Why didnt he and most of the higher ups in the military all get exterminated like it happen to the nazis?
Why didnt he and most of the higher ups in the military all get exterminated like it happen to the nazis?
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Because it was a compromise to end the war without the bloodbath of an invasion of the Japanese islands.
This isnt about some theoretical justice, tens of thousands of American lives were at stake.
I would say fuck the emperor nukes away
Japan would surely surrender after 1 or 2 more nukes
The Japs committed run of the mill war crimes. The Nazi party systematically exterminated millions of systematically
We didnt have one or two more nukes, we only had the ones we dropped and the Trinity test model.
Even then radicals in the Japanese military tried to perform a coup d'etat to keep the emperor from surrendering
I guess you just dont care about the hundreds of thousands of Japanese who would have also died, and the fact that the longer we drew out the war the more Russia would have gotten involved.
>typhus and starvation are now systematical extermination
Japs were seen as barbarian savages and most of their victims were chinks or SEA gooks (and no one cares about them) so they didn't press them hard like they did Nazis
because he was a puppet of the military since the taking of Manchuria or even before and dindu nuffin, also he was a god
Go away Holocaust denier you re as bad as a creationist but less amusing
Look at Finland. NO ONE WAS PUNISHED.
>starvation and disease in concentration camps everywhere during wars
>it's systematic extermination when it's the Jews.
>is strarvation sistematical elimination
Idk ask the ukranians
>is sistematical eliminations the only war crime that exists?
The Finnish didnt commit war crimes
What's this Holodo moor you're talking about? Don't you mean the holocaust? Think of how horrible the nazis were, turning all those Jews into soap and furniture.
But the soviets also had a stake in japan surely Stalin would want to hang the aswell
The Japanese mostly killed the Chinese who were too busy fighting a civil war right after the Japanese left to actually sit there and put them on trial.
>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected.
This thread is about why we didn't put the Japanese leadership on trial. (many of them were actually)
>Idk ask the ukranians
Ukrainians are idiots who just want to feel like they're special.
Liberals in the country took advantage of the Soviets were the big bad wolf meme that has dominated the west for a century and scored pity points and shit for going "boo hoo, monster Stalin wanted to kill us all because he was racist, communists hate minorities as you all know"
Holocaust is myth. Japan and Finland could be easy accused of any crimes. Such as Hungary or Bulgaria.
Yeah, because Finland was never occupied, dingus. Stavka gave up on the Soviet dreams of conquering Finland when they lost entire divisions without any notable gains and still had to make it to Berlin before the Americans.
I didnt say Stalin killed them i say the starved to death no thing more
Floating around the internet is the plan for the Soviet invasion of Hokkaido. They wrote it the day after Japan surrendered. Truman continuously asked Stalin to not do it, but it wasn't actually cancelled until the boats were being loaded. Truman had already established he was willing to nuke people who pissed him off.
That's right, being nuked saved Japan from two separate invasions of their homeland.
This pretty much.
The West simply doesn't care very much at all about SEA in general. Look at even foreign relations with them now, the West just doesn't care what goes on and who's exploiting whom as long as it doesn't compromise their interests.
And it also does seen to me a matter of the extent of the crimes. State sponsored attempts to clinically round up and mass exterminate a whole ethnicity was more warranting of the courts' focus than a bunch of rowdy Japs raping everything.
Because of the major Allied powers, America and Australia mostly dealt with them. Also many of the officers killed themselves anyway. Most battles took place on water, in the air, or on remote islands.
Germany pissed off nearly everyone in Europe twice in less than 30 years. The battlefields took place at people's homes
This. Deal was so great, than West even forced stupid justification about "japanese militarists" while Japan was absolute monarchy and all wars were contolled by emperor.
I'm talking the general perception of the Hollow Domer in Western politics and society, not your specific post.
How is like 20high up nazis being tried and found guilty considered extermination
>dodging the question with le funny strawman
They wanted happy cooperating Japs to face the Soviets on their Eastern borders.
Emperor was absolved and a few generals were blamed for everything.
We hold westerners to a higher standard than orientals.
you must get laid a ton
A deal for their unconditional surrender. Hitler had many chances.
Well considering the people committed this crime against the Japanese are considered founding fathers of modern China, I guess its because no one in power wanted to?
>Veeky Forums - Hearsay and Bullshit.
Holy shit you fucking mouthbreathers
>The Manila Military Tribunal en.wikipedia.org
They fucking hung Tojo, and 6 other military leaders. Many other generals and admirals received life sentences and were too old that they just fucking died in jail. Isoroku Yamamoto wouldve been hung as well but the Americans shot him down while the guy was a passenger in a bomber.
All the generals - even the former generals- of the Kwantung Army were also hung. The sole controversial point in the whole issue was the immunity granted to Dr. Shiro Ishii, head of Unit 731.
A lot of people were executed. The only reason Hirohito survived was that his culpability was a matter of question (Emperors of Japan have always- ALWAYS- bitches of the military) and his position as a cultural figurehead to the Japanese people.
>27 replies before a real answer comes in.
