can I get a fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhh
/codg/ - Call of Duty General
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay flinch getting reduced
sniper nerf WHERE
>messaged him on twitter
>blocked within an hour
what if we spammed it on his livestream and in the comments of his vid
>the M1A1, like most niggers, is extremely mediocre and like most black fathers, extremely situational
Never knew anyone who can mix weapon reviews with political commentary.
Would need a lot of people because he has his jewmods doing work and blacklisting links during stream
>the Quartermaster will never sit on your face
feels bad man
Is that actually him or just an edit of his video?
he got btfo in a 1v1 by a black streamer and went full 1488 live on stream
what he said would be sick but he actually comes here and was damage controlling over his OMG CURRENT YEAR WHY IS EVERYONE LITERAL NAZIS vid
>flinch getting reduced
Its being playtested, so no garuntees it will come out in the next update
Yeah but is the vocaroo him proving it's actually him or something? Since it sounds pretty similar to something he said in that shill video. I don't really keep track of the murica timezone posting sorry lads.
Check his twitter and the posts on leddit
yes he posted it to prove it was him
I didn't watch the full jew vid so I wouldn't know if it was in that but I really feel like this is him and doubt anyone would falseflag and write so convincingly
fuck you bitch BELIEVE IT
The flinch really is insane in this game by default, but now I'm just wondering what Primed will do? Right now it's a 40% reduction to flinch which is insane on top of an extra attachment.
He can't keep getting away with it, "crack a boon" Drift0r needs to be stopped
The audio in the vid is better quality and he said some other stuff in between some of what is in the vocaroo so maybe it is.
WHY do lmgs suck so bad compared to anything else
are you using lmgs that are not the lewis? I was turned away from it because I saw so many people crying about lmgs on here but it's actually amazing
I've been doing better with this gun than anything else in the game
FUCK the MG15
How's that possible anyway? I might be confusing the Lewis with the Bren, but either way wouldn't you be doing five times better if you just picked up the STG or worse yet the BAR? The first two LMGs especially are notable for being just crippled down versions of about anything in the infantry weapons regardless of the range they're used in.
Let's take the FG42 (3 shot kill at most ranges) vs the Lewis (the three shot lmg?), the only pro you have is a 97 bullet magazine, the rest is direct, unquestionable and objective cons from slower movement and handling to worse recoil and fire rate. How can it even compete?
I don't really know what to tell you bud but I've played a decent amount of games with it and am doing pretty consistent with it
I was also thinking the exact same thing as you before I tried it, maybe you should try it yourself instead of just looking at some of the stats
I use quickdraw, ext mag and rapid fire and the stuff you're talking about doesn't really seem to be a problem
I'm also pretty sure the recoil is not worse than the fg42 especially after the nerf
Of course I've tried it, I'm currently working on getting gold on the LMGs but I might as well kill myself if I keep it up, I don't see the inconsistency at all, any time anyone shoots back you're literally dead instantly. All of the non-semi auto rifles beat them and I'm not even talking about the bolt actions which will completely shit on them. I just keep picking up a better gun as soon as I've gotten that lucky one kill or if something like a spawn flip or objective change happens.
I'm also currently 1.2K/D on Armored and 2.5 on Infantry. Now that I think of it maybe it's different on consoles because your general player just sucks and nobody can react as fast with the thumbstick, but statistically speaking it should be the same.
I don't really see how it would be different on consoles, it's not like I'm not being slowed down by a controller as well
Maybe you should try it again and not be a vagina
Oh I will
But the positive side to sticking to these shit guns is that the only way is up. A buff is imminent.
all nerf crybabies please go to reddit
seriously go that's probably what sledgehammer gets the insightful unbiased player feedback for their ingenious balanced balancing that brings great balance to the video game
3/1000 of sniper shots miss, MCondrey has the numbers. They'll do it, just you see!
black niggers
drift0r is a WHITE nigger
aka a jew
is the mg42 wurth
Kinda. Downside: You have to use other MGs for ten hours
is the MG15 in this game the same as the MG15 n.A from BF1/WW1? because it sure as hell doesn’t look like it
from wikipedia
>The MG 15 was developed from the MG 30 which was designed by Rheinmetall using the locking system invented by Louis Stange in the mid to late 1920s. Though it shares the MG 15 designation with the earlier gun built by Bergmann, the MG 15nA (for neuer Art, meaning new model having been modified from an earlier design) has nothing in common with the World War II gun except the model number. The World War I gun used a tipping lock system while the WWII aircraft gun uses a rotating bolt/lockring. The World War II MG 15 was used in nearly all Luftwaffe aircraft with a flexible-mount defensive position.
Are you sure about that
The MG-15 fucking melts people.
Yeah, the weapon with about the slowest ttk in the game melts people. It beats the M1A1 Carbine anyway.
best caldoods games
1. mw2 warfare 2
2. the other ones
5 cool facts about mw2
-it is modern!
-it is warfare!
-I love it!!!
Bet cha didn't play BO2 then
uh actually I did I have 1 billion hours in bo2 but 2 billion in mw2 because it is better still very nice game
I can make new list for you
1. mw2
2. bo2
3. other cod games
Only a billion?
why isn't there an M1 Garand only play list
how many u have
Six thousand
why isn't this game dod
you are like little baby
found an even better version
i really wish the MW3 campaign had more of this kind of atmosphere, seeing as how it was WW3 in full swing
Hey. Not sure if the posters who helped me with the ahegao image is here, but it's complete.
