Final Fantasy General DCCXXIX - /ffg/

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>FF Lost Stranger


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Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer out real soon
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TEKKEN 7 - Noctis Lucis Caelum Reveal Trailer
PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018, Pre-Orders available now.
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>King's Knight
Available now, check your app store for details.

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>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
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I was making new thread dipshit

Its the true heroine ashe!
My free daily today was my 2nd one, fucking finally


FFXV VR is now out.

Best grill.

>tfw used all my 10+1s in a drunken rage recently
A-at least I got a second Fryevia out of it.



>with pants



>That arm

FFT is shit

>idiot mongoloid troll that had no idea what he's talking about replies to himself 3 times
Literally didn't what he was arguing about holy shit the BEapes in this general are something else

What's the arm version of cankles?

user, are you alright?

*Didn't remember

Thats coz the image is supposed to be perspective warped so it looks weird without using vr goggles

>idiot mongoloid troll that has no idea what he's talking about replies to himself like two times

Comrades is fun!
Refer to this spreadsheet for weapons, quests, and materials/stats/skills!

Richfag comrade players need kill themselves.

You first.

How is the game, user?

Have any banned BE players gotten their accounts back yet after Gumi said they'll appeal the ban? Asking for a friend.

Best time, yay

Whats your friend name?

congrats user

>reddit knight

Which characters aren't Reddit?

I have gotten mine back in spirit user, but the day of rebirth has not yet come.
Have patience.

>"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
>-Matthew 24:36

>yuffie's birthday
>not making it yuffie edition

BRA*BRA Banner 2

Ultra Soul Breaks
・Mog's Timpani (VI) (Instrument)
・Argentic Flute (Type-0) (Instrument)
・Fairy Bow (V) (Bow)
Burst Soul Breaks
・Cane of Wisdom (I) (Rod)
・Faerie Tail (VI) (Rod)
・Deuce's Akademeia Uniform (Type-0) (Light Armor)
・Asura's Rod (V) (Rod)
Legend Materia
・Keeper's Cap (Hat)
・Pixie's Scythe (VI) (Instrument)
・Plumed Hat (V) (Hat)
Super Soul Breaks
・Faris's Bracers (V) (Bracer)
・Seraphic Rod (I) (Instrument)

>Tyro LMR
>Echo BSB


The ones I like

Convince me not to put Gogo (V) in my party with his SSB and Allegro Con Moto.

What if you genuinely like Bartz/Terra/Noctis/Y'shtola? Onion knight I'll give you since he's basically just a job class in the original game and you'd have no reason other than meta to like him as a character.

Echo? does this mean that RK will once again acknowledge Mobius and give us Meia's banner?

>that ssb list

is this good for a newfag?

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

In her own mind perhaps, but in no other manner is she heroic in any way.

why didn't van salvator just put ashe in the cache of glabados?

Save for the FFX banner this week for le laughing man relics, presumably the unannounced Black Friday banner, and FFTA the week after.

>same "top prizes" as the last one
>same? bursts
>fucking LMR clogging up slots
>faris' fucking bracer
>a character that has nothing to do with music or whatever the shit BRA*BRA is (she wears a fucking sarashi damnit) and that SSB sucks I have 4 copies of it I can't even combine the last one
>dena literally saying "we know good stuff is coming so here's another trap banner!"

Did you even play the game at all? In the interest of time and effort she needed to be kept mobile to get to the shards/swords efficiently.

>Keeper's Cap
>Tyro has to roll the gacha just to wear his hat

I mean after the sun cryst blows up.
Seems pretty short sighted of him to not just hurl her into the future that is ultima

All of Kefka, Cait Sith and Edward's shit is out in for Krile, Deuce, Faris and Echo stuff

our new relics
Echo BSB1 (from Meia's event, she gets another one on the third BRA*BRA event): Medica 40% Max Hp, party MAG/RES +30%, Burst Mode
Attack-> "Punishment Thunder" 4xST Lightning/Non-ele magic dmg.
Defend-> "Blocking Stop" AoE enemy MAG -40% and low % Stop

Tyro LMR (from super fest): Start battle with Instant Cast 2
and dunno if the pixie's scythe is new

What if you liked him from Dissidia.

>tfw S lv. 95 Tyro with all stat giving relics except usb1
that lmr would be pretty handy....
>FFX, my favorite realm, is this thursday
>only 2 dupes, yuna ssb paine ssb
>has water chain, I don't own any chains
>but I already have bartz usb for water damage memes
damn, I didn't expect to have to drop all these mythril so unexpectantly
Is there a fest banner with a bunch of chain relics in the future?

then ur a faget lamo

He wasn't there at any point after the sun cryst's destruction, timeline-wise it goes straight from that to the Bahamut without much gap; the main party hits balfonheim just long enough to chat with a useless Rozzarian and then goes straight to the Bamahut, there was never really any time for the True Hero to do much of anything as he was too busy with the Bahamut and the rebellion; there also really wasn't much reason to do anything. Without the cryst Ashe was effectively neutered and (logically at least, the end of the game threw out a lot of logic) didn't pose a threat anymore, so there wasn't any reason to waste effort getting rid of her.

