/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #139

Sayori Love Edition
Previous Thread >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Booru: ddlc.booru.org

>Your favorite Doki would want you to take care of yourself.

Other urls found in this thread:



A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.

Good afternoon, everyone!
Hope you're all doing great, and welcome back to the poetry circle!

Today's word of the thread is "joy"!
Alternatives are 'brush', 'coin', and 'shatter'.

Anyone that would like to write a poem is encouraged to do so, and is welcome to join in on the fun! Everyone is welcome, from newcomers to masters of the craft!
The idea of the word of the thread is to give you inspiration and a way for us all to share in this activity together and have fun!
Hopefully you decide to try it out! I look forward to reading them all!

I know this song is like super mainstream but I've been liking it recently.

And we all love her!


Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:

- Underage Drinking
- Self Harm
- Suicide and Suicide Attempts
- Substance Abuse (Any)
- Waifu Wars
- Waifu Bullying
- Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)
- Not Doing Your Best To Be The user Your Waifu Would Like
- Staying Up Late

And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.

Reminder to bully Sayori!

Monika did nothing wrong

>You finally set up the magical totem and sacrifice the stuffed yellow bird (thank god for that, it creeped you out)
>"Yay!~ The sun won't engulf the Earth anymore!"
>"So... it's going to go back now, right?"

This adorable girl meets you behind the school after Lit Club and confesses. What do you do?

Misumi paizuri!

Daily reminder to give your loved Doki lots of love, food and attention.

OCs a shit!

Natsuki lovers where you at!

In the context of the good ending, is your reality a happy song? I mean technically Monika's in a bad and good place rn, she can't interact with her friends, but she can view them be the happiest they've ever been.

Your tastes are shit!

Silly user, Spiderori is like a spider centaur, she doesn't have a spider for a head!

Posting the story for the new thread and appropriate since it's Sayori love


Enjoy. Let me know how you like it!

So we've got saturday morning cartoon villain Monika, and suicide-scheming Sayori, but what about the other two?

I thought it was supposed to be Sayori's head with spider legs.

Canon Dokis > Fanon Dokis > Amy >>> Shit > Noya > Misumi

That's not Spiderori silly, it's Amy!

Noya cock-destroya!

Natuski pretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl pretending to be a girl and so on

>implying that monika needs any kind of moral justification


I hope your doing fine there. I kinda wanna see your handwriting after seeing your sign on the /ddlc/ sings ending things. Can you please write us a poem, boss?

"I'm not a trap, I'm a girl oretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl, pretending to be a girl pretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl" Natsuki

Middle-school chuuni Yuri!

And I love her.

>better than anything

Natsuki has always had Fatsuki and Strongtsuki, she was getting this type of love before the other two.
Yurifags are to busy indulging in their fetishes to produce silly fan works.

Trying to learn some shitty spells to see if I can give life to Natsuki and get her into the real world.

i wrote some things about Yuri working in a children bookstore but seems like didn't got any traction

I want the steam inside jokes to fuck off.

I liked it.
Steal all the red crayons!

Every thread

But all these jokes aside from Misumi come from /ddlc/?

Wheres the blood?

- Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)
I'm currently in a hotel room where my only options are to microwave water to its boiling point, or use a cup to transfer water to the kettle since the basin is too small to accommodate the kettle.

The year is 2017 why do I have to suffer like this?

She drank it.

Fairly certain it's meant to be like a drider, as we agreed that Sayori was some sort of spider monster girl to go with slime Natsuki, lamia Yuri, and mindflayer Monika.

Didn't Trapsuki outdate both Fatsuki and Buffsuki?

>implying Misumi isn't a steam joke
Fuck off with your shit OC already.

The blood depends on whether you like it or not

Dude if you succeed I could really use a Sayori in my life hit me up I'll give you like 50 bucks

I think Sayori's head skittering along the walls and ceiling would be cuter.


Yeah, but Not-a-trap-at-all Trapsuki is relatively new.

