Previous thread:>Where do I look up tanks?
>Want to do clan stuff?
Blitz: BENIS
Previous thread:>Where do I look up tanks?
>Want to do clan stuff?
Blitz: BENIS
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Yea that's totally how this game works. I have to load premium just to pen it's sides reliably, the VK100P needs to be fucking removed.
the game and its armour schemes need to be rolled back by 2.5 years and work from there to improve the game.
what we have now is a shitshow
how to fix rng?
I take back all those times I defended the Tiger. This thing actually does suck.
I have 2 marks on both the Tiger I and Tiger 131 and 3k WN8 in the 131. There are just too many situation can shat on. The tank is at the mercy of the matchmaker.
Dude bro pal juat flank them chum or shoot gold buddy
What's the difference? I play only for a year or so.
>2 marks
s h i t t e r
how do you get good at the game? shoot prem? im an utter shitter
I take it back the Tiger is okay now
Load gold/learn the layout of every tank in the game. The more tanks you play the easier this becomes.
>tier 6 tiger
i dont want to spend any money so my existence is agony
Mine is a tier 7. And if you invest a lot of time in this game there is nothing wrong with investing money as well. Just don't go overboard.
Get 5k battles, optimally on all classes (just don't use bong arties, first few ones have unique gun arcs and can shoot where others cannot) so that you learn where do those tanks go on various maps. You can look up armour layouts on, but pen indicator since some time is pretty good and can help you (somewhat universal weakpoints are lower front plates and track gears at front). If you're still bad after that you need to work on your reflexes and map awareness.
I thought russians were crazy since communism collapsed, but it looks like they already were in the past
Holly fuck
chrisdie susbensions :DDD
Guess the tank's stats /wotg/
Tier 7
88mm Breda L/40
240 damage
195 pen
9 second reload
-10/+15 elevation
80mm/30mm/20mm armor
Top speed 55kph
What arties are good for missions I want to free up some of my orders.
I have the M44 and everything unlocked before it, the S-51, I have the crusader sp unlocked and everything before it, and the AMX 13 F3
Is the french light tank line a tired gimmick like the French culture and people? Is the soviet line the underappreciated hero?
>mfw my only two marked tank is the fucking liberte of all things
I want to fit gud, but I'm just so bad
>Is the french light tank line a tired gimmick like the French culture and people?
>Is the soviet line the underappreciated hero?
Hahahahahahahahahaha, faggot!
Redline camp friend win rate is irrelevant when grinding marks
marks are for people who play this game as if it's a single player game. personally i play this game as if it were a 5v5 so whenever i attempt for marks on tier tens, i have to play like an asshole. i usually lose on purpose for that supa damage
Stock Caernarvon
>God came from heavens to punish you
Elite Caernarvon
>look at me, I'm the god now
You should try it with full gold
he was talking about 2 marks though, not 3.
other players on my teams are basically minions and if i can't take an objective, ill just let them go ahead and ill level off them
God damn why do players in this game hate each other so much?
I've played online battle games that needed more teamwork than this game to win and even then the players were nice and understanding that it's just a game with only autistic screeching being a rarity, but in this game it's like bitch bitch bitch every battle then it goes on general chat and so on.
I like the game but goddamn.
Game itself is toxic, that's why
because the game is a conditioning chamber and all the specimens are pissed off, awaiting their instance of reward
Because in those games, teammates are assets. They're all doing their level best to accomplish a combined objective: win the game.
In this game, teammates are obstacles. They're all doing their level best to deny you your objective: win the game.
excessive amounts of RNG combined with second grade """""""""""human""""""""" beings for teammates gets on everyones nerves after a while
>get bottom tiered as humanly as possible, presumably for the not the first in battle the row
>get the most shit map for your tank class/tank itself
>get disadvantageous spawn too
>get 400WN8 fetal alcohol syndrome victims as your top tiers
>miss multiple fully aimed shots in the row
>the one shot that finally lands on the flat side of a tank is a 0 dmg critical hit
>suddenly loader is dead, commander is dead, ammo rack is damaged
>you're stunned for the next 17 seconds
why you heff to bee mad )))))))
>Start playing World of Warplanes after bad Tanks sessions.
