Was he best president in history?
Was he best president in history?
*cough* LBJ *cough*
in the history of what?
Nothing compares to the original.
1.George Washington
2.Abraham Lincoln
3. Theodore Roosevelt
4. Franklin D. Roosevelt
5.Andrew Jackson
6. Richard Nixon
7. James Polk
8. Dwight Eisenhower
9.Thomas Jefferson
10. John Fremont
Come at me, faggots
1. George Washington
2. Andrew Jackson
3. Eisenhower
4. Thomas Jefferson
5. Theodore Roosevelt
6. James K. Polk
7. Jimmy Carter
8. Herbert Hoover
9. Woodrow Wilson
10. McKinley
All Presidents who expanded the power of the federal government and executive branch unconstitutionally, dooming the people to eventual despotism, have been omitted. (Looking at you, FDR, Lincoln, Bush, John Adams, etc.)
>woodrow wilson in top 10 list
>complaining presidents who expanded the power of the federal government
do you know who even started the federal reserve user?
I stand corrected. Remove him and make it a top 9.
Lincoln & Washington >>> the rest
>immigration and welfare
Jackson, Roosevelt, and Wilson all expanded the power of the federal government, dumbo.
>Andrew Jackson literally ignored a supreme court decision, which is decidedly unconstitutional.
uhh user
>Theodore Roosevelt
>broke up trusts
>supreme court
The Supreme Court overstepped its constitutional bounds with its very first case. Every President has the right to disobey them as far as I'm concerned.
Under the constitution the government can do whatever it wants in regards to commerce. Standard Oil is most definitely interstate commerce, therefore the feds can rape it all they want. Not unconstitutional.
Stuff like what Lincoln and FDR did are unconstitutional.
That's a beautiful quote. I wish our population wasn't such a bunch of fucking plebes so we could still get speeches like that.
>puts down LBJ's domestics but not his foreign policies
Contrarian much.
oh i am laffin
(incoherent stroke sounds)
Best President of the 20th century for sure, but it's not like he had actual competition. Best president in History was Madison.
Ike was the last Republican president I truly respected, but he really fucked up with Iran and U-2.
>inb4 Nixon and/or Reagan
Look, I've studied both men extensively. Nixon baffles me because on one hand, he shows flashes of brilliance but his short-sightedness and lack of ethical consideration tar his image. And don't get me started on Reagan and how he's the patron saint of the neo-cons even though his amnesty bill for illegal immigration is something nobody wants to talk about.
Still, it says a lot when Ike was probably the last bipartisan president. Even though he ran as a Republican, he basically treated both parties as the same.
WW was a know at all little bitch who couldn't handle the banter.
He only ran as a Republican to break the stranglehold Dems had on the federal government. He wasn't Republican or Democrat.
JFK idiots
>a good president
Have you actually read about JFK or did you buy into the narrative that Johnson pushed so he could brute force any bill he wanted? He was mediocre at best and a walking ineffectual dickweed at worst..
>pussied out of a war with Russia
>great president
JFK was a stupid cuck bitch who went out of his way to appease Russia.
>1.George Washington
>2.Abraham Lincoln
>3. Theodore Roosevelt
>4. Franklin D. Roosevelt
t. high schooler
add Ulysses S Grant in the top 5 then you gay nigger faggot
I know and that's why I respect him. And despite being a military man throughout most of his life, even Eisenhower was wary of intertwining arms industries with lobbyists and government officials. The military-industrial complex was and still is a real thing that needs to be curbed.
Just giving context for others fampai.
>pussied out of a war with Russia
As Russian I'm really greatfull for that
>john fremont
not a president
pleb here. what exactly makes a president "best girl"
Finally Reagan is not in these threads.
Sorry bro, I can't stand him either, but I had to make that disclaimer.
2.follows the constitution
3.makes funny quips
In that order
A good administrator, little to no corruption/graft, and most importantly, you never allow party politics to take control of what is good for the nation.
