Why did the CIA have an LSD mind control project? How did anyone think that was a good idea?

Why did the CIA have an LSD mind control project? How did anyone think that was a good idea?

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wtf i hate the cia now

I suppose they heard about the KGB doing research

God that pic is creepy.

It only seems like a dumb idea in retrospect. It was important to at least see if it would work or not before completely dismissing it.

pretty funny how it all backfired on them, too.

>acid tests in 1960s
>observe effects of dosing large numbers of population
>anti-infrastructure revolution suddenly starts blowing up

>yfw you realize the usa was the evil empire all along

soviets did freaky stuff too, but more on the field of drugs for interrogation

>yfw she's alive and well



>tfw she's exactly as crazy as you'd expect.

Honestly it's kind of depressing

>had her brain fried with LSD and electroshock therapy as a kid
really makes you think

Same reason they had a project on figuring out how to unlock abilities like psychokinesis and ESP.

Fear-mongering, the demonization of the Soviet 'others'.

>Why did the CIA have an LSD mind control project?
LSD was a fairly new (as in, it was just becoming widely known) substance and people didn't know what kind of potential it had. Why WOULDN'T they have a mind control project?

>Why WOULDN'T they have a mind control project?

Because the brain is a product of billions of years of evolution and the idea you can just control it like a computer with a simple chemical treatment is ridiculous.

Hindsight is 20/20

I think the idea was more that reality could be manipulated by mental intention along, rather than the mind being manipulated by chemistry.

It's not that far fetched. Mind control isn't necessarily computer level control, but merely susceptibility to suggestion.

You don't know until you try. They wanted to know if LSD would make people more susceptible to different types of persuasion/suggestion. They tried all sorts of brainwashing and interrogation techniques in conjunction with LSD to see if it made those techniques more effective.

Instead of trying to control someone's brain wouldn't it be a lot more pragmatic and straightforward to just coerce them into voluntarily cooperating through the use of violence?

Geez, look at this party pooper.

>usa was the evil empire all along


>Once Project MKUltra officially got underway in April 1953, experiments included administering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes—"people who could not fight back," as one agency officer put it.[37] In one case LSD was administered to a mental patient in Kentucky for 174 days.[37] LSD was also administered to CIA employees, military personnel, doctors, other government agents, and members of the general public in order to study their reactions. LSD and other drugs were usually administered without the subject's knowledge or informed consent, a violation of the Nuremberg Code that the U.S. agreed to follow after World War II. The aim of this was to find drugs which would irresistibly bring out deep confessions or wipe a subject's mind clean and program him or her as "a robot agent."[38]


There is no real oversight in the CIA at the time because they were flying under the muh dissidents flag

>she's a crazy conspiracy theorist who thinks the government kidnaps people and experiments on them
This is unironic poetry.

Unabomber was involved in mkultra experiments.
Whitey Bulger too.

Wet wild stuff.

They already did that. Then this crazy substance came along and they said "Hey, maybe this shit will make our jobs easier" so they experimented with it.

>lol why even bother with this electricity shit? nobody has a practical use for it yet - Some guy in the 1700s

>Why WOULDN'T they have a mind control project?

Because the United States is a liberal, western democracy and abducting your own (and in this case also foreign) civilians in order to preform illegal experiments on them should be considered unacceptable.

Tbf she has pretty good reason to believe it.

>why even bother with this electricity shit?

That's a good question to ask though. Trying to answer it would get you focused on practical uses instead of having it just remain as a novelty trick.

>thinks the government kidnaps people and experiments on them

How is that crazy? It's documented fact.

I bet you were one of those people who was surprised to find out the government was tapping your phone

>MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[10] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of psychological torture.[11][12]

>sexual abuse, as well as other forms of psychological torture.

It's a "normalizing the erosion of civil liberties through condescending cynicism" episode.

I bet that wasn't even supposed to be part of it, they eventually just said "They're gunna be fucked up anyway, right?"

>One thing discovered by research into the genetic transmission of learned knowledge by humans to their children was that people are born with certain fears. Snakes, blood, seeing internal body parts, and spiders are all things that people are born fearing.
>The phobias toward these things are passed down genetically from one generation to another. In searching for traumas to apply to little children, the Programmers found that these natural phobias which occur in most people from birth will work “wonderfully” to split the mind. Along this line, the following are samples of traumas applied to program slaves: (a) being locked in a small confined spot, a pit or cage with spiders and snakes. (b) being forced to kill, cut up, and eat innocent victims, (c) Upside down Immersion into feces, urine and containers of blood, then being made to eat these things. Often a slave will experience not only all of the above but many others before they reach 4 or 5 years of age.
>It is important to traumatize the child early before it has a chance to develop its ego states. By the way, when the child is placed into a small box with spiders or snakes, they will often be told that if they play dead the snake will not bite them. This carries out two things for the programmers, it lays the basis for suicide programs (i.e. “if-you-are-dead, then you-are-safe” thinking) and it teaches the child to dissociate.