>It isn't that bad.
>The only real RNG is fire chance or crit chance.
>Even the occasional bots are better then real players at time.
Also, it is great for getting free xp for the WoT grind.
Do note that this isn't a thing that happens by fluke. It's literally every game.
he isn't lying
gameplay doesnt even change you just have to alt tab longer than you usually do
I don't understand why the game has no Skill based matchmaking at all.
Every tomato can grind up to T10 when they just spend enough time and a unicum can take his T2 tank and seal club some new players.
Bad players as well as good players both want skill based matchmaking, so why it there none?
Do they think they would sell less premium tanks, or what?
I bet a lot of new player would be less frustrated if they weren't seal clubbed all the time and might continue playing the game.
Every of my friends tried world of tanks, and only one made it to T10, two stopped at T8 and the others even before T5 because they hate things like the MM. All those people never paid anything but they might would have if they weren't so frustrated.
Why is it that I've never seen a shot in my Jgpz IV not go wide?
fair. how's this for an example?
perfect my man. playing the poster child of shitty trap tanks designed to make people skip it with free experience
tfw no bf (best friend) to play WoT with me all day
that's how the match making system is designed, have you read their patents?
also with all the data they have on which players spend the most and what battles that correlates to, it's in WGs interest to rig the battles to give the outcome they want for the players they want. WG have some of the highest revenues per user in the FTP market.
I'm also certain that WG go far and beyond what they included in their patents (which was filed years ago now) and given how ex-devs talk about it.
for example: at the start of the map, compare both teams $ spend on premium tanks, whichever team has the higher figure will have better non-premium players assigned to it.
i doubt they alter combat mechanics on a per match basis, but everything you mentioned which WG have TOTAL control over in regards to the set-up of teams, maps, tiers, etc. they will use to get the result they want 95% of the time.
>have you read their patents?
The one where they describe a random match making aside from the constraints of tier spread and class limits? Yeah I've read it.
>random match making
so you missed the small print on giving good players a tier handicap?
That was in a different proposition, which is pretty clearly not in effect.
>clearly not in effect
try playing a tank with 50% wr, and one with 70%+ and see what tier you are matched on average then
It makes no difference at all. If it did you wouldn't reach 70% to begin with.
you can only reach 70% in tanks that have guns which permit you to damage +2 tiers: IE "beat" the tier disadvantage. (good bye ELC)
but that's looking at the upper skill cap, what about the lower skill floor? ever seen a bot with a win rate lower than 40-44%? maybe it cant get lower because WG put them on the a side they think will win in 95% of instances, atleast 50% of the time. this is a statistical product of what WG themselves have described in their patent
I'm just going to call you an illiterate idiot and stop replying.
I have 120 days left of premium time. Should I still buy a full year of it black friday?
pls respond
it attracts a disproportionate amount of non-traditional gamers, there's a large amount of middle aged or above WWII enthusiasts who get targeted ads and jump at the chance to become the M4 Sherman, and military veterans coping with varying amounts of mental and physical trauma who the VA gets into the game as a form of socialization and a meaningful activity to do instead of drink themselves to death
this means the average player is far less competent than even call of duty or overwatch, and far more likely to have anger issues
In wargaming's opinion "good players don't want skill based mm because it would take away their ability to pub stomp on tomatoes, which is their reward for getting good, and people would lose any incentive to improve"
>tfw bottom tier 3 man platoon
>tfw we're at the top in the results
no. i would never recommended buying more than 3 months of perm at a time.
Why? I'm going to be playing for at least the next year. I think it's to better to buy a year or six months because it's much cheaper than buying it monthly.
how do you know? a year is a long time to be playing 1 game for
Because WoT isn't going to be getting a sequel. I'd still be playing Battlefield 3 or Bad Company 2 if DICE had stopped making new games and killing the old ones. WoT is probably the only MP I'll play for a long time because it has everything I want really. I've always wanted a game I could sink hours into without worrying jumping to the next title and WoT is it.
