League of Legends General - /lolg/

Sona a cutie edition

short hair skin when ?

Old: eyosongive.us

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>by that you mean one of three possible timelines
you can stop trolling now
shyvana is one of my mains
fuck my guess was riven

why is getting blue essence a pain in the ass

>tfw no qt petite elf gf

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums up on NA
password is vidya

I guess we've debunked the whole "if a champion is niche, the few people that do play them have patrician taste" myth.
What the fuck were people thinking when they voted for this shit show lmao

Do Illaoi players factually have the worst taste imaginable?
Enjoy having no good skins STILL for the next 3 years.

Illaoi players confirmed for being the biggest cucks on the planet.


Post 3 things you want for christmas to santadaddy Draven

This game is cancer, this community is cancer, this thread is cancer, you're all cancer.

Kill yourselves.

t. cancer

Name a champ that needs a mini-rework.

I guess they liked the boob window, the idea of grabbing people with a fuck massive robo arm with her E, and metallic noises and stuff

I almost forgot I was deciding to try Morgana jungle on pbe.

Riot has already said that skins are alternate universes. The base skins are confirmed to be all canon representations of the characters.

Kill yourself, you cuck in vehement denial.

>Zoe spotlight released
>very fucking first thing they do is stipulate while she looks like an 11 year old loli she is in fact 20,000 year old demon vampire

So we doing porn of her in next contest?

fuck off
give my boy Ryze the treatment he deserves
they did him wrong

Kill waifufags.


6 SLOTS ON Veeky Forums VS. Veeky Forums ON NA!!!
pass vidya

>Vine explorer that low
It's pretty lame, but the community has always goes for the big gimmick skins over anything


so you spend money

>Queen Ashe is a skin
>Queen Ashe represents an AU where the Avarosans win the war and unite the Freljord
>Queen Ashe is married to Tryndamere, normal Ashe isn't
what did he mean by this?

1 SLOT left on Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums NA

The saddest part is that Astronaut AND Adventurer were leading at the start, yet somehow Battlecast won. We could have had a brand new skin-line concept but instead we get...Battlecast, again.

Any NA Veeky Forums games going on right now? Does anyone want one

>Ayylmaoi loses
>Cuteventurer Illaoi never
>have to queue up for FWotD with these feels

read two posts above you faggot, it's already full though

>Green eyes
>Not a blue eyed high elf
Into the trash it goes

It's such a copout excuse. I got excited when they leaked the new champ was going to be a girl, but Riot just has to kill everyone's fun. Is this what Kaynfags felt like when they told everyone the "Kayn is gay" thing was a meme?

just started senpai

Ashe is already married to Tryndamere as a political relationship. I don't know how you think you have to be royalty to be married. Or are you a newpeasant who hasn't read any of the Journal of Justices?

Update us on when this shit's open

Alright time to try this again. Calling it right now my mid is going to be a piece of shit.

I dont really think anyone cared if Kayn was gay or not besides Vladfag

I haven't played for a few months, what is the support game shaping up like this season?

I really like playing mage supports. Are they still pretty good? Any in particular that are strong?

It is ok. Just pretend she acts zany and goofy because she is a power bottom who likes to bully and intimidate pedophiles that find her attractive.

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums BETS

also, open your eyes, faggot

>shen support
what is this degeneracy


wow you guys are faggots

why cant you faggots all look like EXACTLY like lux and be my gf?

Leona is apparently really strong right now. Sona is getting a bit of a nerf, and Ardent hasn't been shit since Worlds. Aery/Comet with Cheap Shot makes Lux/Brand/Zyra support a little more relevant.
That's pretty hot.

It is powerful as fuck since shen can still be a tanky piece of shit on a very low budget and his ult is global pressure.

-3 AD


I'm going to main Zoe,
6 decides my new name


>-3 base AD
>-3 Eyeball Collection AD
>Shyv now has 90% less AD and is unplayable

Thanks Riot.






I am equal parts impressed with the speed and group think and disgusted at the speed and group think.

>The artist who made that cow Sona doujin is going to make a Star Guardian one
It might not have Ahri and Syndra in it but MUH.



>actually using eyeba collection when its probably the worst one on that branch
the PTA nerf is fine, the -3 ad is overnerfing shyvanana
but someone on the live team hates her so can have her be good for long

>Post one image of me crossdressing on discord
>Someone thinks I'm a tranny

It's not fair.

If I'm going to push any meme, it's going to be the Zoe's feet meme.


fuck off, i'm going to main zoe even more
im even going to stick my dick in her

I think many of us hope this contributes to making Riot hate their decision to make Zoe.

They're just pbe randoms.
Off to a good start already. Zoe just stood in mid while Lux and Kindred 2v1d me. Then she did the same when I tried to gank mid.

>top is malphite vs fiora
>tell malphite to get bramble vest
>"no, what i needs is a not fiora lane"
>spends the whole game ranting about fiora
they proceed to never build bramble and lose lane horribly as fiora 1v5s us


t. crybaby/snowflake

ChocolateMoonCakes (actual non-meme option)


i dont wanna

I love Sona!

I love her puns, her music, her hair, her dresses, her confidence, her eyes, and her everything!

I want to help her uncover the secrets of her past and of her mysterious instrument!

not bad, 6/10. could be lewder.

xth for breast metal waifu

Good one.


thats a meh name but w/e

>lock in Zoe
>Myth and Roid Jingo Jungle starts playing

Yay I made someone do something!

t. Ahri

My dude


Exceptionally well made english version


Look how cute

>Pick Zoe
>youtube.com/watch?v=H2LQMElLoLs starts playing

Is it knot time already?

>Poppy gets a cool skin
>Draven gets a daddy skin
>Jinx gets an ok skin

>Kogmaw gets a bad 200 dollar skin

Ahri is animalistic and canonically has trouble relating to human emotions and feelings. So she likely would not appreciate these things.

>pick Zoe
>aggressive knocking on my front door


whats the closest champion to a megalomaniac mage?

Well anons. I give up. I searched for super galaxy Nidalee fan art and only found elise and Annie from this batch.. Maybe I'll just play elise mid over Nidalee.


I want to steal that right one's lunch money.


What do I do when my team doesn't listen when I ping drag or baron?

Come here. I have something for you.

>open video
>Liam O'Brians voice starts playing

I was aware of this song, but still... How is this real?

Veigar or Syndra.

Whatever could it possibly be?
Music is an art, and thus pretty exempt from getting trouble for being nasty. That's why Whitehouse cane sing about about a father beating and raping his daughter, and

Also please post super galaxy elise Mr elise user.

xth for cute ashe

time to sleep, good night lolg

good night kooba