The Poro Platoon edition
The Poro Platoon edition
tfw no Todd champion
xth for my wife Syndra
So can you get PROJECT: Vayne from those shit jew orbs or what? I dont want to spend 20 bucks on a fucking skin
>tfw no qt petite gf
It's not that she can't get those, it's just that she can't get an Ultimate until all/most champs have a modern Legendary/Ultimate.
Basically if you have a non-Legacy Legendary skin then you're off the list for an Ultimate and vice-vera for a long, long time.
>project Vi
>Play Eve
>Religiously camp the mid laner until they afk
I love Riven, my cute and perfect wife!!!
I can't believe there are still people picking Aery on champs with almost guaranteed stuns
Does she wear it for Ekko?
Does she take cosplay offers from black men?
Holy shit its so stressful playing support in silver when adc is afraid to engage when you're sona, you can literally walk up to them R Q and have them clean it up but twitch afk farms and leaves ur dead body wit 100% hp.
What's your favorite skin line ?
I love Warring Kingdom and Secret Agent
>nigger meme
Why is mid the most unimpactful role?
>people never gank you because the lane is too short and the entrances are too obvious
>you never kill or die to the other guy unless you're really bad or he's really bad
>just a farm and harass shitfest to see who gets slightly more cs
Until the game transitions to the teamfight phase mid might as well not exist.
Blood Moon for sure
xth for breast metal waifu
smug adc mains
most players are subhuman and will opt for whatever takes least skill or mechanics
im pretty sure its fur ziggs
There's a Jinxcuck who drools over black dicks. Don't mind him, he'll kill himself soon enough.
wtf almost like mod being the most important lane is a 2v2 and if you apply pressure there and the enemy jungler doesn't unless the other mid absorbs the pressure like a pro they lose mid tower and control of the map snowballs out of the enemy team's control WOAHHHHHH
Yeah you can get it through loot if you're lucky. Better chance I guess if you go for the Shard over the Orb but since you only get 96 free tokens it's quite a bit.
Otherwise you can buy 2 skin orbs.
>being so assblasted that you have to samefag yourself to compensate for your lack of masculinity
l m a o
Also Jinx sucks ekko dry daily, that's canon.
Ah, I remember that one match I just kept casting fear on her every time she came to gank. It didn't help that I had good warding and stayed healthily close to the bush, so she'd be spotted without realizing it.
Favourite Riven skin?
maybe if you're a retard and terrible at the game yeah
So I've been playing Bard for a couple of days now and while he is a total fun, I don not understand how should I use his tunnel stuff at all, what to buy on him aside from recommended and it seems like everyone is trying to push me mid for some reason.
Could you guys give me a rundown? I saw couple of youtube guides, but they are just focusing on what skills do and that my ult can mess up a teamfight.
Also, what should I do vs that Spider-eyes ninja dude? He is always killing me in like a second.
>there is a revolution occurring because of EA's hard jewing with lootboxes in SWBF2
>meanwhile, LoL has been using such systems since its very inception
>no response
Are LoLshits the most domesticated and well trained goyim in all of video games?
>Thinking only one person would be annoyed with your degenerate cuck fetish
>Not even realizing Jinx is a yordlefucker
Actually jinx gettin ziggs'd is canon
i destroyed my social life simply because of my stupidity, it's time to start playing 15 hours a day again.
this is the only real escape from reality i have left, never thought id be in this position once more.
since they removed client chatrooms, where can i find a "community" of people to play with? haven't seriously touched this game since 2014
you mean ziggs lmao
This is exactly how it goes in pro games. Mid never dies to anyone. If you or the enemy mid is dying it's because they're bad.
LoL lootboxes are like a year old.
>Also, what should I do vs that Spider-eyes ninja dude?
I dunno stay away from him maybe? Hit him with your Q and bind him? Ult him? Dont go full AP so he wont oneshot you?
subbed, when is the next update?
>equip some dumb icon
>play the game
>get free stuff
truly the darkest timeline
>Favourite Riven skin?
I love Dragonblade, but the animations on Dawnbringer are sooooo good, it's hard not to use it. I also really like her base skin a lot too. Battle Bunny is her worst skin.
>purchase a project chest
>get project vayne and sg udyr
>hear knock on the door
>its 2 qtgirls claiming they want to enter a polygamous relationship with me
>check my pc
>just been promoted to challenger
>skt invite in my mailbox
>cancer is cured
>tripfags just committed mass suicide
>anime is real
damn totally worth the 700rp
why, its not lewd at all
a bullet to the head might be your next best friend user
The Waveclear Cold War removed all skill/agency from mid lane almost a year ago. You could probably program a bot to play it perfectly in any "matchup" for the first 15 minutes of the game.
/lolg/, i went into a 20 match binge playing with teemo and while says he is below winrate, teemo needs nerfs to one of his playstyles, becuase he, in my opinion, is a cancer generalist
>He can choose whether to play AP, on-hit or bruiser(Frozen mallet+Botrk+Steraks)
>Has invisibility, not camouflage,BUT INVISIBILITY, which is infinite and somehow makes brushes more cancerous that maokai.
