Let's be honest, you put anyone in Florida and they become a degenerate.
Glorious German stock still rule the plains though. Hitler was pretty myopic, to say the least, if only he could see the beauty of North Platte he might have reconsidered.
>North Platte
Who the fuck would willingly WANT to be German?
Also take this shit to /int/
Depends on if he's a Catholic or not.
If he is then he'd probably have a bit harder time assimilating.
Also I'm pretty sure the White ethnics weren't fully assimilated until the end of WW2.
There were large neighborhoods where the White ethnics preserved their culture and identity.
U so jelly of my sand hills, the rage must just be bubbling inside.
as an Ohioan, I really want to know what the fuck went wrong
I bet the whole cuckold bullshit came from Germans in America.
They're truly the most degenerate people in existence.
You are right next door to French speakers and you are worried about Muzzies?
How many times have the villainous French tried to invade our lands? Way more suspicious than some refuge Africans.
Around a Francophone, never sleep alone.
I'm not worried, I'm more just curious.
If I were really concerned about French-speakers, I'd be calling for Quebec to be nuked
Miami is a degenerate city. Most of this state is. But there are a fair amount of us that go unnoticed because we keep away from the outspoken idiocy. We basically see how things are and mind our own fucking business and aren't like that. I can't wait to leave this foresaken swamp
Honestly, hoping President Trump is crazy enough to solve the "Quebec Question" once and for all.
Why are there so many German speakers in the United States?
You have to remember that the center portion of our country is the least densely populated, so this chart is giving you a distorted view of how many people actually speak which language in our country.
no but how did the germans get there
Walking, wagons, trains, birth.
but you can't do that across an ocean
A lot of Germans came and settled the Midwest and further out in the mid 1800s. You twit
I forgot boats.
Help, don't hurt, friend.
but why would america allow germans to come settle here weren't they worried about nazi infiltration? probably a stupid demoCRAP in charge at the time