>made 5,000,000 USD
>not spending any of it
>sitting on my pile of gold like Smaug
>continue to live frugally
>tfw Normies go insane when I don't buy what they would
Made 5,000,000 USD
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This is my dream as well.
In fact I feel like I'm so tied to objects precisely because I'm a poorfaggot. I'd probably live more frugally if I had more money.
What's the point though?
Might as well make $20,000/year and live the exact same lifestyle.
It's quite fun isn't it.
Some people get really angry when I refuse to waste my money on retarded expensive crap.
You're either stupid or a liar.
US banks only protect $200,000 in assets.
Yes I guess it has to do with the assurance and safety that comes with knowing you're free from the wagecuck shackles for life.
Like you've won the game and now can do what you want.
5mil generate a good monthly profit themselves just from interest
What if he has it spread out
What if he's not in the US
What if ....
5 mil a year in a conservative savings account can get you 2% a year which is 100k doing nothing. put it in some conservative investments and you should be able to see 5%+.
it truly is the golden number.
gieb some here: 1960900
>Yes I guess it has to do with the assurance and safety that comes with knowing you're free from the wagecuck shackles for life.
>Like you've won the game and now can do what you want.
And then what? What do you do then.
post frogs and brag to your shitcoin friends
You're relaxed to go wherever you want to, study whatever you want to, eating well, etc.... for life.
I'd have tons of things to do, almost none of them related to buying expensive things but all requiring of not being a wagecuck.
Read books
Go to university for fun, study whatever interests me
Build a cabin in the woods
Work out
Normalfaggots and their obsession with spening money cant understand that one can want money precisely to forget about it.
hang out with my 1 or 2 real friends forever unlonely
You can do this shit, and you don't need $5 million either.
Not with a wageslave job that steals all your energy and time.
I cant if I need to wagecuck to live.
Being rich is unironically buying freedom.
To make $5 million you have to put a ton of effort into a business or a career. Do you really think people do that, form their entire lives around it for a significant portion of their lives then just abandon it and go to become NEETs?
It feels like the "I'll just retire with millions and become a rich NEET!" is just a dream of minimum wage workers, or maybe office drones.
Do normal people things without wageslaving, also taking more business opportunities because you have more free time to study and analyze them
Buy 5000 Bitcoin at $1
or mine them in a month on your CPU in early 2009
>Buy 5000 Bitcoin at $1
>or mine them in a month on your CPU in early 2009
Ah yes.
"Just buy some random meme currency and wait until it reaches the peak that nobody believed it would".
This is like "Just guess the correct lottery numbers" or "Buy today's huge penny stock that gained 265% in 2 days, a week ago!"
>Like you've won the game and now can do what you want but you want to do nothing.
isn't that truly how anyone young gets rich?
really makes you think.
People who get rich seem to have a passion and goals. Not just "I want to be rich, and then I want to become a NEET and not do anything"
hey kid wanna buy some speed?
Just donate to my paypal [email protected] and your face could be the fastest thing on the track
Then what's the point?
If it's purely bragging rights that mentality is gonna catch up to you later.
I learned long ago that when you have plenty of money you need to use a bit of it on friends and family. In a way that cares about them. A drink, a party, give them a ride somewhere. It doesn't mean just giving people stuff, it's small gestures of care. And it goes a long way. I went to a large party yesterday and brought a $50 dollar bottle of wine to the hosts.
How did you amass you're good amount of money? Or are you just LARPing too.
Ethanol disgusts me.
I own a business brojack
well your thread is fake and gay. And both in large quantities.
Forgot to ask, how did you make your millions?
You are a fucking cuck.
It goes both ways dumbass.
The people in my circle have done all kinds of stuff for me as well. The gestures would stop if I was doing nice things for someone and they never did anything nice for me.
You are a fucking cuck.
Accept it.
You are a cuck, a cuck.
