>TFW you realize that spending so much time on Veeky Forums is holding back your success
Is it better to leave this place?
>TFW you realize that spending so much time on Veeky Forums is holding back your success
Is it better to leave this place?
as in suicide?
If so, then yes
Fuck no. This place is the only thing keeping me sane. People here are woke af.
I drop by reddit and facebook somtimes and i look at all the pathetic normsters posting unfunny reddit memes and selfies and i feel sorry for them. All of their information is filtered by zuckerstein and the NSA at reddit.
Poor fuckers are living in a bubble and don't even know it.
Giving computers to normies was a mistake.
Do you think Veeky Forums isnt also datamined?
For fucks sake at least Reddit is opensource... Veeky Forums is closed source and every post you make you're filling out a captcha for ((((((google))))))
Why do you post this or some variation thereof each and every day?
Maybe it's your attitude holding you back and not Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums has actually been a wellspring of success from my perspective.
No. I have no friends besides this place.
Veeky Forums, /pol/, Veeky Forums, and the occasional /r9k/ and /x/ for fun are about as good as life gets for me.
Family is the only thing that really matters. Beyond that, no one really gives a fuck about you. Not your gf, not your "friends," not your co-workers... no one. It's sad when my fucking dog loves me and cares about me more than a human with a prefrontal cortex.
Anyways, in terms of success, I am a candy ass jabroni new fag. Been here since '08 pretty much. I have always felt, for as much cancer as this place had/has/will have, that Veeky Forums was always on the "edge" or cusp when it came to what is new or upcoming in the world, you know? Crypto might be one of those things for Veeky Forums as right-wing-populism is for /pol/.
It's kind of like that old comic where the Veeky Forums users produce some meme or something then the Reddit users extort it and claim it and their own, then it gets cycled through dig but then 9gag ends up finding it in the trashcan covered in shit or something.
I feel like the autistic faggots here produce good content, are typically ahead of the curve (or at least not far behind in other areas) when compared to normies, among other things as well.
So take Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums as you will. Can this place be addictive? Oh, yes. Back when I was 16 I practically lived on here. Now I'm turning 25 and have done pretty good for myself. I got a master's degree, a good job, assets, etc. but yet I still shitpost here (mostly /pol/).
Start using Veeky Forums as a tool; that is, to gain quick information from users around the world in real time. If you're going on /d/ and /lgbt/ or /mlp/, I'd consider suicide. But, besides that. I think Veeky Forums can actually make you successful so long as you can distinguish reality from larping from shitposting, etc. like no Redditor or megacorporation can.
Maybe it is just a certain type of person who belongs/stays here... but it certainly is easy to spot shills, cancer, etc.
OP is a fag.
Veeky Forums taught me about jews, feminists, globalists and cryptos
It made me wake up and i made some nice gains along the way
if you really wanted to leave, where would you go? back to the reddit/facebook bubble?
Nowhere. Just real life.
sounds awful desu
Better than talking with NEETs on an anime website.
So Veeky Forums poisoned your mind and you're celebrating it? You know /pol originally was satire, but then 14 year old kids showed up and started taking it seriously. Here on /biz we had good finance education threads for the first year and not its degenerated to cryptocurrency shilling for 90% of the posts.
Just git gud OP. I'll show you how to git gud.
>Go to store
>Apply for job
>go home
>Rinse and repeat everyday
Wow that is 1 more thing than what you accomplish everyday so its a fucking start.
I'm employed though
Must not be better if you are still here
This place is a gold mine if you are using the right boards.
That is Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /trv/, Veeky Forums, /diy/ etc
You are far better off here than some normie shit like facebook. Man I just saw my feed a moment ago. Fucking made me REE'd
I only feel that /pol/ is radicalising you and making your opinions fucking unbearable to both yourself and those around you.
/pol/ to a certain extent too. It's pretty eyeopening to see how much the government is Jewing you.
Some of their memes are pretty bluepilled tho
>This place is a gold mine if you are using the right boards.
>You are far better off here than some normie shit like facebook. Man I just saw my feed a moment ago. Fucking made me REE'd
>feelin the same way here
This, the internet is a race to the bottom as more normies jump on and drive the content.
Sure lad but,
The main concern with /pol/ is that they make a misogynist. They constantly reinforce that modern women are liberal cheating emotion driven drama queens. And that they will divorce and suck everything you ever worked for.
Idk if it is just them being edgy 19y.o. virgins
You can't deny that marriage is a terrible investment.
And a lot of people on /pol/ encourage chasing women & reproducing to save the White race, which is normally a bad financial decision.
Are you american?
Usually the MGTOW posts are done by burgers who cite the "if she divorces you, she gets the house, all common savings and the kids". Which I don't know if applies where I am from
Hey boyos, I don't think this is a big enough subject to make a thread about and I don't browse Veeky Forums often so I don't know if this is the appropriate place to post this, but I need a job that doesn't require a background check and needs no experience. Anyone know what I can do?
Yep, family courts are staffed with women here
Veeky Forums is great if you want to get body dysmorphia, tired memes and terrible training advice.
>body dysmorphia
True. especially about height
>mystery hunters
Been on Veeky Forums since '05, I've seen the place grow and shift and there is no denying the truth.
There were always threads about how Veeky Forums sucks, but this is the only place on the internet where not only is that a common discussion, it is a time-honored tradition.
I prefer to think of it like this. If you use Veeky Forums poorly and listen to idiots, then you are obviously going to have a terrible time of it. Anyone can get pulled into this vast network of information and easily lose their soul in hatred and misconceptions, I was like that too, once. Then I began to understand that no thread matters, no post matters, except from what you can obtain from that post.
If you're spending over 1 hour a day reading and posting, I expect that you should review if you've actually learned anything worthwhile or gained perspective on any issue.
The times I got the most value from this place is when I just happened to find a good thread at the right time. Take it as it comes, and you don't need to worry about anything else.
Of course, I can't say that it was the right decision to stay or even to make this post. I do what I can, when I can, and if it adds up to something, anything, then that's great.
It's just my opinion, but I've found that the majority of information on the net will make you an idiot far faster than it will make you a genius.
Yeah it's generally a bad investment, but my wife also made me realize it's not all about the money either. You gotta find that middle ground between work and life.
I got lucky though, my wifey got an apartment from her parents when we weren't married yet. In our early 20s with a property and no debt, doesn't get any better.
When you get advice on 4chinz you have to assume you got it from a 27 yo kissless virgin, this applies to every board.
This guy gets it.
I've been here since 2010, and I'm almost 26 now.
While it may sound funny to say, it's true, Veeky Forums is really ahead of the curve. If you know how to read between the lines, if you know how to distinguish the bullshit from the truth, if you can spot the shills, you'll get extremely valuable information here. It will teach you a lot about human nature too.
Of course, opinions expressed here may not be representative of society as a whole since the userbase is mostly young men, and even then, not every young man out there lurks Veeky Forums, and the ones that actively participate are a minority inside a minority.
The key is not to binge. Moderation, as always.