/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #146

Literally Never Edition
Previous Thread: >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Booru: ddlc.booru.org

>Even if it doesn't feel like it, someone cares.

Other urls found in this thread:




A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.



>my feels upon finishing DDLC.

>Yuri will never comfort you after a bad day with a loving nursing handjob while she tells you how much you mean to her


Misumi paizuri!

Why live?

I love her too.
All I want is to see her smile.




So, what would happen if monika wouldn't tamper the game script ?

What if Natsuki's dad is quite literally Dan?
>Dan can only abuse people shorter than him

first for tf2 engineer

yore ugleh

Everything would be great.

Fuck you, Monika

Hello and good evening everyone! Hope you're all doing well!
Welcome back to my little poetry circle.

Tonight's word of the thread is "break"!
You could also do "broken", "broke", "breaking", etc.
Alternatives are 'heal', 'paint', and 'snow'.

Everyone is welcome to participate and is encouraged to join in. The more we have, the more fun this becomes!
In case you didn't know, the idea of this is to all write about a common word or theme so that we can all see what we do differently and appreciate our similarities.
I hope everyone can have fun with this and has a good time.


We'd get an actual VN

Monika would probably have just killed herself.
Sayori would inherit her position. Rinse and repeat.

I just leave this for you sayorifriends.
t. monikafag

Marry me before they come to get me from alfa centauri

You're onto something now.
I must go back in time and destroy Monika, thus preventing the pain I have witnessed over these threads.

I will liberate this. Mark my words.

>Monika is the villain
It's all Dan's fault you idiot. Monika would have just killed herself if she didn't try to do anything. Then things would end up just as bad if not worse.

Despite the ridiculous price and the possibility that it will never arrive, I still want to purchase a Yuri keychain out of love for her.

look at those 100% fresh ceritifed by the FDA anime tiddies


Reinstall the game and delete Monika

Fuck, not that one. but it's a nice bonus, isn't it?

I wish I could go with you so I could abandon this timeline entirely.
Maybe even further back to sacrifice this one to be a good friend of myself so I can motivate him to do things and not be so depressed.
I'd be my own friend that I always needed.

Why don't you delete Monika on new game and find out.

>Facebook meme
>Is an brainlet that doesn't understand the nature of the Literature Club
It's like poetry.

Natsukifriend always quick to get first post

>she sees your bookshelf

What are you doing? Did something happened?

>an brainlet
I'm calling myself out so you don't have to.

Thinking about it, I'd be down for a something like this. Monika can't handle the truth, so she kills herself. Then Sayori can't handle the truth, so she kills herself as well. The game has to go on, so this might keep going until the MC is the president of the club.
Then we get a hacking-type game where we're trying to get the girls back and stop the eldritch truth from ever surfacing again so we can have a nice VN.
You make sure there's a route for Monika too, of course.







>5E Player Handbook
>5E Monster Manual
>5E Dungeon Master's Guide
>A bunch of videogames
Yeah that's an understandable reaction.

Never ever, suffer the manlet curse.

>rows and rows of history books with some manga sprinkled here and there.

I'd believe it.

So is Monika really dead? I mean, she saved you from Sayori at the end and she even states that she misses you when you go look at the files.

I cannot help but think that she is trapped is some kind of Limbo where she's not alive or dead.

Playing D&D with the Literature Club!

>The Pale Horse
>Persona 5 Artbook
That's not too bad, i-is it?

>You and Natsuki catch Yuri reading smut in the club room!


Any update on you, drawbro?

I read that as smug

Playing DnD 3.5!
Yuri does Sleeping Raven Infinite Blood Frenzy to do an arbitrarily high amount of damage!

She's in my Recycle Bin.

How's it going, boys?

>Persona 5 Artbook

The Dokis but they're real and having true free will and realizing they don't actually love you!

>"Hey Sayori you left your..."
>"Oh! I-I'm... uh..."

>Playing DnD in the Literature club room!
>Yuri volunteers to be the dungeon master!
>She insists everyone plays a character of their opposite gender!
> Monika and Sayori are fine with it!
>Natsuki wanted to play a big strong Berserker anyways!
>You go along with it too!
>A few sessions later!
>Yuri starts really getting into DMing!
>Brings in her aromatherapy kit to set the atmosphere!
>Makes "healing potions" for everyone to drink!
>Gives you one to try!
>Later into the session it becomes clear that they're alcoholic!
>Everyone likes them!
>Sayori is a little nervous about it though!
>In the dungeon there's a gas trap!
>Yuri puts another cartridge into the diffuser!
>Everyone starts to feel weird!
>Yuri says the gas fills everyone with an insatiable lust!
>The "men" need to vent it out or else they won't be able to concentrate!
>The entire party starts fucking your character raw!
>Everyone tries to take a piece of "her" for themselves!
>Yuri rubs your dick with her foot under the table as everyone else describes how they're savagely fucking his female PC!
>Natsuki's little body can't handle the alcohol and the aphrodisiac and throws herself on Yuri!
>Their pent up sexual tension finally boils over as they start making out!
>Monika and Sayori start fighting over you!
>Yuri explains she put a few doses of Viagra in your "potion"!
>Everyone gets a round on your cock!
>You have no say about it!
>Everything passes by in a blur of pleasure!
>You can't think of a single pair of Doki's you don't see fucking or making out in the corner of your eyes while you're being ridden!
>You vaguely remember cumming inside every one of them!
>Eventually everyone's lust is satisfied and they all go home!
>Things are awkward at the next club meeting!
>But when Yuri asks if they want to have another session next week, everyone agrees!
>Your dick is still numb!

