League of Legends General - /lolg/

Blonde Hair Jinx Edition

>Hextech Kogmaw
>Deep Space Illaoi Won !
>Patch 7.24 PBE
>Patch notes 7.23

Old: eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:


xth for my wife Syndra

xth for gas all waifuposters

I want to stuff this cute little elf's stocking and fill it with my candy!

Asking the same question.

How can we have Santa Gragas, Braum, and Draven?

Who's the real Santa??

I'm gonna need some super galaxy Nidalee as soon as possible user.

santa for all ages, genders and fetishes

>Another jinx and Poppy skin
Just, why?

don't lewd yordles they are not for lewd

(You), (You) are the real Slim Shady

>Halloween skins were shit
>Christmas skins are shit
>Need reddit to vote for an illaoi skin

theyre running out of ideas fast


I want Nami to drench me in her fishpussy!



Why those unnecessary skins? Draven doesn't even look like Draven, that's F-, guys. Either Gladiator or Soul Reaver (or that hunter one or something), rest is shit tier.
Poopy has Star Guardian and Lolipoppy but if you really like quaality: Noxus Poppy. Rest is irrelevant.
Jinx has Star Guarian too, and also fuckton of other skins.

What's the point of those skins then? Why not make them on someone who really needs them? Like Illaoi, Swain, Jarvan

They're popular

>no Prey skin
>no Talos chromas
This is the worst timeline.

>Finally a elf skin


>show 3 possible concepts
>"theyre running out of ideas"

Ah, this Dullahan image. Classic.

xth for my blonde elf wife Jinx

she looks pretty cute there, I love it

>bot lane is a duo
>playing like complete tards
>rest of the team bullies them until they stop
>eventually we carry them
>they apologize for playing so badly
I love it when the alpha roles put sissy bot duos in their place


I dont like poppy that much but that is pretty cute.

Jinx sells like hot-cakes and hasn't had a skin in a little over a year and a half. She's due for one. Dravens the one that I think didn't need one, shoulda gone to Sion. Where he turns into a giant sleigh during his ult and his hammer is a giant christmas tree. And his soul furnace on his chest is a fireplace/chimney.

you die i got paid

Can you 1v1 a Diamond 5 adc girl player?

Do you think SG Syndra has a normal eyepatch in her human form to cover an old injury?

Perhaps the transformation only embellishes that part of her and turns her eyepatch into a gem

best build for diana?

>Blacksmith Poppy
nigger what

lets go lolgen

fuck im starting to hate this downie piece of shit champ

Illaoi skin is being made.

Swain is getting the next VGU so pointless to make new skins for him

Jarvan is getting SSG and he's got decent skins already.

Should have had Snow Day Rumble and Winter Wonder Aurelion though.


Braum is the true Santa
Gragas is the discount mall Santa
Draven is the stripper with a holiday theme Santa

>rumble getting another skin when super galaxy exists


>Muscle elf

>jhin ult changes means he now takes 5 seconds to fire all of his shots instead of 4

>dude why make skins for champs when other skin exists xDDD

I agree, stop making skins altogether.

What about Zilean?

the artist who made the SG story arts drew this, so yeah I think she wears a normal eyepatch when she is not transformed.

This ARURF better be on howling abyss


That mask looks so weird but I'll probably get it anyway.

Popularity and character bias is what generates skins.

>tfw I'm lucky Riot likes Azir even after he was hard to finally get right.


Guy dressing up to surprise the kids at the christmas party Santa


80's porno santa

He looks like he has downs

>Wrong eye

>When I'm in a good mood and about to play Swain or Tryndamere I'll joking say in all chat, "I'm five steps ahead of you", or "this'll be a slaughter"
>Whenever I do that I end up getting completely destroyed in lane, usually because my opponent is way better, not because I got camped or anything
>Sometimes they'll start shit talking me because they thought I was serious when I quoted my champion
I just wanted to have fun...

>Mimic Zac
>Typhon Kassadin
>Typhon Malzh spawning mimics.
>Technopath Heimer
>Poltergeist Twitch
>Nightmare Nocturne.
Even the idea makes my dick rock ha

Ah, finally we get the Jhin chibi figure after being leaked on the buyer's list several weeks ago.

Too bad it looks like shit and his stand isn't a lotus blossom, but one of his lotus traps.

Also are his eyes blue or red? Or does he have heterochromia? Make up your mind, Riot.

