Super Metroid Edition
>What is Battlerite?
Battlerite is a F2P PvP team arena brawler and the spiritual successor to critically acclaimed Bloodline Champions. Experience the unique combination of a skill-based top down shooter and a fighting game. Take part in highly competitive, fast-paced 2v2 and 3v3 battles.
>Store /app/504370/Battlerite/
>Patch 1.03 notes, new hero next week, and vote for your favorite Jade /games/504370/announcements/detail/2918758521446257674
>Roadmap for /newera/
>Free Ashka /8X6t0/battlerite-f2p-ashka-chest
>Newbie /4tS737Y9
>/brg/ player /spreadsheets/d/1X5gY7yqfr7KmqQv5p4N65fLruYr9rnkm-ZHFcKLXxLs/edit#gid=973992834 >Add /forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd89zBULnDGRC__t4vtR_9qPUJXR9stQpDUAYw9zLgmO32KWA/viewform
November 21, 2017 - 04:07
First for brown lucie is my waifu.
November 21, 2017 - 04:09
What time does patch go live?
November 21, 2017 - 04:09
November 21, 2017 - 04:11
November 21, 2017 - 04:11
November 21, 2017 - 04:12
November 21, 2017 - 04:13
Selling 2 keys for the All Heroes pack, add me on Steam if you want to buy, will do a decent price /id/Tempprofileurl
November 21, 2017 - 04:13
would be retarded since most of his kit has already been portioned out to other characters
November 21, 2017 - 04:14
What timezone is battlerite on?
November 21, 2017 - 04:14