totally not launching with only filler edition
totally not launching with only filler edition
what pvp loadouts should i practice with to git gud (pc)
mida can fuck right off
Old fashioned/dire promise
Manan sr4
Why does Calus invite us in then change his mind the moment we go inside
Why don't we just use the Underbelly and bust in the Throne Room if he doesn't know where we are
Why didn't we just start destroying the copies
Why doesn't he just do his spirit bomb constantly
Are you inironically retarded?
How much upload should I give (percentage wise) in my torrent program in order to find the sweetspot for P2P PVP connections? I.e. I hit all my shots while the enemy sees me being a spastic lagger and can't hit for shit. I was thinking giving 3/4 of my upload bandwith to the torrent program in order to leave 1/4 for destiny which should give the desired effects. but I'm new to this kind of cheese so any help is appreciated
he wanted to see us fight the whole time
you can but the big door is locked
they don't pose any threat
because he doesn't think he needs to
I did this part of the raid last night. It took a few tries but we managed it in the end, it was fun.
I was on the top because it was my first time doing the raid, so they let me take the easy job while I learned.
We did the Baths too, that was even better. I had a lot of fun running backwards and forwards.
Tonight we're going to do the Gauntlet, we had to cut it short because one of the guys had to go, but I read some walkthroughs and watched some videos, and I think I understand how to do it.
You do realize Calus isn’t a villain right? He literally invited you to entertain him for loot at your own leisure.
Why is this thread filled with brainlets?
Help vs Agent Hask
>needing additional crutches to walk on in the most casual shooter on the market even beyond ww2
>needing help in a game where literal 12 year old go flawless weekly
What does the level 300 power single player mission give you? Is it worth doing? I just got to 301 on my main.
Can you do it solo or do you need to LFG?
names user, names are you talking about the acrius quest?
>tfw want purples other than Iron Banner and crucru
>Can't afford to spend time farm areas other than crucru
Also, does anyone have the images of what all the sets for each class looks like?
Just right click the engram on saladin
idk what button it is for peasant platforms.
The one on the EDZ. I forget the name atm. It's a base power of 300 needed to start. One the left side of the map at the ship.
Yes that’s the End of the Arms Dealer quest for the acrius shotgun and yes you need at least one other person with you
I also meant non-iB.
I didn't get the NM set this rally, gloves only. And Ankaa Seeker robes don't look awesome.
The same applies to all vendors too, you can inspect the engrams they show. the only one that's not previewable IIRC is the raid gear.
>everyone and their mom is using the wardcliff glitch
>even in quickplay
Including me.
jesus, I sure hope you didn't purchase season pass
DLC looks shallow as fuck
>bringing PvE exploits into Pvp
you people are literally why we can’t have fun things in this game anymore
two tokens, two
i got a last hope but for the life of me i cannot figure out how to use this thing.
the effective range stat looks huge but the damage falloff seems ridiculous. am i just sucking and missing? what is the best case to be using this?
Anyone on PC wanna IB?
You have to get real close as it has shit range (probably even shorter than smg-tier).
But when you get in and hit all your bursts it shreds. I often use it to soften targets before melee.
Is there any reason to play IB at all?
somebody play on my account and farm iron banana tokens for me
I actually would because clash is one of the few modes in this game that doesn’t give me an aneurism.
Yes for samurai armor and reskinned weapons.
Any of the weapons good?
Is the handcannon worth it?
I really was sleeping on sentinel with synthoceps. Feels good to be free of striker even if I was running bottom tree
what said they’re just reskins
>tfw a MIDA baby thinks he can 1v1 me at any range below 150m
Daily reminder that only shitters use the MIDA
The mini tool is fine though
forgot my fucking pic
>*click* *click* *click*s you from across the map
nothin personnel
the absolute state of (You)
I only use the MIDA in the crucible because it's either use that or better Devils, or do terrible. The reason why I never even play crucible unless I have to like with Iron Banner or Shaxx milestones
Do your weekly flashpoints, and if your in a clan make sure to pick up your engrams. Free planetary/vendor/activity sets if you’re really that strapped for time
Are you really farming crucible that hard though that you can’t take a half hour to do daily planet challenges?
>Play pvp for the iron banner gear
>Get the urge to uninstall the game afterwards (even when winning)
The last bungie I game I've played previously was Halo 3 and I don't remember it being this bad. What happened?
aim for the belt until zen moment kicks in as the initial recoil is ass. It actually has some decent range with zen procced, but the recoil can make it seem like its worhtless past 5 feet if you arent used to the weapon.
I personally dont like it. i much prefer smgs over the omolon 3 round burst sidearms, but I get fucked up by anyone competent in CQ with it because it has the fastest ttk in game by a large margin unless I can finesse the situation. In a straight up gun fight its a nightmare, atleast on console
say something nice about hunters
gee idk user maybe because Halo bungie =/= Destiny bungie?