>when you're a shitter (829 wn8), but you get regularly >3k wn8 matches on caernarvon
It's not OP at all goyim
wn8 is just a number it doesnt make you better
>no defender
how many people are going to buy this, realistically? I'm thinking under 10 but more than 5
I know, but I was not able to rack >3k damage on any other tank either
Admittedly, KV-4 isn't that good for making damage quick, but even then I felt more confident in Caernarvon than in KV-4 when it came to armour.
>a $900+ tank package
yeah, no
If even one goyim buys it that's a lot of profit.
all those tanks should get a super-goy emblem so all of us peasants can know when we are among gods
>80+ tank bundle
>only like ten are good
>This ultimate good goy bundle is the only rare tanks they're selling for Thanksgiving
>The rest is discounts on bog standard tech tree tier 8 premiums
>no e25
>no scorpion G
Fuck that.
There's a skorpion in it. There's also two versions of the Liberte
And both versions of the stg, and the patriot
>american scorp
>white flag liberte
Not even close to a little gremlin with a retarded camo index, ramming ability despite being small as shit and autoloader levels reload time or a borsig faster than some light tanks and also with universal camo and if i remember correctly, a faster reload time.
look under the Rs, the skorpion is there
What the fuck are you even trying to say
>bunch of tanks I want
>a lot more tanks I already have
>no Defender, no Mutant
doesnt even have any ultra rares
not even defender or pz2j like who the fuck would actually want to buy that?
>bottom tier bromwell
>defending sand river assault
>arty targeting me of all things instead of our two t29s
>finally hits me for dmg on his 6th shot
>kills my gunner
>fix him
>T43 rolls down the hill to get me
>high rolls and kills my gunner and tracks me somehow
>fix tracks, drive away.
>he chases me deeper into the riverbed
>hit 2 and fire missing b/c lol dead gunner
>he shoots and high rolls again and ammo racks me
>proceeds to ram me killing us both
all I want is the Ram II and the Te-Ke and I'm sure as fuck not spending 900 bucks for those and a bunch of worthless tech tree premiums and duplicates of the clown cars
Yea im retarded.
Still, no e25 no deal, 1k for the G alone isnt worth for me, i dont even care for the rest.
The e25 can ram-kill even some heavy tanks and dont even get a module damage, and the health trade is ridiculous, all that without the controlled impact.
I think if you did buy it the tanks you already have would mean you get the gold equivalent
so you'd probably get 50 tanks or whatever and then like 40,000 gold for the rest
you'd think WG would be willing to throw in a defender for a fucking grand
40k gold is less than $200 which still leaves you with $700 of worthless trash premiums
I think even they understand the explosion of buttanger that a literal one thousand dollar pay to win bundle would produce, best to stick to the mediocre shit they can upsell with
how many purple points you got?
They're still selling the Skorp G and the Patriot.
>no Kanonenjagdpanzer
I mean now would have been the best time because most people think it'll never get sold again so it would have driven the profits significantly, so many shitters would have coughed up $1000 just for that
skorp G and patriot are in a seperate bundle in the store as we speak though, its not like they ever stopped selling those
that'll be the final milking before they ship the game off to the slaughterhouse, so 2 years from now
not many. I've a very average player. 52% winrate, 650 average over 4.4k games. my bromwel stats are ass b/c i played it without equipment for about ten games
WG have already made it clear they don't think the skorp or patriot are broken enough to warrant no more sales (even though they make most of the other premiums outright obsolete for the most part) but the defender is on another level entirely
How the fuck are you orange with a 52% winrate? Most yellows don't even crack 50%.
Holy fucking shit do they actually expect people to buy this shit I could understand if they included the e25 and type 59 but this shit is ridiculous
NA is filled with retarded whales who waste their money on this game, people will buy it
how should I know. I don't have a t10 and I got my first t9 less than a week ago. I'm a rather easily frustrated player so if I do poorly a few games in a row, I'll just keep playing poorly by trying to force things more and more that I know won't work
Only acceptable if you've already won and are just cleaning up.
They're selling the LeFH on Black Friday. Should I buy it?
do you like ruining everyone's games?
Yes, it's only like 1500 gold.