>TFW you found out your parents lied on their resume to get their current jobs
TFW you found out your parents lied on their resume to get their current jobs
>He doesn't lie constantly
You do realize lying is a key attribute of a highly successful person in 2017, right?
But what if an employer finds out?
In what fucking world?
When I got my first job I lied about my experience because I was basically forced too, but I knew how to do everything that experience implied. No one looks into something like that after they hire you.
Then you possibly get fired from a job you wouldn't have if you didn't lie.
Should I lie too then?
Only if you aren't shit at lying.
1. Don't claim to have skills you don't (you will get caught on this)
2. Don't talk about it extensively, and focus on your real experience. Answer questions about it if they ask, but don't make complicated stories up if they aren't asking about it. A good lie is a simple lie.
Can you tell a lie with a straight face? I
ive lied before at interviews..never been caught and i know i make more for it
If you can show confidence in the things you're supposed to have experience with ( and dont be a dumbass, try to educate yourself on the subjects at home) then absolutely
Lying is 60% of professional success, along with luck
But it feels so cheap.
Is the world really that much of a scam?
Yes and it's not just for money.
The human society is built up on memes, memes are propaganda, propaganda is lies.
Everything is founded upon bullshit. Even in family and with best friends you can find bullshit and lies. Its part of us, learn to take advantage of it.
Society would literally not exist if it werent for lies, nor history of any kind (which is lies as well btw)
Feels fucked up man. I don't know how I can contribute to society knowing that everything is such a scam.
This is the final redpill /pol/ is always seeking.
Society is 95% bullshit. All propaganda.
Accept it and move on, this doesnt make you better or worse of a person, build lasting relations with the people you truly care for, dont seek christian goodness everywhere you go.
Just like there are ways to deal with bears in the wild, lying is the way of dealing with humans in their society.
You better learn to get rid of those if you hope to succeed.
Learn to associate business with the jungle.
You dont need to go to the jungle to hunt for food anymore, but now the jungle is the biz world, and there are a fuckton of competitors.
Learn to separate biz life from personal life, the world isnt a hughbox. Its no evil place either but look at nature and animals and their relations to see how it is. Nothing is given to you but you can reach for anything yourself.
I just mean that it feels like everyone is always trying to fuck eachother over and the truth isn't even upheld. Not sure how I'm suppose to cope with this, just live a lie?
How do you live with the fear of having no job security? also how do you enjoy working in office environments? Are sexual harassment claims a big issue?
I've never not lied to get a job. Just get some basic knowledge on what you are applying for and put a friend or family member as the manager of your last job.
Nigger what truth
What fucking truth
What the fuck do you mean with living a lie.
Lies are the TRUTH of human society.
Believing in some pure truth is a LIE
>TFW you found out EVERYONE lied on their EVERYTHING to get their current EVERYTHING.
I used to think it was good to be honest, but that's just not how the world works. Now I lie and cheat my way through life and things are starting to go quite well for me. However it has turned me into a misanthrope.
Nice guys finish last.
>However it has turned me into a misanthrope.
I feel like I'm becoming one. Cheating and lying just feels fucking wrong man, I don't know why but I feel awful about it.
>I don't know why but I feel awful about it.
Because you're a nice guy. The world would be great if everyone were like you, but they aren't. The world is full of selfish cunts and if you want success it is much more efficient to lie and cheat than to do the hard work.
But what good is it when life has no spiritual aspect to it?
Life sucks
there used to be an advantage to telling the truth
it was important to be honest and fair when people relied on each other
tribes, small groups, and even small towns
now there isn't much of an advantage in a globalized society
you can be a jerk, lie, cheat, steal and it is absorbed by the rest of the society
there are so many of us that it hardly ever comes back to affect you
if you're caught just move on to the next business and it doesn't matter much
Yep this is it really. Plus it helps if you get lucky and have connections.
I'm a 3yr at a BB and doing great, but I remembered how I lied to my interviewers about my GPA and internship experiences when I was applying for full-time. I was way below the grade cutoff required by banks (sub 3.0) and had no prior internships, but I bullshitted and got lucky as they didn't check either of those things.
I have no problem fucking people over, it's the fact that everything is just lies really does irk me
This is a very important thread.
I've padded my resume
>Said I was at my old for 5 years than laid off
>Really I was laid off 3 times and rehired again and again.
Don't ask why I went back. I was depress and didn't think I was good enough to work anywhere else.
I'm better now