Given the political infrastructure of the US government, has a dictatorship/coup ever been real possibility?
Are there to many checks and balances for this to realistic? What's the closest we've ever cer come?
Given the political infrastructure of the US government, has a dictatorship/coup ever been real possibility?
Are there to many checks and balances for this to realistic? What's the closest we've ever cer come?
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G Wash
*for this to be realistic
Business plot, but a lot of people say it was made up.
It breaks the 25 year rule, but the (slim) possibility of another Clinton administration would lead us pretty damn close. As the whole big pharma-Clinton Campaign email showed, she planned on raising taxes across the board but essentially removing the cap on the amount you could donate to a """""Charitable foundation""""".
I'd wager a true dictatorship ala Stalin or Mao, rather than just a huge corporate circlejerk like Soros dreams of, is impossible thus far in US history. The President's power comes from alphabet agencies doing what he says, the executive agencies doing what he says, Congress working with him, and the military working under him.
If he pisses congress off enough then they just refuse to pass anything he wants and cockblock him at every turn. If he pisses the people off, they elect Congressman and State legislatures that make the President's job harder. If he pisses off the Alphabet Agencies, they go rogue. If he pisses off too many executive agencies, they go rogue (See: NYPD threatening to go rogue recently over the Anthony Weiner debacle). If he pisses off the military, they shoot him.
A dictatorship in the US is far more likely to come about through mass dicksucking than jackboots.
>Stack supreme court
>Have them repeal the 22nd amendment
>Hold enough popular support to win more than 2 terms
>Use said popular support to bludgeon Congress over the head
>Be declared president for life
We're not far.
FDR was the closest we've had because of whatever that clause was that gave the president dictatorial powers during war time. He had a shitload of control.
>and the military working under him.
What if the president just gets them to shoot all the senators/congress? Maybe through tacit minutemen style paramilitaries, to absolve him of official responsibility?
watch star wars episode three and see how it will happen
>whatever that clause was that gave the president dictatorial powers during war time.
u wot m8
>The act gave the President enormous authority to execute World War II in an efficient manner. The president was authorized to reorganize the executive branch, independent government agencies, and government corporations for the war cause. With the act, the President was allowed to censor mail and other forms of communication between the United States and foreign countries. The act and all changes created by its power were to remain intact until six months after the end of the war at which time, the act would become defunct.[1]
>Three months after passing the first, the Second War Powers Act was passed on March 27, 1942. This further strengthened the executive branch powers towards executing World War II. This act allowed the acquisition, under condemnation if necessary, of land for military or naval purposes. Some provisions of the Hatch Act of 1939 were also suspended which reduced naturalization standards for aliens within the U.S. Armed Forces. In addition, it created methods for war-related production contracting along with adjusting several other aspects of government affairs.[1] The Second War Powers Act repealed the confidentiality of census data, allowing the FBI to use this information to round up Japanese-Americans.[2]
That stuff yeah
> Repealing constitutional amendments
That's not how that branch of the government works.
This, plus 4 terms, plus EO 9066 made me very nervous reading about them 60 years later. I cannot imagine being comfortable giving any of these powers to a sitting president in my lifetime.
Then again, I'm not at at war across both oceans.
No need to make a coup when you're already ruling the country.
>Not Wilson
is this comment real?
I think we won't see a true dictatorship, but it seems pretty clear that plutocratic corporate/lobbyist oligarchy is a serious danger to American democracy, if it is not reality already.
It is possible for power to rest ultimately in the hands of very few, but I think autocracy or true military rule are not really possible without mass civil unrest and/or warfare preceding it.
Scroll up
The military would tell him to fuck off.
Now if we're talking about the spy agencies
>The military would tell him to fuck off.
As always, the Marines are least cucked.
>As always Marines are the dumbest motherfuckers on God's green earth
How is this supposed to disprove my statement.
With enough military support, anything is possible.
>Command the army to march into Congress
>Order Congress to immediately pass amendments dissolving the Constitution and declaring the President ruler for life
Done and done
I wonder how many would martyr themselves
>all that third party and trump support
Damn the armed forces are redpilled
wtf i love the armed forces now
>I wonder how many would martyr themselves
Literally zero.
