bit of a bother to get really early on is the Chikage

Does it come with a little sea-cucumber for her to cuddle?

Which one is better?

Logarius' Wheel too.

Usually depends on which offshapes the game decides to give but lost kongo has the circle slot which lets you use a 31.5 gem.

Wheel isn't really great to get early since you need a million levels to use it anyway.

Same for the chikage.

An FRC Abhorrent chalice would be pretty interesting if it is possible

I thought maybe something like Sir Whatever or Lord Duh
I like some kind of title in the name like Momma Nat or Madman Jordan

he's right, it's Lost Chikage

also wait, are you mofuckas telling me that zullie has been creating depth 1 chalice with lost/uncanny weapons so you dont have to go through the hassle of chalices?

what a fucking god if so

>what a fucking god if so
Is ours, you can't have him.

Zullie made one so far, nzzn259g, for the Uncanny Burial Blade.

pls answer

just what's in the picture sadly

It happened a few months ago too.

Where is it that you have to hit Logarius with a melee weapon to make him stagger (other than his back with a charged R2)? I have seen him stagger to his knee many times just from regular R1 and R2 melee spam to his front.

Is it just from hitting his head? I know for example that Abhorrent Beast has different body parts that can be injured. You can see the body part light up in flames if you hit it with a flame weapon, rather than AB's whole body. Never tried an elemental weapon against Logarius because he's super resistant to all but phys/blood damage

Anyone wanna spelunk with me?

Already made it to layer 2, pass is abhorrent

I do. Let me run to layer 2.

abhorrent would be too long

I'll be waiting. The watchdog was a bit of a pain 2bh


Logarious doesn't have specific body parts, instead he has a kind of buff in phase 2 that means he has poise and deflects bullets. The buff ends when his poise is broken and he goes into a viscerable state. A lot of people never see this because they backstab him during the phase-shift animation which ends the buff before it actually starts.

This mechanic led to lots of confusion because people "parry'd" him with Fist of Gratia and Bow Blade, which caused arguments about whether or not those things could actually parry.

I can ring on layer 2 or do you just wanna speed through it ?

I'm ringing on Layer 3.

Been playing Souls since Demon's Souls came out, but I don't have a PS4. Is it worth it to buy a PS4 just to play Bloodborne?

It's hard to justify getting a console for a single game. I basically got mine just for Bloodborne too, but I don't have a gaming PC so the PS4 doubles as a multiplat game console for all the other stuff I want to play, so it was worth the purchase for me.

Do you like cosmic horror like lovecraft? If so, then maybe. I borrowed a ps4 from a friend with BB, beat it once offline, then decided it would be worth to buy a ps4, BB, and a year’s psplus. If you can’t afford that then don’t do it though. Just note that the game has secret stuff you’re going to miss on your own. Play it through once offline then post here and see what ya missed.

If it's within your budget to get a ps4 and you really like those kinds of games, then I would say that it might be worth it.

I bought a $2000 gaming PC for Nier Automata and it looks like a PS2 game in full screen with my RX580. So maybe at least I could justify it by getting to play Nier properly, I guess.

I do like it. I never play Souls games without walkthroughs unless it's at release though, I hate getting 10+ hours in and then having to start all over again

Damn, I guess I better buy a PS4.

this is my waifu , say something nice. about him!

The same fuck voiced that bodyless fag in das2.
Who knew writing was so important.

>beast eater


The thread before the one that got nuked had a new OP pasta seen here . Anons are still using the old one as evidenced here, so I'll give my reasons as to why I think we need an update.

problems with the op of this thread:
>shit info dump with half-empty tables and dozens of blank pages
>the eye missing problem for the DLC is incredibly rare, and is now included in the new info dump doc where it belongs
>fight club rules image uses the wrong glyph and incorrectly states BL120's are allowed when BL117 is the max to fight agaisnt BL98s
>spelunk section says people use the password "/bbg/". People actually use "bbg" or something else. Plus you can't use the SRRC to invade one chalice in particular.
>disorganized pastebins with dead links

All of these are fixed in . Would anyone like to weigh in on this? I imagine noone really noticed because the OP is so bad everyone just uses it for fc glyphs.