What are some good history [spoiler]but mostly WW2 haha :^)[/spoiler] documentaries on Netflix? Would prefer something similar to "Apocalypse: The War".
Any good history films in general are also fine, just suggest whatever you like.
What are some good history [spoiler]but mostly WW2 haha :^)[/spoiler] documentaries on Netflix? Would prefer something similar to "Apocalypse: The War".
Any good history films in general are also fine, just suggest whatever you like.
Just look up the world at at war breh. 26 episodes of niggas who were there.
>world at war
my dude
More of such pics plz?
only got a couple
Assuming you're American, look for ones that aren't made by Americans. BBC has several good WWII ones narrated by the same old dude. There's one on Stalin and USSR in WWII that is fantastic.
On Netflix.
>out of formation
>no cartridge pouch
>two sacks
>copy and pasted faces
>that formation
>improperly fit clothing
>jacket doesn't have buttons
Delet this
they're just cute amine grills doin their best!
desu, i just get triggered from the first one and the >boots
keep posting tho
im sorry ;-;
Of all of these, is still the best. It doesn't have modern slutty shit like leggings and unhistorical stockings. Anybody else have a fetish for pre-19th century historical clothing?
Pls no stitch-naziing
>Unbuttoned midriff
those are black gaiters
>out of formation
she is obviously just posing, and it looks like it is based off an existing illustration
Where did you get these photos from
I just saved most of them from Veeky Forums
also, it's a fucking woman, how was this not the most triggering aspect for you
The Great War (1964) - great comprehensive documentary of WW1. Has like 26 episodes and features interviews from vets who were still alive from that time
The World at War (1973) - same as the one above, except swap WW1 with WW2.
Battlefield - great survey of major WW2 battles and campaigns. Each episode is 2 hours long so it goes through everything - orders of battle, equipment used, major commanders and of course the campaign as well is told in great detail.
Apocalypse WW1/WW2 - french documentaries that feature great colorized footage. It's pretty basic when compared to the previous ones when it comes to narrative, but the it's worth watching for the footage alone. It literally makes you feel like it was taken just recently and it's pretty gory at parts.
Russia's War: Blood on the snow - documentary about Soviet Union during Stalin's era from the Revolution till the Stalin's death. Has lots of interviews from people who were persecuted etc.
fat tiddie caroleans are my fetish
>There's one on Stalin and USSR in WWII that is fantastic
World War Two: 1941 and the Man of Steel Prof. David Reynolds.
See also:
1942 and Hitler's Soft Underbelly
1945 and the Wheelchair President