I wasn't aware of this and it disturbs me deeply. LSD is traumatic enough without knowing you're on it. I can't imagine how nightmarish it would be if you didn't know you were on it. I would go crazy.

Disappointed and angered yes, but not surprised at all, as is the proper response. When you casualize blatant violations of your rights you allow tyranny thrive.

>give crazy drugs to communists so they act crazy and discredit themselves

>(b) being forced to kill, cut up, and eat innocent victims,

what the fuck, I want off this ride


>mfw the CIA was basically doing Saw-tier experiments on civilians
>mfw they pretty much got away with it
>mfw most people don't know what MKultra was

Why the fuck was this allowed?

Nice source there... bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/mindcontrol/chapter02.htm


Surely you don't think they've stopped?

But we're the good guys now, we elected a black president.

Is there some recommended reading on MKUltra? Books or documentaries? Preferably not the nutjob-conspiracy type

where do I sign to be a lab rat on acid for free?

Programmed to kill

since the Cold war was a quasi-proxy war mind-control would be pretty useful if it actually worked

wtf i hate america nao!

>you originally go in thinking it's about a noble country fighting an evil empire
>then you go thinking it's a paranoid country fighting a benign country
>realize finally it's a fight between two evil empires

To get ahead of the Ruskies in case they were doing the same thing with that groovy new thing called LSD. 20/20 hindsight, however, shows that it was an unnecessary crime against humanity.

>Programmed to kill
is the nutjob-conspiracy type

They thought it'd be funny.

Real answer: They heard the Ruskies were doing it and figured they should check it out because under any unturned stone could be the key to tipping the balance of power.

I don't think he's condoning those actions but simply making fun of the naivety of the average american who unironically believes the "good guys USA" narrative.

I know basically every country does fucked up shit but I still think it's fucking weird that these guys are on the American government's payroll. I mean this is like openly employing Unit 731 or something. Hasn't the CIA done tons of fucked up shit like this? They probably still do and nobody cares.

If you think MK-Ultra was bad, Project MONARCH succeeded it after the project was discontinued, and MONARCH is merely the most recent program that we know of. Who the fuck knows what they've come up with by now.

Fucking pure evil man.


I personally know people who were sterilized, in fact my moms whole class was, save for her obviously and her friend. This was during the Kennedy years.

I don't know why the federal agencies even bother keeping anything secret since you can literally publish official documents about how you tortured and conducted involuntary experiments on homeless people, prostitutes, and the mentally ill specifically to have subjects who couldn't fight back and normies will still call you a crazy conspiracy theorist if you bring up this fact.

It led to great advances in interrogation and cultural engineering techniques. The CIA takes care to make sure its mistakes get publicized to make them seem too incompetent to cause, for example, the Hippy subculture.

So what's the benefit in engineering a hippy subculture, or something similar?

Nigga if youve ever done lsd, the idea it might be used for mind control doesnt seem like THAT MUCH OF A STRETCH. In fact it seems like less of a stretch than what lsd actually does


Serious answer: because people running things in the 1960s were likely born in the 1910s and 20s, and thus seriously thought a "truth serum" (or something comparable to it) existed. Given the context of the Cold War such programs got money. This guy makes an extremely good point.

It would have popped up around something else, LSD just made it happen faster.

fact: nobody cared about black people (who were almost always the victims) then and nobody cares about black people now

The author can be bombastick, but sadly is not just the imagination of a nutjob. I had that same impresión until I started to double check the facts... And fuck this book! The world is now a little bit more dark for me

The benefit is that given a certain amount of subtle hints to the population you can create a party of useful idiots.

>mind control project
This is slightly misleading, and an intentional phrase pushed by the US government.
Really, it was a torture project, not some wacky red alert 2 esque mind control project. By making it seem absurd, it's easier to make people less upset about it.

In reality, it was an experiment in psychological torture over physical torture, with certain elements of mind control, and the results no doubt were useful to the CIA, since they realised psychological torture is far more effective.

One of the few conspiracy theories I think is plausible is monarch programming, which is trauma-based slavery and mind-control, which I could see as a logical next step to MKUltra.

Just look at all the batshit disfunctional millenial crybabies who protest Trump now. Quintessential useful idiot material to trigger a marxist revolution with.

