Redpill me on Eastern Orthodoxy, what are its main differences from Catholicism?
Redpill me on Eastern Orthodoxy, what are its main differences from Catholicism?
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It's the correct Roman church. The pretender in Rome is a false friend.
icons are the biggest difference, also theres no point being anything other than greek orthodox since its the real orthodox
The Orthodox gravitate even more towards being insufferable and edgy reactionaries than even the most ardent sedevacantist Catholics. Also, the Orthodox are LARPers on a whole different scale.
No one I've asked here has ever denied that they only became Orthodox because "muh Konstantinopolis xDDD" or "muh Hagia Sofia! muh Basileia ton Rhomaion!". Other than that, it's just an ethnic club.
Other than that, they're theologically similar so as to be the same, with their differences being mostly cultural and hierarchical. There are a few minor theological differences, but as I said - minor.
Even gayer robes n shit
Persecution complex
The main difference is more one of aesthetic and attitude than theology. They of course make a big deal over the theology, but people outside Catholicism and Orthodoxy would have a hard time telling the difference.
My understanding is that is mostly found in new converts who with the fervor of the converted denounce Catholicism and liberalism (classical and modern) with greater fervor than many of their bishops.
Trying to debate them on church history or narratives is like speaking to a brick wall, or a creationist.
The religion seems to attract alt right contrarians because the new pope seems weak and the mass is no longer in Latin.
The main differences are over the role of the pope (primacy vs supremacy) and the filioque (whether the holy spirit proceeds just form the father or the father and the son) They also dont like the Catholic legal and philosophical tradition. They also reject all Catholic church councils after the great schism, even the ones they sent representatives to.
Orthodox priests are allowed wives and are much more grounded in the community (there are still monks living in men only mountain top monasteries in Greece though) and Catholic church heiarchy is much more closer to the ecclesiastical than down to Earth.
>we're roman
is rome the most fought over civilisation in history?
You sound butthurt. Please tell me more about it.
Macedonia has accomplished more shitposting in 20 years than Romaboos did in 20 centuries.
The biggest difference is the lack of a head figure (The Pope) and head states (Vatican). Other than that, some minor interpretations of the scripture
Also this. Orthodox have an even bigger persecution complex than Catholics.
That's pretty hard to pull off.
>Even gayer robes n shit
kill yourself
The byzantines were literally the eastern roman empire
>mfw Eastern 'Orthodoxy' allowed those robes in a church near me
Honestly tho.
What is this pagan druid shit? Why were Caucasians allowed to keep their Runic moon-babble scripts?
Atleast they know their principles.
>better aesthetics
>original church unlike bootleg catholic christianity
>Preaches in the original language of the scripture
>Badass beards and chanting
If catholicism was your local sushi bar, orthodoxy is downtown Tokyo.
The theological differences while in essence are minor, they signify a wide rift between the churches.
There is a very good wikipedia article on it:
Basically the two churches have different approaches concerning theology, and while they are dogmatically the same, the are widely different in their historical traditions.
>Russian was an original language of Scripture
Cool authority you have there, Patriarch of Constantinople. Way to guide your flock.
All of this can be true, and Orthodox would still be better than the disgrace the Catholic church is today.
Btw I am atheist, so no bias either way.
The bible was first written in koine Greek
The new testament was written in Greek, and for the record, it's not Russian, it's Old Church Slavonic, fuck off with calling everything Slavic Russian. Russia is less Slavic than Bohemia.
My boyfriend was raised Greek Orthodox and he tells me that it's mostly about ethnic bragging rights for Greeks and Slavs at this point. Much like the Catholics, they have a "best church ever" mindset. I have a lot of respect for their monks' ascetic practices, though, which differ from those of Catholic monks. There's also icons, but at one point the Church couldn't even decide how to feel about them (see iconoclasm). I wish Constantine were here; that (presumable) Greek could probably explain it better.
This shouldn't be understated. There's an element of esotericism in Eastern Orthodoxy that just isn't there in Catholicism. For the most part, it's not in Protestantism either, since Protestantism grew out of Catholicism.