See also: Sadaam Hussein's coup.
kek, then sigh because true
>kek, then sigh because true
>given two shitty choices.
>only 10%ish more pick one candidate over the other.
M-man, these armed forces sure are red pilled, r-right guys?
This was a race of who was disliked least, I bet you a good majority of republicans in the military would have been for Cruz over trump if given the choice, because the Midwest and Texas was not Trump country.
It was the east coast and great lakes that made Trump.
Probably the closest we came to a coup attempt was with MacArthur's suppression of the Bonus March. There was a very real concern in DC he would "cross the Rubicon" and attempt to take control of the government, so he was shipped off to the Philippines.
Kid seen candidate he didn't like win, he doesn't feel good, something changes - KEKOLDRY - many such cases SAD!
>half of congress aren't even there
>nothing passes
>president assassinated the next day by militias
Third parties, sure, but saying Trumpfags are redpilled is straight up masturbatory delusion. The man is a greedy liberal who spouted anything to get elected.
>forcing congress to dissolve the Constitution at gunpoint
This is the equivalent of saying the guy who handed over his wallet when you put a knife to his throat did it willingly. What's the point?
"Let's commit a crime by breaking a law."
I don't think you know what the supreme court does.
>wants to cool escalation with russia
>wants to impose a tariff on goods coming in, making outsourcing to China less frequent and leaving jobs in the country
>no longer going to allow nato members to refuse to pay the 2% minimum required
>hated by the (((msm)))
He's the most redpilled president since JFK.
Better question lads:
how exactly could you go about abolishing the CIA?
It's become an inoperable cancer on the United States and there's no way that I can see to get rid of it. They have dirt on every important person in the world; they have agents who can covertly eliminate leaks and defectors; they have a network of assets all over the world feeding them information. You couldn't even defund them federally because they print their own money.
So how could the American government eliminate the CIA?
>he didn't vote for Donald "Beaner Cleaner" Trump and Mike "Homo medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence
top kuck
Why contain it
I think it old only come from something like a civil war. I imagine only something like the fall of the Roman Republic could end the American Republic permently. If you want to end it temporarily just start a serious war and the president becomes a dictator in the Roman sense of the word.
Who said anything about containment? We're talking elimination here. There are plenty of federal agencies that need to be abolished for waste, but the CIA is one of the few that should be abolished for threatening the safety and welfare of the American people
>You couldn't even defund them federally because they print their own money.
gb2 info wars
cia are a bunch of incompetent niggers
The CIA funded the development of my planefu, the U-2.
They're pretty cool guys.
>implying best Korea is the source of superbills
Dr Pavel pls go
>cia are a bunch of incompetent niggers
That's not how the army works, and you'd get civilians doing everything in their power to slaughter trump and his supporters within 12 hours.
Proscriptions, Sulla-style. Publish the name of every single person in the agency on the internet and put a bounty on their head. Promise a pardon for whoever kills one of them.
Light is the enemy of darkness, and exposure is the enemy of secrecy.
This, The CIA have shown their lack of foresight and ability to fuck up in the most ridiculous and immoral ways.
I caveated the scenario with "has army support" for a reason. Throughout history super-popular generals have taken over in exactly this way. There's nothing saying a charismatic US general couldn't simply highjack the constitution at gunpoint. Many such cases!
>As always, the Marines are least burdened by intelligence
The great lakes will Make America Great Again.
>Military Times subscriber optional survey
>1,915 votes across 4 branches
That's some pie chart you've got there. I was in the green side of the Navy. While some people openly didn't like Obama, the vast majority kept it to themselves and did the job anyway. The military is too split up and spread out for a coup to happen. Not to mention all the civilian oversight in the military.
We almost witnessed a coup against a shadow government, that would have been interesting.
>wanting a coup when the greatest President since AJ got elected
buckle up cuckaroos
Shay's rebellion was the closest thing to a coup (it was the reason why we have a fuckhugh central gov't, thanks Shay)
John Addams, Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and Nixon are the closest to having dictatorial powers.
you mean the most cucked
How do?