Because compared to those the drug-enhanced mind control technique seems like some next level shit.

I'm pretty sure MONARCH was what they called the project in Godzilla.

I'm currently reading a biography about the Brothers Dulles, the one being Director of the CIA and the other Secretary of State.
A lot about MK Ultra and related crazy shit. Highly recommend it. Just called 'the Brothers'

Where was this, and how? Like does Mr. Q walk into a middle school one day and say, "Okay kiddies, today we're gonna snip your balls and tie your tubes!"

Yeah, that didn't originate with the Dunies at all....

There are no good empires.

Well it wasn't in the US, it was in El Salvador in the 60's. My mom was in her 4th year I think, what you'd call fourth grade. In their school they made the kids drink milk which was being distributed and sponsored by some charity or organization, but it was supposedly to feed children in poorer countries and encourage health. My mom hated milk so she always gave it to her classmate, since the teachers made the kids eat and drink everything they were served in school or recieve punishment. She always snuck it to her classmate.Fastforward to the early 2000's and another classmate of my moms, her friend had gotten to a high position in the government. She was able to access documents pretty far, and out of curiosity researched her class. She found that this milk contained something which had one of the side effects of making it near impossible to have children. She managed to have children after nearly dying in the process and going through expensive treatment, she could afford to but even with the finances it nearly cost her her life. She phoned up all her classmates she could collect and not a single one of them was able to have children even though they all tried. My mom, the only one who didn't drink that milk was ok, and she had four children including me.

Idk too much of the details other than that, but I can ask if you'd like.

funny for you to say because devil's breath actually does something like that

>There is no real oversight in the CIA

there's still not.

you think SSCI or HPSCI are told much, let alone the truth?

Simple answer, social engineering


"The Dulles brothers, one a self-righteous prude, the other a charming libertine, shared a common vision: a world run from Washington by people like themselves. With ruthless determination, they pursued, acquired, and wielded power, heedless of the consequences for others. They left behind a legacy of mischief. Theirs is a whale of a story and Stephen Kinzer tells it with verve, insight, and just the right amount of indignation. "

Criminals in Columbia use it all the time to make people empty their bank accounts, commit crimes, etc.

No it doesn't, scopolamine is just an anticholinergic. It makes people drowsy and disoriented. It doesn't give you the ability to control people's minds any more than any other sedative would. If someone does something stupid while on scopolamine it's still their fault at least as much as it's still your fault if you do something stupid while drunk.

Would love to get more info on this. Looking into it right now and there isn't much on this subject in this period. I tend to believe you, but it would be better to haver more data on this, when exactly this happened, what organization were involved and such.

>the CIA wants to trigger a Marxist revolution
>a revolution that would likely kill them and the masters they serve

> As if it never happened

>the US is Marxist because sexually confused teenagers whine about identity politics

Yeah I wonder where she got those crazy ideas

Are you retarded?

Take an intro to psychology class and see how easy it is to take a person's free will.

Holy shit wtf.

No really wtf. Only lactose intolerant people won't like the milk, and only docile people will take it if they are lactose intolerant. It's as if I came up with this plan: a way to rid the world of white people and correct the sins of the conquistadores by killing some of the stupidest of the indians. A world without mestizos. A world restored to a pre-columbian paradise.

They fed the milk to the upper-class too, right?

Continued consumption and obedience to the opulent.

You condition them into thinking they're radically opposed to the powers that be, in spite of the fact that they are sanctioned and allowed to protest for a small number of permissions, not actual rights.

People are actually very weak willed in general.

Mob mentality, bystander effect, deindividuation, milgram study.

No, you're retarded desu.


How's that replication crisis going? Come back to me when you can successfully repeat 50% of your original studies' findings, you're around 36% right now lol.

>mfw 70% of people would have administered a lethal dose of electricity to a person just because a scientist told them to
>mfw 80% would do the same just because they were in front of a crowd of people
>mfw people will literally step over a dying person just because no one else has helped
>mfw people will stay in a room that fills with smoke just because the other people say it's okay
>mfw a person will literally DENY THE OBJECTIVE TRUTH just because a bunch of other people say the truth is wrong

>Only 36% of psychology studies show the same """significant""" results when independently reproduced

It's garbage.



How about a reliable source?

Also, the studies I referenced have not been redone, as far as we know, due to ethics.

The Milgram obedience tests have been redone like half a dozen times.

Since when nature is not considered reliable?
Not baiting, i thought it was.

It's not a peer reviewed article written by scientists.

My comment had been slightly bait, since he's splitting hairs