See .
[spoiler]That wizard shit tickles my teegees[/spoiler]
Why do greeks say that westerners don't have a tradition of mysticism? Is it because we don't have hesychasts or is it because they think scholasticism has replaced it?
Meh, true, but pretty soon that will all change. The Church is currently aping the direction of secular politics, with the rise in centre right politics, the church will follow suite, and perhaps become strong once more.
It doesn't matter much to me either, as I too am an atheist (well, agnostic, but whatever). I was raised Coptic, they are pretty cool, keked throughout history, but cool nonetheless. They are basically Orthodox but with less chest puffing, and not so anti-modernity, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as Copts don't have much of a concept of modernity, being turd worlders and all.
It's true that for the average orthodox christian, religion (and particularly the church) is more of a national heritage matter rather than a spiritual one.
It's because the rise of the Catholic Church forced all the mysticism underground. It's called "occult" because it's occluded from normies. By the time the Church started to lose its absolute power over the academia of the time, the enlightenment had started and mysticism was considered silly, unfounded superstition.
Western mysticism has always been there, it's not so visible.
>ROMAN Catholic Church
Apostolic See Rome
Use latin
Church divided in diocese
>Orthodox Catholic Church
Apostolic See Constantinople
Use Greek-Slavic languages
Church ethnically divided
Anyone with a bit of honesty will admit that the Catholics are the true heir of Rome, and that the Greeks are merely LARPers.
oy oy this again u do know that all catholic are not the pope becaus one person can only be one person
are u stupid even for turk?
>Beards and chanting
>not that bad
I don't know why so few catholic priests have beards, Jesus had one why not you. And the chants
It's the other leg of the statue
>Faith is based on Jesus and the Bible
Roman faith is based on Italian pedophiles
>Both want to convert people to Christianty
Niether is Christian
>signed protestant
fucking hilarious how this one little picture ended ironic catholic cuck posting on Veeky Forums
you know those knights lost, right?
basically neo-scholasticism sucked all the life out of it.
But we are going past that stuff, through many currents, the most influential being the nouvelle theologie, who's main influence was exiled russian orthodox theologians.
It's why Pope Benedict(who was a member) wrote that "we can't turn back history" thing, and the Joint Commision finally agreed on how the Church of the First Millenium functioned(conclusion: Pope was really important and special and had veto powers, but he didn't have canonical jurisdiction over the East).
>Other than that, they're theologically similar so as to be the same, with their differences being mostly cultural and hierarchical. There are a few minor theological differences, but as I said - minor.
You obviously have no fucking understanding of Catholic and Orthodox theology.
wow that's one terrible fucking vendiagram.
caesaropapism was never sanctioned by the church or the law, Justinian himself denounced it. it only happened as a conession and never with unanimous support -- see, st. Maximus the confessor and the other iconoclast martyrs.
Let's talk politics here for a second, because it's easy to get lost in theological and cultural differences.
Historically, religion was used to move power from one place to another and gain influence over people and places.
There was once one Christianity, and five sees. Coincidentally, these five cities were the richest cities in the corners of the Roman Empire. This we call the Pentarchy.
Eastern Rome (Constantinople) was the strongest city at the time and considered itself the head of Christianity. Officially they were equal but you know how politics works. Since Christianity is first and foremost a Roman political tool, Rome the City figured: "Hey, I should be the main guy here. I'm literally Rome". The Greeks felt, no, we're literally the remnants of Rome and you're just impoverished and infested with barbarians pretending to be Roman. Then Charlemagne came along with Real Powerâ„¢ and made the issue a real one. The Pope crowned him Roman Emperor and the Greeks got mad.
Then a few years later the Protestants did the same to the Pope and brought the church to their respective countries under their domain.
>Justinian himself denounced it
wew lad pack your bags boys its time to go home,
dank response, friend, but caesaropapism was only ever practiced with great opposition from the church itself, as in the case of any number of heresies which took hold of the basileus during that period. also note men like st. symeon the new theologian in response to the church. and st. gregory palamas during the hesachasyt controversies.
sorry, I just chided in because I dislike Justinian memery
I don't get why orthodox and catholics always fight. It's the protestant that's the true enemy.