Ow ma legs
I just inherited ~3.1M USD and wondering what to do with the money. I am just about the most frugal person on this planet. My daily activities consists of working a boring audit job, then coming home at midnight, playing a game of Dota 2, and going to bed. Advice?
doing it to get returns is kinda dumb desu
I feel like you're larping but you have the makings of the right mindset.
have about 150k saved from memecoins
gold/silver holdings as well
NEET who used to do drugs all day
get arrested for drug possession
have to maintain employment as a term for probation
went from drug NEET amazing life to being a depressed wagecuck
i hope bitcoin goes up more to make my drug hiatus worth it
find a woman
i like enjoying my life tyvm
Well if it makes you feel any better there are people on this board who wagecuck voluntarily.
Top kek
yeah i'm lucky enough that my parents supported me when i dropped out of college with really bad depression
i found memecoins and invested in them years ago
with memecoins came easy access to drugs and ridiculous profits
lucky i saved a good amount, and kept my family close
i just want to live the simple neet life in 3 years that i once did
You don't need to be frugal...
There's no reason you can't get 5% return on that which is more than you'd ever spend unless you have the spending habits of a nigger or female
Frugal is for wagecucks hoping to become millionaires by the time they're 50, not for actual millionaires.
well I guess he asked for advice, not "advice that's just a little better than the worst advice possible" so you're still ok
1. post proof
2. if you truly have 5.000.000 you could live off dividends/returns and not have to live that frugally
but obv you're just a lying autist
Tfw my country protects only 30k
I am poor but I fully understand OP. If I somehow made 5million and started splashing money left and right I would probably loose all my friends (who are same class as I am) and become target for fraudsters/criminals.
Best to just keep quiet and tell no one about it.
>tfw park my 20 year old Hyundai next to Normie's BMW that he bought with a 5 year loan
>tfw he's got to wageslave 5 years straight just to keep his stupid car
not be a slave. its hard for a wagie to understand
>tfw you have to park, repair, insure, fuel and maintain your hyundai
>mfw i just get on the bus
wagies btfo
give me
You spent so much money while I use my old bike and also profit from it.
>storing 5 million in a bank
Nigga wtf. No one stores large sums in a bank. Invest that shit nigga
Public transportation is for old people and lesbians
Okay neet
Wagies would appear to me to be the type of superficial, sentimental, emotional, and democratic people—people who feel rather than think, who attach importance to mankind and the popular conventional emotions of the simple, and who find their greatest consolation in the fawning and dependent attachments of a gregarious society. Such people live in a limited world of imagination; accepting uncritically the values of common folklore, and always preferring to have their naive beliefs, feelings, and prejudices tickled, rather than to enjoy a purely aesthetic and philosophic pleasure arising from discrimination, contemplation, and the recognition of austere absolute beauty.
The NEET is one who demands a clearer adjustment to the universe than ordinary household platitudes provide. He is unwilling to set up himself and his cruder feelings as a measure of universal values, or to allow shallow ethical notions to warp his judgment. In a word, he had rather admire and respect than effuse and dote; and does not fall into the fallacy that pointless sociability and friendliness, or slavering devotion and obedience, constitute anything intrinsically admirable or exalted.
Wageslaves base their whole case on these commonplace, servile, and plebeian qualities, and amusingly judge the intelligence of a pet by its degree of conformity to their own wishes. NEETs escape this delusion, repudiate the idea that cringing subservience and sidling companionship to man are supreme merits, and stand free to worship aristocratic independence, self-respect, and individual personality.
Humanity cannot operate on antisocial autists alone; there would be no cohesion. We are where we are today because most humans will sacrifice their time, energy, body and mind for causes they believe in, even when the belief isn't exactly rational. Herd mentality is the oldest meme, and it allows for emergent behavior. Feelings are the universal biological language for communicating information to the herd and propagating the meme. Lacking the ability or choosing not to converse in this language is a handicap.
The point is being rich your entire life and never having to work again
Poorfags don't get it: if you blow your money on cocaine, lambos and hookers you'll be poor again soon
If you want to sit at home all day and shitpost on Veeky Forums just go on welfare.