We might get super fest 2 in december, and that one should have all the chains released thus far.

Why didn't he just send the rebellion into the future with the cache of glabados?

I want to fuck Y'shtola does that count?

>I actually got a second Estark
I'm not sure how I feel about this. I was so ready to give up. On him.

>Plumed Hat (V) (Hat)

What is best FFXV food?

inb4 they mix this shit in the pool

Idunno user, why didn't he just send the other Occuria into the future? Why didn't the other occuria just send Venat into the future? Surely they would have known about it and been able to utilize it.

Gladio's cock.

>no WoFF OP
Mist Opportunity

If balthier knew about it, then vayne knew about it with his literally omniscient friend.
Why didn't vayne just send everyone who disagreed with him into the future?

Who is the loli between Relm and Eiko?
>captcha: Avenida elveder

>Not knowing a party member from IV


That's porom, baka
She's low tier, so I'll give you a pass. But you should know your FF lolis, they are precious and few.

palom or porom i forget which is the loli(female)

Wow! That's repulsive!

I want waffles now.

Sorry, the twins are so forgettable. Yeah, that retarded clown outfit checks out. I really should know them, but I'm not into lolis (though I love Relm in a non-sexual way).

Nobody said they were for sexual.

Then why didn't the other omniscient occuria just use it to send Venat and Dr. Cid and the True Hero into the future? Why didn't they just send the majority of Archadia into the future and make their lives even easier? Why didn't Venat just use it to send the other occuria into the future?
You're being ridiculous, Venat was not omniscient, she had to actively shadow the main party to figure out what they we're doing and she can't be in multiple places at once. There is no reason for her to know or care about it, especially when by all logical reasonings they were winning anyways by the point where using it would have been productive.

Calm down, Data

The term carries a sexual connotation but I'm glad you see it that way too.
Every time I see this image, I'm baffled by how Nintendo Power was able to make their design even more repulsive. And they did it by a LOT.

The occuria can't "use" things. They can only lure others into acting. Presumably vayne was smart enough to know about it, so he didn't walk in on his own.
If balthier knew about it, then there's no reason to assume someone in vayne's pocket didn't also know.

That brings up an actually real point:
Why didn't Vayne use the cache of glabados to send his dad into the future?
Medicine would surely advance under Vayne's prosperous leadership, so he would be treated on arrival. And for the purposes of the senate dissolving, it would work just as well.

Vayne intentionally killed his father when the power of time travel was on his side.

>you know who's who in here thanks to the bulge


Dodge roll is too OP. pls nerf.

Oh shit, I thought that one was the female. Thanks, I didn't have to see that.

Is it actually fairly precise or do you actually have that many i-frames?

Dunno. Not big on action games, so dunno about i-frames and shit. It reminded me of dodging in souls games if that helps.

Why arent you just playing Devil May Cry? They do a better job at this shit

I mean, souls is closer to Monster Hunter in term of combat more than people like to admit, and they both use i-frames to a useful and exploitable extent.

>play FF I to FF IX and FFT
>Bahamut have a fucking sword now


Not playing the other ones

It's a sword dragon.


The occuria have never had issues luring people into things before, even in Ashe's case the only reason they weren't successful is because of over half a dozen others that they didn't bother paying attention to and the fact that the stone was already in the process of being destroyed.
And Gramis had to die then to get rid of the Senate, there was no other effective and fast way to do so.
And no user, sending things into the future doesn't actually help at all. It's extremely risky and unpredictable, as well as makes everything sent forward unaccountable, unwatchable, and uncontrollable.

Same reason why I play XIV but don't care for MMOs. I like Final Fantasy.

>I like Final Fantasy.
No user, you like turn-based RPGs. Not Devil May Cry DUDE LIVE ACTION LMAO ripoffs that youve been sucked into.

Why do you waste your time on a shit series like FF when you could be playing good games?

I play other games. Don't we all?

Now accounting for changed rates.
Definitely not as many double digits as there used to be

Why do you waste your time on a shit series like BE when you could be fucking good women?

No such thing

The training area is buggy af.

I keep seeing and hearing other people's shit while in there. One time, I was stuck there for what felt like forever despite the party filling up.

So you're saying that the occuria would be smart enough to trick the true hero?
And what does it matter if it's risky to send gramis, the alternative is he gets murdered.

No explanation on why sending him to the future isn't equivalent to his death with regard to the senate, huh? Just a flat out "Nope"?
That's because it is equivalent. Him going to the future is the same as him dying.

That was painful grind