>Poles conveniently forgetting two hundred years of pagan slaying
MUH TANNENBURG is the worst Pseudo Slav meme.
He's talking about the Battle on The Ice, between the Catholics and Orthodox, where the papal Teutons were defeated by Orthodox Novgorod.
Protestant is a synonym of Christian
>seventh day adventists
Wow, you guys sure are Christian. That's why you are the church founded by Christ. Oh wait that's Orthodoxy
>grouping baptists with those cults
I get baptists are fucking weird but they aren't on the same level. Mormons are fucking crazy.
Most Catholics would like that. They see the split as a mistake over political nonsense.
Orthodox have no regard for history outside their understanding of the one unchanging church and think Catholics broke from them (Rather than a mutual parting of ways as Catholics see it) and wont shut up about how horrible the Catholic church is
"Church founded by Christ"
Have you ever heard of the Council of Jerusalem
If you read into it you would notice that orthodoxy is litteraly an unbroken line.
Baptists did away with what makes the church to make it soulless and trendy.
Outside of Veeky Forums we don't have that view. To quote my religion teacher from high school. "Tough misguided catholics go to heaven with us, protestants however go to hell for being heretics"
>split Christianity because le God on Earth man told you so
>why are you upset
"Our father
Who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"
The most basic prayer, the prayer every Christian knows no matter the denomination talks about forgiveness. We must forgive our brothers in Christ no matter how misguided they are.
Well that is my point, in reality differences had been building up between the east and west since classical times. They were first ignored for political reasons and latter were pretexts for the break up, which was again mostly over the politics of the crusades.
To simply say it was the pope's or the west's fault is really simplistic
since classical times?
yes, the pope and the eastern bishops were constantly during the early church councils.
>opportunistic powerhungry shitheads that betrayed Roman Empire and crowned some French barbarian as the new "Holy" "Roman" "Emperor" while actual Roman Empire was still alive in the East
>used a forged document as a justification for their political ambitions
>initiated the schism because actual Roman Emperors didn't want to suck their dick
>were so corrupt and powerhungry that even their servile barbarians rebelled against them
Great fucking job there.
>original church unlike bootleg catholic christianity
KEK learn your history slavfag
>opportunistic powerhungry shitheads
So they're keeping the roman spirit strong?
Charlemagne was a truer emperor than any of the Greek empire. Not to mention that calling the Greek empire the roman empire is like calling the roman kingdom the roman empire. It doesn't make sense.
Crazy, and yet judged by the fruit their tree has borne, objectively the truest Christian group around today.
Amazing how the work of the Spirit cares little for orthodox theology or rational arguments.
>No one I've asked here has ever denied that they only became Orthodox because "muh Konstantinopolis xDDD"
There's even a historical precedent since Vladimir the Great converted just so he could marry into the east roman emperor lineage.
>Autists arguing about which way to worship their magical sky daddy is the correct one
b-but what else can I roleplay about?
>Battle on the Ice
>attackers lose an a frozen lake
Stannis lives!
>seventh day adventists
>If you read into it you would notice that orthodoxy is litteraly an unbroken line.
t. literally clueless about church history
Ok then
Proddy is a synonym of Christian
Fewer Orthodox in the West, so fewer Orthodox corrupted by Western liberalism. Americans confuses this for the EO Church being fundamentally more "right-wing". Meanwhile a few Patriarchs of Russia have been KGB agents
Eastern Catholics are still Catholics, so the aesthetic differences don't matter, you can get the same art/liturgy in either church
>tfw Southern Baptist and not 100% heresy-tier American Baptist
Dodged the bullet on that one
So Trump is going to make Catholicism great again? So much for
>muh guided by the Holy Spirit
Lets see
>Do not break from traditional church artistic cannon
>Do not break from traditional church power structure cannon
>Do not break from traditional mass cannon
... ever since the schism
>Break church artistic, power structure and mass cannon
... ever since the schism
Orthodox have been following a strict tradition for nearly 2000 years, which is why it's the true church.
