/wowg/ World Of Warcraft General
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Glorious Troll Master Race
Post you're character, /wowg/
Is this game worth 35 bucks for a midcore player?
God I want to be mercilessly teased by an anime girl
starting to get a little more retarded in here
it's like weather
>Doing random shit
>See a legendary drop
>Get excited
>Its a fucking follower item
Why is this even a thing?
>do activity that has a chance of rewarding legendary
>roll for leggo
>don't get anything, leggo chance for next roll increases
>get leggo
>roll chance for next leggo resets
If thats your character you should kill yourself immediately
Reminder that Classic servers will be free to play.
excuse me??
I want Zandalari to be incredibly racist against darkspears
t. proud human player
nope guess again shithead
Don't reply to me bitch
female tauren :p
WOW no, people actually play female tauren? Pathetic.
cutting edge soon
die bitch die
humans are the product of the curse of flesh too right?
considering humans are defective vrykul, yes
I wish, we are still progressing on mistress.
“Poisoned Spear is getting nerfed soon (before Hanzo goes live).”
“Might see changes for him too.”
“His “mage” build is starting to become pretty dominant, and we’ve seen his winrate rise a lot over the last few weeks as players are starting to figure that out.”
Blizzard poster on reddit said that they are going to nerf sonya and zj
stop posting my trademark imge
garrosh op doesn't make it hots general
Anyone noticed the unhealthy rise of toxic nationalism in society ever since Trump was elected? Here we have Battle for Azeroth where the Alliance are shown savagely attacking Undercity for no reason. They literally have no reason to do so. They destroyed Undercity and left, they didn't even claim the territory or established an outpost. We see the Alliance there armed for war, no, genocide. The defenders of Undercity literally looked like random adventurers that just so happened to be there. The archers were just regular guards most likely started their day peacefully and passed the time playing cards until the Alliance launched their cowardly attack. Yet despite being outnumbered and out gunned the Horde who was a small minority in the battle managed to held their own.
Hell that troll warrior that went to fight Anduin and got btfo, he was probably a lowbie no more than level 7 but he was brave enough to strike out at the head of the Alliance who was maxed level and geared in the latest mythic raid tier. You can just feel his overwhelming courage resonating from that Troll who we don't even know his name. He knew he was out classed but he wanted to do whatever he can to help protect his friends, family and allies, even if his death only managed to slow the Alliance down for a few seconds so Sylvanas could find an opening and she did. He was a true hero. Alliance players are celebrating this genocide and beating their chests. Their intolerance and bigotry will never let them live in peace with the Horde races. Sure the Orcs did some bad stuff in the past but the ones alive now had no hand in that so why must continued to be punished for crimes they never committed? Sylvanas was holding back, giving Anduin a fair chance to recall his forces and walk away but as her people were being butchered she reluctantly did what she had to do to end the senseless violence. She is truly a great leader and the Horde players know this because they're mature and have high IQs.
How viable is outlaw?
Bottom of the barrel. Not even all the RTB buffs or opting for SnD to get rid of the randomness of RTB helps.
Not viable at all.
75 traits 4p antorus 970 relinqushed CoF maybe
Wow! It's almost as if our society went through rising tensions between left-wing and right-wing that eventually lead to a global war that only profits the elite while regulating over-population but also bring about thirty years of economical comfort!
wow i can't wait to do 40 man raids in vanilla when fucking CURRENT YEAR retail can't even handle 40 people killing a world boss
And you Horde idiots wonder why anyone with a lick of sense call you dindus.
vanilla had no particle effects
>the ones alive now had no hand in that
The second war wasn't even 30 years ago.
Who are the elites? The Goblin leaders? That's another thing. How the fuck does Horde even have the fighting population to support it? Stormwind alone outnumbers all the horde population combined. Orcs, Darkspear Trolls, Bloodhoof Tauren, Blood Elves, whatever faction the goblins belong to and Forsaken.
The Sin'dorei Reign Supreme!!
best looking illusion?
*joins the Horde*
The Horde/Alliance dichotomy stopped making sense a long time ago and Blizzard writers are too incompetent to make it work again.
>Neither give a fuck
I knew Malfurion was a fuck.
how bad is ret right now and in antorus? really considering an elf...
who is the artist of this i can't find shit
And lol?
Sory corpseboi
Lordaeron will be ours
left down corner you nigger
I wish I didn't have autism
>genn suddenly gets earrings when in wolf form
>and a fuckin tooth piercing
>attacking Undercity for no reason
Stopped reading right there.
Illidan was locked up for 10k years and now because he sacrifices himself they're supposed to give a fuck?
Is that Jesus the kid from dodgeball?
h*ns buys carries
>unholy is my favorite dps spec
>dude wraithwalk lmao
wrogen form is a cursed druid form
so the answer is: magic
Find out his human form has them as well.
I don't understand, you don't want mobility?
so whats the deal with that?
is it really just because they can relate to blood elves?
I wouldn't mind pandas if the females didn't look like anime characters. The males are fine.
>Play Serenity monk, 930 ilvl with tier
>Some monk with less gear (920ish) and worse legendaries is pulling even with me using WDP, without tier bonus
Was I lied to about WDP or is there something I am doing horribly wrong.
BfA will be the greatest expansion yet, surpassing even Wotlk. Screenshot this post.
fat ass queen of the alliance was a bit rude
thats pretty much it
Wait for the quest I guess, but Tyrande literally said she was going to destroy the nightwell and she didn't give a fuck about the nightborne, tree huggers are gaya as fuck.
I do. wraithwalk blows
>Sure the Orcs did some bad stuff in the past but the ones alive now had no hand in that so why must continued to be punished for crimes they never committed?
Not so fast orcboi, you green-skinned devils have yet to pay reparations!
Reminder for you victimhood obsessed Hordefags. Anduin Dorado and Genn Blanco will make Sylvanas pay for all the crimes she committed against everything on Azeroth and beyond. Alleria Vacio and Veressa ojo de águila will stand together and not heasitate to put Sylvanas and her enablers down.
>have tier
>play serenity
what a nice guild boosting people
ur shit
Who knows.
>Goblins: neutral
>Tauren: neutral
>Undead: We just *poisons you water* want to be accepted *chemical bombs your fishing settlements* stop persecuting us *raises your dead as new soldiers* you fucking bigots *tries to enslave the Valkyr*
>Orcs: Literal warmongering greenskins whose sole goal is to conquer Azeroth
>Trolls: WE GOTTA take back our WE WUZ
>be 944 WW monk
>app to a +10 Nel's lair to get my +10 out of the way
>person declines me
>group didn't fill, she just declined me
>armory her
>910 priest
>whisper her
>mention how garbage she is and stupid as well for declining me
>"rofl i don't pve u fgt"
>minigamers think they can deny ME a spot in their M+
>making me google those translations
You're all right user.
>dks can summon a powerful hand that pulls anything close
>cant use it like it like a rogue's grappling hook
the only thing the Darkspear cared about taking back was the Echo Isles from Zalazane, the Zandalari aren't in the Horde yet and they're the MUH GLOBAL EMPIRE ones
That or a "hand flings you" effect like ele sham have would be really nice
>tfw never been in a serious guild
>tfw big groups of people make me anxious
Where do the DKs store the hand?
leak screnshot of female dranei from WoW World of Warcraft: 2 friend and family closed Alfa
deathgrip is just shadow magic given form, like icy chains
uhhmmm why are you reposting my post??
hurr hurr hurrrr hurr
amazing how they always manage to create such ugly faces