Watching stranger things and feeling bitter because I'm so lonely

What does "broken" mean?
Not functioning as it should?
Okay, define "should"

Just got a call from Sayori.

It couldn't have been that important though, so I hung up.

What could she have wanted though?
I'll just ask in the morning I guess

Writin Yuri smut

Every other thread until Christmas!

Excuse me, Yuri. That was a great session and all but that was also a little inappropriate. Can you tone it down a little next week?

Be strong, user, for your Doki if no one else.

I respect that

Yuri! No sense of right and wrong!

>Sayori the Half-Elf Cleric (who only heals!)
>Natsuki the Halfling Rouge who invested way too much in stealing!
>Yuri, the Human Barbarian with way too many swords!
>Monika, the exasperated Elf Wizard who has to bail her party out of every other jam!

Feeling empty. but still trying to git gud at art.

Is D&D even fun? It just sounds like having to make-believe the fantasy of some greasy nerd

>can't get hard unless I think about doki's
>feels bad fapping to doki's

is there a way out?

That doesn't answer my question, I don't want monika gone, I simply want to take away her powers of messing up the script.

>Make believe isn't fun.
What's wrong with you, no childhood?

With Yuri at the helm, I feel like it'd just turn into a weekly orgy instead of DnD

What kind of doki smut makes you feel bad then?

Drinking heavily, and repressing memories.

Reflecting on initial thoughts of DDLC as I played through it.

Well, if you don't like acting things out from your imagination then you probably wouldn't like D&D.
It's a literal roleplaying game.

I had lots of fun playing D&D with my cousins when we were younger. My older cousin was always the DM, and she had to put up with me selling plot items for booze money and other shit.
How about a weekly D&D themed orgy?

>Is this thing fun?
>Because I can't imagine "worst case scenario here" being fun.
DnD is like any hobby. Fun with a group of people you like, dreadful if you're with people you don't.

I woke up at 2 PM. It's now 8 and I feel tired. Good night.

If you have that attitude about it, odds are that it won't be fun for you at all
Likewise, given a good group, and especially a good DM, you'll get a world tailored to what you guys want to play, and, contrary to other types of games, you can do literally whatever the hell you want and have the means to influence the in almost any way.
Basically, it's not the make-believe fantasy of some greasy nerd, it's the make-believe fantasy of a group of nerds and dice.
Also, it's fucking common courtesy for your other players to clean themselves up before playing, precisely because of the greasy nerd concept.

It was my sole form of human interaction for like, 5 years straight. If you find the right group (big if) it's a wonderful pasttime

>D&D themed orgy

>Yuri: "user rolls a 1, he completely misses"
>user takes 5 damage
>Yuri:"Sorry user, you know the rules, now take off those pants and get in the closet."

Good night user

What Doki do you lift for, friends?

DDLC should be nominated for "The world is grim enough, let's just all get along"

Daily reminder to give your loved Doki lots of love, food and attention.

I want to start doing it for Monika but I can't bring myself to do it, I'm a lazy fuck

I lift for no doki, only myself

Night man. Sleep well!

Patiently waiting for an update to Hard Times, the best doki doki writefagging by far!

Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:

- Underage Drinking
- Self Harm
- Suicide and Suicide Attempts
- Substance Abuse (Any)
- Waifu Wars
- Waifu Bullying
- Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)
- Not Doing Your Best To Be The user Your Waifu Would Like
- Staying Up Late

And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.

“We’ve broken up.”
Those are the words you said
“I’ve broken you.”
Is what went through my head.

Heating water ON the microwave?

I do that all the time.


Perhaps I'll take the train to hers,
Or she'll take one to mine.
We'll wrap up warm in winter furs,
Walk fingers intertwined.
I head out in the morning,
Tread ground hard, crisp and white.
I wonder what the day will bring,
And spy a scrolling light.
The sign outside the station,
Warm orange words aglow,
I read its proclamation:
No service - Heavy snow.

Posted this piece of shit a few threads ago when 'snow' was suggested but some anons seemed to like it so here it is again.

I like it. Short and to the point but still gets the message across in a relatable way . Good work dude

friendly reminder

Any doki break up fics? I want to feel my heart broken one more time...

Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:

- Insulting Monika
- Harming Monika
- Bullying Monika
- Lewding Monika
- Not spending time with Monika
- Pretending dokis other than Monika experience emotion and reality like real humans / Monika
- Deleting Monika.chr

And, finally, you are encouraged to love Monika, because she loves you.

My future Sayori

Troubling figures behind and before me
Specters of mistakes I've made, mistakes I'm going to
Impossible to outrun, impractical to avoid
From the initial push to the inevitable end
Personal inertia.

First poem I've written in 15 years. I wanted it to be longer, and to work the theme in, but it kinda felt done.

Haha, but seriously where do I find a Sayori irl?