In the end, I didn't change much. I couldn't do it without messing something else up I felt. For a first attempt at an actual emblem, I'm satisfied enough.
The tongue could be better, they face could be better, the hair could have been designed better. But it is what it is.
From the last image I posted, all I changed was the size of the mouth, blush size and I rolled the eyes up just a bit more. I had a lot of fun, I think I'll do this again very soon. If anyone here wants to make an ahegao image to show me how it's done right I'd appreciate that too.
Anyway, thank for all the help /cod/. Time to spam Search and Destroy. If you happen to see my emblem, hit me with a message or something o/
Ah fuck, the saliva is going behind the tongue.
I swear I'm always missing something.
>tfw no emblems on PC
I still can't fucking unsee it.
Also what? Does PC not have emblems yet?
I understand Consoles not having Headquarters until recently, but why the fuck does PC not have emblems of all things?
It's to compensate us having people to do nothing with since the launch date. They claim we'll get other shit during December but I'll believe it when I see it.
Pretty sure firerate on Lewis is faster or at least on par. Recoil is also lower, and the FG42 still bounces up a bit more even with a grip.
That bouncing is almost completely visual and what does it matter when the target literally dies in an instant. I also always run rapid fire but I've never made it that far with the damn LMGs. Takes like 20 games.
>first two shotguns take two shots center mass at point blank range
>don't do any noticeable damage past 15 feet
Why though?
The combat shotgun deals 98 base damage and 1 extra damage per pellet at up close. How bad are you?
My dude where the link at for the damages
Unfortunately, the source that most people used in years past now put their information behind a paywall on the app store.
Brass monkeigh wwii companion. A guy named marvel datamined the actual stats and posted them on denkirson for years but since bo3 they went kike mode
Also I must correct myself, the combat shotgun actually deals 94 damage and a pellet deals 2 damage so you must hit with three instead of just two. Point still stands.
I fucked up twice.
Looks good user, would hit you up but I'm on xbone.
Whenever the intro to breakout plays and everyone is dressed like actual US army soldiers I just nut. So cool hopping off that truck.
I've honestly been really enjoying War, I don't know why there's so much hate for it.
Would be cooler if they added specific roles though, like tank gunner and engineer and shit.
>people getting angry and sending threatening messages for killing them with shotguns on flak tower
feels good man
>STG44 best assualt Rifle
>Aardan Forest best map
>Gustav Cannon worst map
prove me wrong
I think it needs work. I think it should introduce kill streaks but heaevily tweak the points you get for stuff.
Or force it so they cost more or your killstreaks themseles are forcewd onto you.
They also need to tweak some shit like the dumb sniper bridge or the annoying bunker turrets on Neptune
Speaking of DoD did people screech when that game released and didn't have swastikas?
i ave had no one else in my head quaters since the game came out :lol:
how in the fuck am I supposed to get to and defeat the casual easter egg boss before wave 12, with no weapon upgrades, blitzes, going down at all, and no weapon mods, consumables or specials
>tfw complete shitter in Zombies
>tfw have friends to play with but they aren't online very often
>tfw public match randoms are usually shitters too
>tfw barely ever make it much farther than wave 10
fuck this, I'm sticking with MP
>tfw none of your friends bought cod
>tfw they laughed at you when you told them you have it
that's disappointing that that's probably all that people would be asking about this game when they hear about it on here, I don't think this is the first time I've seen this question
yes they had the in betas but were removed for the final version
I guess people didn't mind as much because you could just patch it back
>Doing shit in game as using shovel on a bad shovel map
>Kd is about 0.1
>Switch to SMG
>Breeze my way to top.
Whoever thinks SMGs are fair is mentally retarded
majority of smgs are garbage and not fair due to being outclassed by ppsh and all assaultl rifles
>do bad on shovel with bad map for shovel
>use a firearm and do good
wow who would have thought
I meant it moreso from the fact that they're so insanly broken I could amend my abysmal score and kd with no effort.
>on a good streak
>get killed by a random grenade literally from nowhere
looking forward to some douple xp later m8s
semms to take ages to level up on tdm on this one
literally how
I'm not even a "good" zombies player but I can make it to round 30 no problem
>take one dude out with incendiary proc and then dink the guy next to him
>watch first guy burn to the ground
>it all shows at the end of the round
Also feels good man
Fuck off bo-bandy.
>Me and two other people try to flip the spawn on USS Texas
>No matter where we are on the map the other team just keeps spawning on the same side
I was on the elevated platform in the back (angled, not sandbags), and they were still spawning all around the 3 of us. What the fuck is this pile of shit game?
Would HE want to do it with you?
No matter how many outfits I get the best one is still the basic Axis infantry and Axis expeditionary division
They look amazing
Whats with this green text? Can I get it for that much if I do the basic training or something?
That's how much its gonna be if you equip ordinance
It reads right there and you also answered your question
God damn I hate people sometimes
Thanks I didnt know that was the perk I thought it wanted me to keep doing the basic
Shut up, faggot, that wasn't even the right answer
What the fuck does "doing the basic training" mean, nigger are you stupid
Who here loves war?
It's so fucking good, especially Griffin
Fuck off Randy BoBandy
Neptune SUCKS