Congrats user! You have been chosen to design the next champ! Catch is that you can only make the kit of the champ and their appearence and lore will be made based on the kit you make. What kit do you make so that you not only get the champion kit of your dreams, but also get said kit on a champion with appearence and lore you want?

>I heard they tried something similar with Overwatch and it failed miserably. Fingers crossed it works out for Hots~

Yup, and its absolute shit
I don't know if they improved it, but when I did play it back in S1, I was playing with 2 friends, one was DPS only other was DPS/tank so I just went suppot, I liked lucio a lot and mercy was strong as shit so why not

Now I can EASILY say that I am way better of a player than they are and had a lot more of actual impact than they did, like, there is just no question about it. And after placements they landed like 5 or so ranks above me.




>All random URF on howling abyss

Who's going to be the first unfortunate sucker to play against a team of Lux, Ziggs, Xerath, Sona, and Nidalee?

Jin would look creepier without the mask desu


mfw the ugly generic robot skin won against ayy lmao or indiana jones


>fleet heals now ampliffied with crits
wow its like they didnt the same mistake the last year


>buffing the ,most cancerigenous autistic reddit champ out there

>Hextech kog'maw conffirmed loot exclusive
well no shit

this faggot is slowly but surely becoming worst than Yasuo

Riots made it clear they have a bias.

Its why Lee Sin remains meta for so long but Sejuani was absolute dog-shit until her rework. Assets can also affect skin creation since champions like Zyra require far more work they're less inclined to make them.

With my luck, Me
Also with my luck, I'll get vel'koz and nuke all faggots

Should've been Christmas Kayn. Have the Rhaast transformation turn him into Santa.

Oh, I think that's one of the bigger issues with the game; initial placements and how heavily they factor in prior Quick Match or Unranked MMR leads to Silver peoples getting lobbed into Platinum or Diamond.

The coat kind of kills it for me. Vayne skin looks neat, though.

Yep, completely wrong eye and not even the right color. Can't really tell from the pick but I wouldn't be surprised if they made his right arm into a prosthetic, like his splash (even though the lore says it's just supposed to be armor but whatever.)

Why can't Riot get Jhin's character design right? 2 of his splashes had consistency issues as well.

Jhin's whole point is that he's completly average under the mask, so you never suspect of him being the killer

vlad is for cute

j4 skin fucking when jesus fuck
hes always been popular

now I'm sad

I'll leave this yordle here. Don't do anything to it, /lolg/.


No I mean just the white mask not the black bodysuit

Serial Killer David Bowie Jhin skin when.


He has 2 masks though. The face plate and the BDSM leather mask underneath it. So which one are you referring to?

Unless if you want him to have an exposed face, which Riot already confirmed that he looks completely normal; no deformities, scars or anything. Just an average guy, supposedly.

>Zoe's E ability ''The Cosby special''

Jesus fucking christ Riot


I'm serious anons


Draven already got the Kira chromas though.

it's not leather

>tfw the mask is literally the only fault for Chibi Jhin

Its not hard to make anything Chibi. I was originally going to get it but now I just want the Taric one that was leaked a few days ago.


If/more pics come out of it I might warm up and get it but for now I think Ill just get Outrageously Gem man instead.

>Poppy ults an Ekko or Lucian away
>"Your kind isn't welcome here!"

How the fuck did they get away with it?

Jinx exists to service big black cocks and be raped by them, nothing else.
You may not like it, but this is the reality of things.

Latex? Thats kinda kinky

ahri bread

I read that as "Jhin" instead of "Jinx" but I wouldn't be surprised since anti-jhinfags are apparently so desperate to make the champion unlikable its not even funny anymore.

Free champs when??

how is this gonna turn out

Jinx BLACKED lewds WHEN?
I want to see my girl riding the santa wagon she was made to ride

>"He picked up the tight, leather mask, then—unable to help himself—slid it over his face. It covered his right eye and mouth. It constricted his breathing and removed his depth perception… Delightful."

Copy-pasta'd directly from his short story, so yes, it is. From that, I think it's safe to assume that the rest of his skin-tight black under-suit is leather too.


if you love jhin so much try moving to reddit they love him there

it's cloth

He doesn't fit enough though.

Armor stacking Cho is going to be a huge pain in the ass if you don't get a lead.

There's tons of Jinx x Ekko pics already

>random urf again

>"""""top laner"""""