GIRLS edition
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>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
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(Due to a large influx of applications, the clan is full for the time being.)
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WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts:
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules:
DPS calculator and weapon build planner:
DPS calculator and build planner No.2:
Top guns:
Frames and Modding:
CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.3.0)
/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
first for nakak
Bandagekid doesn't need a real name.
How smug are you right now /wfg/ and why?
Smug as the Void.
do people even use this?
>nitain alert
>corpus hijack
>I have Trinity
8/10 would smug again
i want moa pet
Stay mad retard.
inaros is nice on hijacks also
Not really feeling it because no /wfg/ gf.
user, the best to build opticor for maximum damage against eidolons would be to eventually replace vile acceleration with a riven rolled for +90% fire rate and +% damage, correct?
but moa are cute
when are we going to get fucking razorback
>steam bucks burning a whole in my steam wallet
>want some extra weapon slots and possibly a landing craft livery
>don't want to buy plat without at least a %50 coupon
at best just a fun gun
they should make it more penis shaped
it's ok to forma and potato regular rhino right? since he's so expensive and dont want to drop so much plat on a frame
just sell mods and prime parts you autist
you will always be inferior
Just reverse Jew him for like 200p
Corrected to “A Pair of Professional Motherfuckers”
theres like a milli-inch of difference between rhino rhino and rhino prime--stats wise
the biggest difference is the colour, thats it
but the real answer is get nezha so you dont have to worry about this
i'm on a level of smug you can't even comprehend
stop bullying moa
Yes. It is completely fine. Regular frames need a little more tlc, and have a small amount of stat under a Prime, but it’s not game-ruining. There is nothing where a Prime frame is mandatory.
>getting an mr fodder frame that's bad at everything except for attracting gay ERP fags
tfw bf still won't play wf
>that filename
he's taking it for a walk
no bully yet
>bad at everything
>has one of the best aoe CCs that ignore nullifers
>has a targetable ironskin with augments
>is actually faster than a buffed volt with slide mods on
no you
alad v go and stay go
It’s 5:33 AM I posted from my cellphone.
>He doesn't know
Fuck you Nizza is great for blasting Initial D as you Multi-Transference Drift across the plains.
>still no sitcom with Frost, Vauban and Nova camping a defense mission to wave 250.
Eidolon Phylaxis or Snipetron?
I already have an Ether Dagger bp from somewhere else.
get both
it's literally impossible to get snipetron any other way
get both you turboautist
they're as cheap as your mother
Phylaxis will give you more standing if used during the a run of the event, so it'll make getting other rewards faster too.
I just got the Rage mod. Who is it good?
>taking health damage gives you energy
gee user i dunno, frames with a lot of hp?
isn't snipetron vandal a better weapon?
you can get that at invasions
rage on wukong makes him literally unkillable
At least you have him.
Oberon. Rage restores energy through channeled abilities, meaning taking damage just gives you free energy while your heal is active.
>tfw everytime i see nezha my boipussy starts ovulating
Nidus and Inaros. That's pretty much it.
jesus christ, wipe your butt properly after you take a dump.
I just noticed kavats rip the entirety of armor off enemies, is anything else that insanely strong?
And yet you can only get normal snipetron when DE feels like it (the last time they did was two years ago) and it provides mastery.
could you describe how this happens?
>the code for vectis skin actually comes with a potatoed vectis and i presume free slot too
sure, why not
Not really.
its when your boipussy starts tingling when you see a cute guy
>"ive worked all kinds of jobs in all kinds of places"
what ""jobs"" do you think she has worked
It's a mod, they don't do it just because.
yeah can confirm
I sold it right away and got a free slot
I know, but do even status effects go that insane?
The kavat itself doesn't seem to do too much damage I think, unless I want to jump dump a fuckton of endo into increasing its crit and damage, think I'd prefer a tanky kavat that just rips armor and throws up buffs though.
If you want another free slot use FREESWORD to get a potatoed heat sword in a slot
>tfw no boipussy is tingling over me
There's probably going to be another part to this event.
no there wont be
What’s your excuse for not being part of the Pair of Professional Motherfuckers?
You're not gay
yeah its called RAZORBACK fucking DE shits...
My friends uncle works at DE.
getting tired of your crap spider
not a single focus orb spawn, wtf did I do wrong?
I'm new to the game, this is my fourth day in and I just got to Ceres and rank 3. I've clocked in 36 hours into the game and I really enjoy it so far. Are there any tips y'all can give me as far as not fucking up?
What should I use my 50 beginning Platinum on?
How do I get more without money?
Also I'm currently building rhino as my second frame(started Excalibur), should I stop and wait til end game to build anything besides weapons?
Thanks ma dudes!
Warframe slot and two doses of weapon slots, or a color palette.
youre too happy.
i don't like it.
Get a syandana
slots (weapon and warframe)
you get more plat by selling stuff to players, check
You can't really "fuck up" in this.
Buy warframe slots/weapon slots.
You'll get to open relics for prime parts that you can trade for more plat.
Build everything that you can, that's how you rank up.
that's right, i'm not gay!
>What should I use my 50 beginning Platinum on?
slots and only slots
50p will get you 2 warframe slots OR 1 warframe slot and 4 weapon slots
>How do I get more without money?
get relics, do relic missions to get prime parts, collect sets(recommended) or sell random "prime junk" to other players. You can also run derelict vaults and sell those rare mods. Anything of value that is tradable you can sell for plat if you are patient enough for trade chat.
colour is like 70p and you can get free syandanas from syndicates/baro/linking twitch acc...BAD suggestion
Even without the orbs - what the fuck is that focus-gain?
Are you even sleeping things?
get your free potatoed heat sword and free potatoed vectis through the ingame market's redeem code section..go look it up
both also give you a free slot each, so thats like 12+20+20 worth of plat right there
if youre rich boi upgrade your excalibum with blue potato
I dunno, maybe I tripped the alarm or dropped my multiplier a couple of times. I've never had a run without any focus orbs so I don't know what a normal amount looks like. But I've hit my daily cap now so whatever
They said that it's going to happen after the event ends.
>get akjagara blueprint from login reward
>requires akbolto
>didn't I have that?
>mastered, but not in inventory; must have sold it
>akbolto requires 2x bolto, sure why not
>each bolto requires a lato
yeah, nah
Lato can be purchased with credits
I got akjagara riven, I want to try it and see if its any good but I really cant be bothered to craft it. I want a twin basolk too but I sold my dual zoren.
>Can be bought fully assembled
sauce me up senpai
Its fun if you use riven with +recoil
If you hit your focus cap during a run then no more orbs will spawn and you won't get any more. Looks like you hit it early.
You dodged the noob bullet by picking Excalibur because his parts farm is a pain in the ass.
Screenshot me your profile with time played and name and I'll give you a prize.
>galatine prime
get atterax or secura lecta instead?
will suck dick for plastids
fuck off this is my territory, i need the orokin cells