>Ulysses S Grant/height
nigger commanded the largest standing army on the planet he gets a pass on height
>T. Diddy Roosevelt
the rest were shit
>Woodrow wilson
>Making the centralized bank AKA the federal reserve
Nigga Wilson had your nation's back and was proven right about literally everything he said. If Republicans didn't get so assmad about the President solving issues without them he could've created a far more stable post war period.
Literally nothing wrong with it at the time
>If Republicans didn't get so assmad about the President solving issues without them he could've created a far more stable post war period
Read: If Woodrow Wilson had wiped his ass with the Treaty Clause of the U.S. Constitution, he could've created a far more stable post-war period internationally at the expense of a less stable domestic post-war period.
It wouldn't have gone against the Treaty clause if Congress had approved it. The biggest reason why they didn't was because "wah wah Wilson isn't the same party as me and he's doing stuff without my permission" it is universally recognized as party politics at their worst.
When will they learn Veeky Forums?
>hanging from a cross of iron
Bretton-Woods would have been perfect if it were bimetallic.
>the government spending money on the ONE THING it's supposed to
>everyone is bitching
Cut benefits and spending before you even think of cutting the military
Eisenhower was our best
Followed by Polk, Washington, Jackson and Teddy, in no particular order
However, Teddy himself had such distinct character, strength of will, and conviction, that he is most definitely the most American president we will ever have
>inb4 muh Jackson, banks n indians
>helping the poor has never been a purpose of the state
They should just abolish the whole thing desu.
1. Washington
2. Eisenhower
3. Polk
4. Nixon
5. John Quincy Adams
>>helping the poor has never been a purpose of the state
welfare states have existed since at least the Roman empire, if not earlier.
I was using greentext to make a strawman, that's what it's for.
Pretty sure Ancient Egypt was an example.
>you these farmers ain't got shit to do and no income during the flood season
>just pay them in food and lodging to build a ufo landing pad
New Deal wasn't so new.
The sole purpose of government is the protection of life, liberty, and property.
That being then the collectivized version of self defence.
Anything else is unjust coercion.
kennedy will always be my favorite president but thats just because i love romanticizing the cuban missile crisis & his assassination
Personally i think Kennedy would've been an average president if he hadn't been assassinated.
> Protection of property
> Hordes of poor people with 0 useful skills are good for this
Want to try that again?
yeah, probably. but the idea of a bunch of sweaty politicians nervously sitting around a table wondering if the world is going to end within the minute, extremely high tensions, and him emerging as a charismatic leader that was able to cooly resolve everything is super cool to me. even if it might not be entirely accurate.
Not an argument.
You assume "poor people" have zero useful skills.
Going through the Cuban Missile Crisis with no missiles fired is already great
T. Roosevelt
In chronological order
>even if it might not be entirely accurate
Understatement of the century. Kennedy was not cool or charismatic during the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was precisely his panic and subsequent inaction from it which allowed the resolution we got.
>Going through the Cuban Missile Crisis with no missiles fired is already great
Doing absolutely fuck all for the other 3 years 11 months and 2 weeks isn't.
>protection of life
>but let's not have a public healthcare system
Why is John Fremont in this list?
Up until now.
Kennedy is best remembered for almost starting WWIII through a piece of hypocricy, and being shot, and he was President for almost one complete term. Probably not an all-time great, then.
>""""Great"""" Society
>his Vietnam policy
Only thing LBJ had going for him was his banter
>little bitch who couldn't handle the banter.
>posts short-arm Willy
dude was so insecure he started a world war
yeah but he doesn't get points if he's partially at fault for it
>What is the Bay of Pigs
that's like saying Obama should be respected for not going to war with Russia yet even though he started and has followed through with escalation every step of the way in Syria
That is in no way a proper interpretation.
>Golf on Tonkin fabrication
Nixon was worlds better when it came to foreign affairs
why won't this meme die?
>avoid nuclear apocalypse in the face of a warmongering establishment
>kek fucking cuck bitch
You have no idea how bravery works, do you?
If you think Bay of Pigs can be duly summed up as "Kennedy's fault" then you have no clue about Bay of Pigs.