Best waifu and best plushy
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
>no stinkrat changes
xth for my wife Syndra
>tfw no qt petite gf
is Singed still shit?
So here's a TL;DR of the new bios
>Shaco is now a life-sized marionette
>Nautilus is a being bound to Nagawhatshisface and Ayylmaoi
>Varus is a full-fledged Darkin bow now
>Veigar became evil because he wanted to
>Sona is Demacia's foremost virtuoso of the stringed etwahl, speaking only through her graceful chords and vibrant arias. This genteel manner has endeared her to the highborn, though others suspect her spellbinding melodies to actually emanate magic—a Demacian taboo. Silent to outsiders but somehow understood by close companions, Sona plucks her harmonies not only to soothe injured allies, but also to strike down unsuspecting enemies.
7 years for this garbage
When will people realize that literally the only thing you need to do to win the vast majority of matches is just not die?
Just got Vi + this skin, might as well put a good 20 games into her to see if she's my type or not.
Any dedicated Vi players here that can give me some basic and also more intricate tips on how to play?
Meanwhile, on reddit
>if i wanted to climb i needed to stop bieng dragged down by my team mates. and to do this i had to let them take the kills.
>make a Jinx character in a game
>all the NPC's call me a cute boy
don't fall for the lethality meme
go warrior + trinity
I want Nami to drench me in her fishpussy!
how to collect wins in Overdrive
>pick Ez
This is my first event, should I just get the PROJECT skin shard or do the orbs drop themselves frequently enough to make them worth it?
And then you have KDA whores.
if you're not getting the borders and want skins in general instead of just PROJECT, i'd say go for 2 skin orbs
if you want a project skin, get the project shard. If you dont care and just want free shit, get the yellow orb
so besides the fact i got fucking JEWED
what do i craft and what do i dust
>I have 5 kills.
>What should I do?
>I know, I'll go 1v4 to try to get a kill on the 0/3 support!
>What's a shutdown?
He never was but right now you can watch Sirchez and see how he meme builds him and still wins his diamond/masters games
Varus got Pantheon'd in the new lore, RIP old-Varus.
I'm starting to hate the nu-writing team more and more with every major lore update. Almost a seething sort of hate for the complete disrespect their showing to champions and their fans/mains, really.
Can you flash during the charge?
Cuckri fag im still waiting on your details.
I like Veigar, Tristana, Vel'koz, either of the Wukong ones, MF, Graves and Kayle's.
Max you can get is 96 so the best value you can get is 2 skin orbs or the 1 of borders/project skin token if you want those instead
FB Vei and Firefighter Trist, their best skins respectively.
All Wukong skins are generally alright.
Creator Viktor is also nice.
Scrap/Reroll Iron Inquisitor and MF, they're garbo.
Maybe Kayle?
why even bother with borders if I'm gonna alt-tab anyway
How gay we talking here?
Wait, you mean those shitty ass two lines about Varus actually being a darking that possessed some random dumbass are actually his new lore? I thought people were just memeing new lores to imitate the trash Riot is pumping out lately.
Holy shit this is infuriating. What the fuck are they thinking?
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka,Irelia
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali
Submissive: Sona,Janna
Best guy!
Santa Draven soon!
Damn Zoe is such a cancer champ, like what the fuck for real. Even as Kassadin, which is supposed to counter every single piece of her existence it's fucking hard because you are not allowed to catch a single fucking bubble (even in melee range).
And that damage from her max range Q, holy shit, it feels like eating entire Lux combo, why did rito think it was a good idea?
At what point as a support player should I start to coordinate my champ select with what my adc intends to pick?
Like I'm guessing in bronze neither me or the adc would be good enough to take advantage of the intricate synergies that a support/carry duo has, or am I wrong?
And on a side note where can I learn what support/adc duos have good chemistry?
Damn user, I tried.
Died a lot but my team was basically constantly doing dumb shit and had no idea how to play the map and I literally just suicided into the fed ez constantly to prevent them from doing baron.
What the hell, the new Varus is awful.
Have you ever been in a cape comic fandom like marvel or dc? Moreso Marvel than DC. There are these types of characters:
1. Characters that are obviously favourites and they get so much attention and careful writing. (I.e Jhin)
2. Characters that are ignored or when they show up they don’t make a difference and are just there for plot devices, memes, and aesthetic reasons. (I.e Rammus)
3. Characters that are for some reason hated by the company and are screwed so badly that you think of it was on purpose or not. (I.E A. Sol recently and Varus)
Same can be seen with Riot lore and their favouritism.
I'd say definitely dust Karma, Graves, Kayle, Aurelion Sol and Miss Fortune. The rest of the skins are pretty nice.
>sick guitar riffs intensify
>When a game goes so bad it makes Chernobyl look like a water park in summer.
Jesus tap dancing christ.
Yo guys, do any of you have tips on how to play Graves? I've had a couple of rough matches and I would appreciate the help. Is Dark Harvest good on him or should I stick to Electrocute?
>not newbie
What the fuck is wrong with Riot. Literally flaming new players.
It makes sense though. This was always the most likely outcome ever since the Darkin were established as living weapons.
>firefighter trist
>best trist
stop being a hipster
The whole new client is filled with all this stupid "sleek and hip" lingo/phrases and is annoys the hell out of me
Rip tragic interesting Varus
I've noticed something recently.
How many champions in LoL actually use a sword?
Yi, Garen, and?
>Delete Varus and replace him with Darkin
literally why
who can solo baron early
help decide
>how many champions actually use a sword?