I agree with everything you are saying except that Orthodox allow divorce and remarriage up to three times which contradicts Jesus when he said "what God has joined together let no man separate" regarding divorce and remarriage. Catholics are not the true church, and neither are the Orthodox. There is no true church. Christianity is a false religion, at best a noble lie.
Especially when it comes to Veeky Forums posters, both Catholics and Orthodox converts are a bunch of LARPers who picked their religion only because of MUH AESTHETICS, hating fags and hating liberalism.
This so much, and that doesn't include the fight between the various eastern patriarchies. The Alexandrian patriarch was eternally asspained that he lost his position as second highest patriarch to Constantinople and it stayed that way until Islam came a knocking. The Nestorian schism can be partially seen as Alexandria delighting in getting a chance to knock their enemy Nestorius (then patriarch of Constantinople) down a peg. Ironically enough the Papacy would resurrect this in later conflicts between the Byzantines and the Popes by being ambiguous about whether the Ecumenical patriarch really was second highest in the pecking order. I'd also note there was loges of jurisdictional disputes that occurred before the great schism particularly over the balkans.
Crackers. Do the Easterns eat crackers?
Martin Luther was right.
Yeah the different sides were constantly maneuvering to gain more power and undercut each other. The east would vote provision in when the pope's people were not present and in turn the pope would refuse to recognize the decision.
Everyr protestant branch is heretic
Read the Gospel and apply those teachings, experience God in your life.
It doesn't matter, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, whatever you want to be, because at the end of the day, you all follow the same Guy who is following the same God.
We could waste our time talking about own other denominations think, but if we forsake our own thoughts just to conform to a denomination, we are ignoring the inspiration that comes to us naturally.
>>Do not break from traditional church artistic cannon
>>Do not break from traditional church power structure cannon
>>Do not break from traditional mass cannon
It's not apostolic. Go to a Protestant church for how the apostles did it.
>It doesn't matter, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, whatever you want to be, because at the end of the day, you all follow the same Guy who is following the same God.
Implying the heir to the great Roman Empire lies in some fucking faggot Byzantine pretenders who can't even speak glorious Latin, and have to settle for the shitty Greek "language"
>orthodoxy is not apostolic
are you retarded?
>he doesn't know Greek was the language of the elite educated Romans during the Empire and Latin was the literal pleb language
>Byzantine pretenders
>>opportunistic powerhungry shitheads that betrayed Roman Empire and crowned some French barbarian as the new "Holy" "Roman" "Emperor" while actual Roman Empire was still alive in the East
Charlemagne was a great warrior and was extremely learned in latin(he read Ovid, Augustine, Lactantius, Virgil, Horace, and so on), and he know a bit of Greek. As for the HRE it is a German-thing, not a French-thing. It is the Germans who LARPed as Romans, French kings never claimed to be emperors.
>used a forged document as a justification for their political ambitions
>initiated the schism because actual Roman Emperors didn't want to suck their dick
It is the contrary, they didn't want to suck the Byzantine Emperor's dick like the Greeks.
>>were so corrupt and powerhungry that even their servile barbarians rebelled against them
What ?
Whats the difference between the Pope and the Patriarch of Istanbul? Do they have the same duties and powers?
It has little to nothing to do with Apostolic teaching. Read the bible.
That's an odd spelling of Constantinople
>faggot Byzantines
>invented the trebuchet
>greek fire
>actually bathed, used forks and had sewers
>Literally a roman founded greco-roman empire
>prefers instead frankish ex barbarians because they "spoke glorious latin"
The Pope is the person chosen by the Holy Spirit to lead His church and His flock.
The Patriarch of Constantinople is a Turkish government worker who is paid to monitor the activities and sentiments of Greeks in Turkey and beyond, to help the Turkish government maintain and expand their territory and spread their form of Islam
>The Patriarch of Constantinople is a Turkish government worker who is paid to monitor the activities and sentiments of Greeks in Turkey and beyond, to help the Turkish government maintain and expand their territory and spread their form of Islam