Never change, Veeky Forums.
Also to note Dr.Shiro Ishii was killed by throat cancer, meaning he suffered for every single second before he died, so I guess in the end even though justice didn't get to him, karma did.
>The only reason Hirohito survived was that his culpability was a matter of question (Emperors of Japan have always- ALWAYS- bitches of the military) and his position as a cultural figurehead to the Japanese people
The real issue when it comes to Hirohito isn't that he was a bitch of the military (he wasn't, see his rebukes against Showa Restoration attempts by the army), it's just that he was far enough removed such that he could claim plausible deniability. He was very much complicit either through directly allowing or doing nothing. The US gave him immunity in order to keep the peace in Japan, not out of some idea that he was not at fault or even that it was questionable.
Had to get the war over and US troops in Japan before the Soviets invade Japan. Which they barely managed, thanks to bad weather. Still didn't stop them from invading and occupying the Kuril Islands 6 days after the surrender.
All this talk about a Soviet invasion sounds like complete bullshit to me. The Soviet navy didn't had the strength to support a force the size of the one the red army needed to secure a foothold in Japan, as well as the lack of experience in large scale amphibious operations since Europe and the far east were 80% land based theaters. If there was any doubt of this, the invasion of the Kurile islands proved it.
After the two nukes were dropped I think everyone was just looking for peace. I also believe the German executions have more to do with murdering millions of jews and throwing millions more in camps to starve more so than WW2 itself
The eternal Finn strikes again.
they could have taken Hokkaido with Dunkirk style movement. just get any boat you can, put soldiers on it. then grab more boats in Hokkaido and keep going.
because he had an army and 100 million japanese.
Karma is bullshit.
1. America needed an ally against Communism.
2. Jews matter more
>if the Allies punish .000001% of the Japanese leadership, then it is comparable to the punishment of the Nazis
>Unit 731 is just a typical war crime
Historically incorrect.
The Soviets had no capability to invade the Japanese island of Hokkaido.
Furthermore, the Japanese main islands were explicitly the domain of the Allied Western Command armed forces.
Too long to copypaste the whole thing so:
tl;dr multiple regiments of aircraft and every warship in the area were to escort a rifle division into a port at Hokkaido. It is important to stress that this is to take place well AFTER the surrender of Japan--any attempt to fire at this landing will re-start WW2. The best analogy is not D-Day but Crimea--a bunch of Russians would suddenly show up in your backyard talking about muh clay and daring you to cause an international incident.
I have no idea what they would do if the Japs fired in this scenario--probably whine to America until we dropped more nukes, then try it again.
Are you illiterate?
Historically inaccurate.
At no time in history have the Russians/Soviets been capable of conquering even part of the Japanese main islands.
The Japanese would have easily crushed the Soviet naval invasion force.
And if not, the Yalta agreement would have been violated (Japanese main islands were the operation theater of the USA) and therefore the entire Pacific Fleet would have crushed the puny Soviet flotilla.
occupying the Kurils was against the Yalta agreement. it is still illegal and in violation of the Treaty of St Petersbug 1875.
Hokkaido only had 2 infantry divisions and a mixed brigade in Hokkaido. the divisions were not in the proper locations. to repel an invasion of Sapporo. they also would have not had the support elements needed.
1) Just like the Nazis, all the top Japanese leaders paid for it. Hell, it was even better in Japan because THEY HUNG TOJO. That is quite like catching and hanging Hitler.
2) Nazis are silly enough to have "le dedicated war crimes units XD" like the Einsatzgruppen or the bunch of the SS that handled the Death Camps. In addition to Political Soldiers like the Waffen SS. Henceforth it DOES seem that the purging of Nazis reached to the footsoldier level: because the party had an army.
Meanwhile in Japan, Colonels and officers too hung for war crimes across Asia. But not as high profile since these are members of the army, no biggie.
3) Nazis are actually pretty lucky. The Wehrmacht was given a modicum of leniency. They had Operation Paperclip which saved Nazi scientists - many of whom directly implicated with warcrimes. No such thing existed for the Japanese Army & Navy. Dr. Shiro Ishii was extremely lucky in his reprieve
Those are the plans for an occupation of the nothern part of hokkaido, Stalin already had discussed this with Truman, requesting both Kurile and the northern half of Hokkaido for the red army command in the far east
Truman agreed to Kurile with the condition of exclusive use rights for the US forces of the airstrips there, but an indirect "no" to the Hokkaido situation.
Hideki Tojo - the actual mastermind of the war was executed but Hirohito was just a figurehead and in the same league as Albert Speer.
>You are my greatest ally Hirohito :D :D :D
Not even the Japanese wanted him around anymore.
>but Hirohito was just a figurehead
"No." Hirohito had significant impact upon the war and its development, including chemical weapon usage in China. He was spared solely for political reasons.
>Dude figurehead lmao!
>Speer was a good boy!
Lotta memes in this post.
>The Manila Military Tribunal en.wikipedia.org
>Execute Yamashita and estabilish rules for command responsibility
>When the rules apply to American commanders on later wars sidestep them