>Has a blind(unique CC) that can seal any duel and if you are on the recieving end, it will make you want to kill yourself more than a jhin trying to clear a pink ward.
>His shroom has a decent slow, its invisble, lasts for 5 minutes and IT GIVES vision and at max rank it only takes 20 seconds to arm one.
This means that teemo has a fourth underrated playstyle, being a support,he can deny the ADC with his Q and he has an infinite sightstone as long as he has the right items and masteries and actually knows WHEN to shroom.
>Teemo has no skillshots, and as long as you have some prediction skills, you can trigger 90% of the shrooms.
As you can see, Teemo needs some tweaks, give him a solid identity, we cant have a generalist that doesnt really take any skill to pick up to, at least give him some mechanics and skillshots.I think he might be more cancer than Tryndamere, at least you can CC him when he is on his ult.
>Play the new game mode
>Have no idea what i'm doing
>Just running around killing drones
>Suddenly become massive
>Decide that's a sign to go around and kill people
>Go right back to killing drones when the buff ends 1v1ing anyone I see
>Rinse and repeat for like 5 minutes
This mode is interesting.
>Vi's lips
>lootboxes about to become illegal in EU
>same with mystery skins, shards or anything RNG
riot gonna be mad as fuck
PSA: If there's art of you're waifu with this insatiable fox slut then that means they've been KNOTTED
Stay vigilant and don't waifu impure sluts.
EA is getting slammed for putting game content behind enormous grindwalls (that could be subverted with lootboxes)
Sound familiar?
Champs are gameplay affecting "unlocks". I get the impression that LoLshits aren't just well trained and domesticated but have internalized the abuse like some kind of Stockholm Syndrome.
Whats the difference between the new orb and the token?
>when you want to get project vi but demon vi makes you feel funny down there
w-wat do?
So project orb or project shards? I don't quite get the difference.
How do i git gud?
They're for women ONLY
husbando chart when
You're tasked with reworking one character's kit. Which one do you pick and what do you do with it?
>tfw wukong is yi's student and not the other way around
>tfw we will never have stories about ol' granpa wukong playing tricks on yi that also teach him lessons about wuju
>tfw we will never have granpa wukong in general
lee sin buffs when
you stop flaming and learn
>still no qt black girl champ with DSLs
because as mid you're too important to die, it looks like a boring farm fest because both players are good enough to not get themselves killed. Control of midlane dictates the way the game is played.
I thought the same shit when I saw that pic the first time. Master Wukong with Student Yi looks so much more entertaining.
Stop playing off-meta champions. Only a fucking retard would play off-meta characters in this game. Stop trying to be a special snowflake and just play whoever riot tells you you should be playing with each patch.
don't pick corki like a fucking mouthbreather and then wonder why you're not doing as much damage as their MF
NEVER! useless champ!
Just delete from the game. He is unsalvageable because he doesn't belong in LoL. Use his VA for some other completely new champ
Teemo is a joke champion and I assume he will stay that way until Riot shuts down the LoL servers.
i'm still waiting for the removal of ward hopping
Why the fuck would anyone like that creepy ass shit?
Mister yen is a respectable selfmade man unlike monkey trouble
>Ez in Overcharge can jump between platforms without even using a fruit/air vent, ult across the map every 10 seconds by picking up the CD refreshes on the map, and get instant Trinity Force + a Tear for infinite sustain
True skill right here.
play cait
just put traps on all the vents and jump pads
its hilarious
because Mister Miyagi-style mentors are always fun to watch
Yeah, teemo is how riot says that their champion design and balacing team are a utter joke.
so uhm what am i in for
no shit sherlock it's almost like teemo has frustrated the entire playerbase for many long years and had to recieve regular nerfs whenever the vision game allowed him to place shrooms in the entire map
they fucking HALVED the duration of these
Trist and Cait can jump them too.
Also Ezreals that build Manamune in that shit should be shot. Duskblade>TF is literally all you need.
I just noticed that Kid Yi has a huge-ass burn scar on his left eye. The fuck happened there?
> says he is below winrate
Teemo has a 52% WR
What it says
>being mad at a game mode that no one cares
And you know whats worse??
Wrong region... my bad
Lulufag is a tranny isn't he?
Early Zoe concept was literally Loli Jinx.
Lulufags are mentally impaired creatures by nature
I keep losing connection once I'm logged in. What do?
where did ya find this fellow
Jinx is already a loli though
we lost but heres your next one
2 aerys
which one?
do a goatsee for the constant blugsplats and they unstable fucking Adobe Air client...
Riot market research suggests there must always be a "LOL SO RANDUMB XD" champ not older than 2 years in the game
>try to play the project mode
>allies all run off in different directions as soon as they spawn
>they all get picked off by the enemy team who is traveling together
>this keeps happening until we lose
>even if I say something
>even if their strategy never works, they never realize
>I'm 0 wins 3 losses so far
>same thing every time, team running around alone enemy running together
Lulufag is a diseased hivemind, one in many
Anybody know if the project quests work in coop vs ai games?
redpill me on galio lolg
Yay finally a semester when I didn't fail any subject!
Time to celebrate it with some lego legends
When does my fwotd change to give me BE?