You obviously don't get it
Assuming he's not memeing, he will be rich his entire life. He will get even richer thanks to his frugality
OP did nothing wrong.
That doesn't mean shit if you're frugal. What good is getting buried with millions?
Very well put thanks user
Credit goes to one of the greatest NEETs of all time: H.P. Lovecraft. The original essay is on cats & dogs.
There's worse ways to live tbqhwy
Dogs are for athletic go getters, cats are for antisocial reddit numale shut ins
Also cats carry toxoplasmosis, enjoy your brain damage
Can you guys/girls please teach me the ways or spare some cashies? If I was financially secure/well off that would pretty much eliminate all of my problems...
Buy some pretty land. Maybe plant a garden. Read. Paint. Attend live theatre.
Have you stopped working OP? or is it role play time?
>make lots of money
>only spend it on ways that make me more money
>normalfags upset I'm not spending it on retarded shit
This sounds nice but I would probably travel a lot if I had a few million.
Like every 6-18 months I'd move to another country, preferably one where a bicycle and a transit pass are all you need to get around.
Dogs eat their own shit.
The toxoplasmosis comes from rodents that cats come into contact with, not cats themselves. You don't own any pet mice or rats do you?
Im a wagie and aspire to be wealthy. Im actually a NEET at heart and would rather buy my freedom than impress fellow wagies whom i consider plebians. What does that make me? Do i defy soical confromity and am I destined for greatness?
>inb4 kys
So obviously a fucking larp
Why does anyone assume that someone talking about having $5 million means they're keeping it in a checking or savings account? Like, why is that an even remotely reasonable assumption?
>o-okay nneet
$5million isn't that much to live a flashy lifestyle. But yeah Veeky Forums autists that (claim) to have a couple millions, inherit them and still live the same NEET life.
pick one
Seriously? You have no idea what you'd do then?
>pro tip: you could buy a $1k hooker 3 nights a week and still come out ahead if you're earning 5% net.
Do you like your job? If not, quit.
Unless you're grossing 6 figures at your job, you could easily live off of the income from $3.1M in investments. Put it in a target retirement fund for 2015 or 2020 to ensure a conservative investment portfolio, and live happily off the 3-4% per year you'll earn (with a 3% return on investment, you'll earn approx. $70k annual after taxes).
You just got freedom from everything. Enjoy it. Take some time, figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life.
This just means you aren't rich enough.
hear hear
I'm already excited to check the mailbox tomorrow :^)
VZ Verizon heard of it? Pays 4% per year dividends. With $5m that's $200k a year job for doing nothing. But yeah you should live frugal. Eat Mac and cheese every day, die at 50. Lol fag
you seem like a cat person
h-how? I want to be a rich smug neet too.
I do sense a certain rigidity from most wagies, they seem to be the kind of people who crave guidelines and worry about what you're 'supposed' to do in life, they end up getting pressured into things like getting married.
Most of them probably just need a nice big dose of LSD.
Mfw u dont male 5 mill with that mentality u cuck. And if u did you would absolitly be reinvesting it. Why go through hell to learn to invest amd then just stop. That like becomming a pro football playing and just jeking off in the locker room during gsme time and quitting.
U are a fuckin idiot
Toxoplasmosis literally lives and reproduces inside cats. It only infects rodents as a vector to get to cats.
Man, I don't even have that much money, and I always get a giggle when people buy dumb shit. All I buy are little electronics projects and the parts for 'em, maybe a computer every 3-5 years, and just cleaning supplies, simple clothes and food. What the hell do normies buy?.
shit for their wife / kids
A new iPhone every year, a new BMW, a hooker.
this is pretty sad. Pretty accurate of my life, minus gym + shitposting.
Not even an entire year after graduating college and i'm already trying to figure my way out of the rat race
Got a 40$ smartphone that's done just fine for a year now, don't really plan to change.
Dad always got the minimal stuff, hand-me-down legos, got my PS2 like 5 years after it was out, and I did just fine. I'm pretty sure the wife I marry would be more frugal like my grandmother.