The arrow lad with bottom tree and voidwall is fun, only fun thing about hunter though.
triple jump is love
triple jump is life
and no other class can have it
Is there a single 200 rpm kinetic scout rifle other than the MIDA? I almost always use a spire or antiope, but with all the energy weapons to choose from it feels like theres no variety in kinetic
Invis and stompee5 neck breaks are the most fun thing in crucible besides a synthocep sentinel
Shitty armor you wont get
spire, heros burden, forward path, and wizened rebuke
the weapons might be reskins, but the change in perks and archetypes is what mattters
Why the Last Hope over the Etana SI4? Statistically isn't the SI4 better?
pure hipfire? then yes. it does have a larger magazine as well, however zen moment allows you to tighten the recoil while ads whereas etana doesnt have the same ability
How do you motherfuckers fail to link to the previous threads in OPs
who fucking cares
But then the recoil on sidearms is already bad enough when you can't see what you're shooting at and they are perfectly accurate when hipfiring.
>Are you really farming crucible that hard though that you can’t take a half hour to do daily planet challenges?
No, but I am farming crucible and painting spehss muhreens that much.
If there isn't a helmet for Titans that looks like the Kabr's Battlekage helm then I'm going to be upset.
Is the Hunter Exotic that turns the GG into a one-shot + Sharpshooter a good combo?
>Fighting lion from a powerful engram
>is even more damage on golden gun a good thing?
What do you think?
is this really a question?
Just asking nuke vs six shot.
go for the six shooter
1 space for NF
6 shot isn't really worth it, it just makes you look cool when you clean up ads. Paired with Nighthawk you have a super short super that does less damage than sharpshooter tree. Bottom tree Nighthawk is the way to roll for boss damage.
anyone on PC wanna do literally anything?
plugging in the gameboy as we speak
Fugg don't do me like this user.
1 space for NF PC
true. The only point im trying to make in the comparison is that the last hope flat lines while ads with zen moment active. its a big thing on console where I feel like more people trust their ads more than hipfire
PC though? Honestly all I hear about is better devils so I dont know
Ill come
slabman hash 1211
Sent, we're on EU rn senpai.
Right. Just trying to figure out what's the best path overall. Hunter is my second character and I don't even have the void class yet.
fair enough
there kind of is. ive seen glimpses
I think a lot of you guys are sleeping on the Minuet-42. ive been pairing it with mida this week to pretty great success.
Also, this may be a dumb question, but does the walkspeed stack if you use mida multi/mini with the transverse steps?
gib battletag, or add me
According to the wiki, no.
the lightweight frame of a weapon is like gaining 1 mobility so I dont see why not
Do not put a point into six shot, it ruins the super and you can't take the point out. You get less time, so if you try to line up precision shots (which you should always be doing) then you might get 3 shots off, if you just hip fire maybe 5, spraying randomly you'll get all six of. It is a downgrade of the super and needs to be fixed. Same with mobius quiver, don't take it, it fucks up your super.
what’s wrong with mobius quiver
Read the last sentence of the post you quoted retard.
So I hear this game is a shallow and generally complete disappointment but I'm still intrigued.
Firstly how true is this, secondly how long is it going to be on sale for? It's currently 35% off.
If you have Orpheus Rig absolutely nothing, which you should have anyway if you’re running void ignore other user
More shots, but shorter range on the tethers. More often than not you can snare more enemies and generate for more orbs with the one large shot.
well I do so I guess im fine
just wanted to make sure I didn’t fuck up by unlocking it
You can get every single skill on both top and both of each spec.
I do still recommend the top tree anyway, the orb generation alone will make your teammates fall in love with you
Sorry, filled man
don pls raid i need the challenge
No need to be RUDE
Who and what platform
>get Merciless ornament first week through bright engram
>tfw I finally get the Merciless to put it on
Feels good lads. Feels good.
>wonder why im coming off so well in what would normally be trades
>still playing in europe cause of that nf
lmao thanks don
>launch PvP
>get matched against full vocal premade when you're alone
>they're all from china so 500 MS average
>shit netcode
>they use XIM so they get aim assist with mouse / keyboard
Haha amazing game guys !
>get exotic engram
>walk up to cryptarch
>see a guy open merciless before I open mine
>''better give me a merciless too'' - me
>I actually get a merciless from it
what fug
>be na
>tfw I play exclusively on Eu because bungo made it p2p
Why not make this joke pvp even more of a joke?
I'm in NZ so it's even more of a meme, literal other side of the world
Can I get raid armor for a character more than once a week? Like, after my first raid of the week, will repeating it drop any more raid gear?
>Only exotic weapons I don't have are Skyburner's Oath and Sweet Business
>Have the ornaments for both of them
Meanwhile fucking Rahool wants to give me my 9th DARCI.
sidhe on pc
if you run both normal and prestige, and prestige will only drop armor