Canon Yuri already has the Act 1/Act 2 dichotomy, so does she even really need anything else?

I love her too.


50 bucks? That's it? I'd give everything I have for a real Sayori.

asking again, poor post timing.

Fucking finally

Anyone who wouldn't choose to submit eternally is a faggot

Noya and Misumi are cute!

Noya is fuckin shite mate

Dude I'm saving up for a new computer. They cost money, y'know.

>I would rather fuck a spider pussy than a human pussy
That's gross nigga.

Absolutely not

Thanks for reminding me to keep on writing, I was kind of demotivated these past few days.

Vanilla or it's going in the trash.

They have both, you can make your choice.

>liking overdesigned trash
I bet you love Final Fantasy characters too.

a good end dryer than a nun's cunt

newcomer here

Is there a collection of guro ddlc pictures, I popped a boner when sayori hung herself and I got to stare at yuri's corpse for the weekend


>my shit is browner than his

You aren't welcome, please go.

>Marginally cute = liking
She's still shit, but she's better than Misumi

Fuck the computer
Why would you need a computer when you could have a Sayori?


There aren't much images, but you can look in the pastebin.

Literally who.

Monika giving you a nursing handjob!

And I'm out for evening. See you guys later in the night. Take it easy guys

Please consider masturbating to more vanilla things for a while to "reconfigure" yourself, this isn't healthy.

Rushing through the code to fix the sun before it gets too hot to bear!
Fixing it just in time!
Agreeing with Sayori that this was a draw!
Going back to shenanigans as usual after a weekend off to de-stress from all the panic!

I'd have liked Misumi more if she was more true to DDLC art honestly

>Realize that the OCs are all shit, but enjoy Noya for how over the top and stupid she is. Also realizes that fucking the arrogance out of a tomboy is more fun than that creepy Ojou mind break shit.

Unironically thinks that adding someone to a well rounded cast is a good idea. Secretly only likes her because they have a fetish for drills. Unironically calls "Ojou", "Himedere".

Because I can actually have a computer..

I like Seieki cause of her hair.

>I can only think with my cock and so does everyone else

You sick fuck: I will have you know we only have sex with clean non-bloody corpses here

Natsuki is my daughter
Sayori is my other daughter
Yuri must be protected
Monika is my wife

Ehehe, okay, okay~ Since you've asked so nicely, I'll get on it for you.

what the hell is up with all these npcs and when can we expect the sing-along

Yuri being overly edgy, listening to CRAWLING IN MY SKIN and whatnot?

Everyday's much fun
Joy blooms when I talk with you
Brushing away worries

Lads, please. All the OCs are shit, even more so when you just go for the ironic value.

I've only found this though, imgur.com/a/pUOvO anything else?

I'm sorry I find dead girls cute

yeah those are fine too

A shitty meme game that is more popular and worse than Katawa Shitjou

Hey speak for yourself. I'm the other resident gurofag and I fuck a multitude of corpses but not Doki ones because theyre too precious
I'd probably a guro Yuri though


Sorry, man. I don't make the rules. Here's the post about the CG.

>Going on a Fireforce sweep with Yuri!
>Leaping out of the G-Car into a hot LZ with Yuri!
>Watching Yuri slot a floppy in the head!
>Excellent shot, Yuri!
>Searching the bush for gooks with Yuri!
>Oh no! Yuri's been shot!
>But it's not a serious wound!
>Yuri's already attached her bayonet and is stabbing the terr!
>Pulling berserk Yuri from the mangled corpse of the dead munt!
>Patching Yuri's wound before it becomes infected!
>Returning to the rest of the stick with Yuri and onto the next sweep!


There's also a story with the title of Sayo-nara, if that catches your interest.

Ahaha good one user...
Good one...

>I'm sorry I find dead girls cute
That's exactly what I hope you'd be.

It doesn't have to be too vanilla it can still be anime girls, try it for a week or month and see how you feel.