Varus has no identity though he's just there
The darkin lore is some of the better lore they've done though
Coordination doesn't really matter in norms, basically everything works
In ranked, you can just ask what the ADC would want/like, or just counter pick
You'll find good chemistry by just testing shit or just look it up
Gank often and as soon as possible. Your ganks are really powerful. Level 3 is usually a guaranteed kill like said so don't be afraid to go ham. You absolutely must hit your Qs though so if you miss, it might be a good idea to back off so you don't die. This goes for everywhere in the game too. You can kill anyone if you land Q but it will be harder if you don't. When you Q, don't stand still and try to gauge where they're moving and if they might try to juke. When you land a Q, wait for 1 auto and then reset with E really fast before they can move. Careful not to cancel your auto doing this though because then you just look silly. Only ult when you really need the lockdown for your teammates. Otherwise, save it for if they flash or just for a burst of damage when you need it.
You should only go lethality meme if you're really ahead and feel confident you can oneshot everyone. Otherwise, get triforce. I like to get dead man's plate a lot of the time before triforce though because everyone is playing assassins and adcs in every lane. That might not be the best way to use your gold but it works for me and keeps my deaths as low as I can manage.
Yes. It works while charging it and while you're dashing. Be careful not to use flash too soon because then you'll end up just wasting it. Wait until they're actually within flashing distance, or just plain near the end of the dash.
Chilling smite is better in all cases for Vi. You're trying to burst them down in most cases. Other than that, I'd probably build something similar to that. You best bet might have been to try to kill Zed or Rengar with that build. Even though he can dodge your Q, you should still be able to cleanly kill him. Rengar is kind of the same way except you don't have to worry about him dodging since he's fatter. Ez is a decent target to kill, but it can be really hard if he plays right and you don't have all your abilities up.
It made sense for his bow to be a darkin. It doesn't make any fucking sense to just completely delete the character of Varus himself and substitute it with something else entirely. Same problem champions like Pantheon or Orianna have. It doesn't matter whether it ties in with something greater or not, what matters is that they literally just murdered a champion.
give me a good and a fun jungler to play lolg im desperate
Kayn blue form
very gay
>Varus has no identity though
The fuck are you talking about? He's a tragic hero who was part of a Pyrrhic victory. He was loyal to a fault and the man we see was years after he became jaded by that event.
>Blitz (get the arcade Hecarim chroma for 2k BE)
>Underworld Wukong
Get your cinderhulk with red smite.
Get bramble.
Get Deadmans.
Get Righteous Glory.
Put on some eurobeat.
Become the fast you were always meant to be.
a whole bunch
swords: yi (bonus points for extra swords), diana, yasuo, trynd, fiora, shen, garen, GP, leona, aatrox (bonus pts for being a sword), kayle, ribbon
handblades/daggers/other: talon, kass, kat, irelia, shaco, camille, rengar, zed
>that fucking Sona face
she looks like a retard, how could Sakimchan fuck up so hard?
Is it better to walk in nice and slow from behind and only Q if they flash or dash away?
I notice a theme on my pre-6 ganks is that if I use my Q coming in to initiate and they don't die from the initial burst they just flash out and I have no Q followup because its on CD and I don't have ult yet
explain how im supposed to fight garen in lane as jax.
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
>adding a guy to the second one
Warrior, Trinity, Tank. Press the Attack seems to be a little better than Electrocute but they both work. E>Q>W and Q>E>W both work depending on if you want to focus on more burst or more sustain.
jayce buffs when he cant kill tanks
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>No longer an adopted Ionian
>Etwahl is just a generic runeterran instrument, instead of a sentient artifact of unknown origin
>No longer mute, just an autist who refuses to talk to anyone that isn't close to her
>Character gimmick is the exact same thing Lux already has
Bravo Riot
Don't even want to get into Nautilus and Varus because that's just depressing
FUCK the new lore team, they have already completely deflated after a decent start
anyone? because afaik this is a free lane for garen vs any melee
She uses a foil, that's not a sword
fuck you and fuck jayce players
>Nautilus is a being bound to Nagawhatshisface and Ayylmaoi
that's awfull
it's a straight sword you dumblerina
Is it only me or did it feel really weird when Ornn was released?
Firstly he didn't even feel like a League of Legends champion, he felt like an entire separate thing. An entity beyond League. The whole lore part got him hyped up as fuck and it really encapsulated the feeling of some Norse Mythology (it rang some bells with me, as I am Norwegian and used to listen to fairytales like his)
Secondly, I hardly noticed that he got released. Nobody played him, he didn't impact the meta in any way (people predicted that his unique upgrades would destroy the meta, but nope)
Thirdly, whenever I think back to the champ releases this year I immediatley start counting from Zoe, Eve, Kayn, Xayah & Rakan, Galio.
The thought that Ornn got released NEVER crosses my mind, like at all. I really like playing as him and stuff, but the whole champ just disappeared from my radar and consistently avoids it to this day.
And it's weird too, because as I said, he's probably one of the more interesting champs. His lore is great and his champion design is unique as fuck.
diana's not a sword
I'd actually say that Shaco is has two short swords but using a reverse grip on them. That being said, it could also just be a long bladed dagger but I say shortsword because of the shape.
Foils aren't meant to actually kill people.
Where were you when he was confirmed literally the chaddest and most powerful Noxian?
>A fiend with a thirst for mortal blood, Vladimir has influenced the affairs of Noxus since the empire's earliest days. In addition to unnaturally extending his life, his mastery of hemomancy allows him to control the minds and bodies of others as easily as his own. In the flamboyant salons of the Noxian aristocracy, this has enabled him to build a fanatical cult of personality around himself—while in the lowest back alleys, it allows him to bleed his enemies dry.