/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general
Man, I miss ice floes and evanesce
Stop making fun of gnomes, things are bad enough for them as it is.
who will be my boyfriend?
redpill me on balance druids
Trying to decide between hollow knight, persona 5 or two more months of sub. What should i pick?
God I wish that was me.
report this thread.
I wish there was a Necromancer class. For RP purpose, do you think playing a Death Knight could pass as one? I was thinking something like a necromancer who up armored, an orc death knighht from the second war,
Are M+ difficulties and rewards going up next week?
is the intent to roleplay as a plate-wearing necromancer or are you just justifying your choice outside of an RP realm?
Death Knights are literally advanced necromancers who are made through necromancy. If you wanna be one of those custom-class rp fags it's the best way to do it unless you want to go with a pet-less warlock thing and just say "no, no it's death magic."
I simply love how any encounter that requires a tiny bit of movement makes every shitter come out of the woodworks
>Joins your faction
>Looks smug
>Dares you to be problematic so he can report you to Sylvanas and her Deathstalkers.
I've only ever played trolls and gnomes since vanilla
What kind of player am I?
Classic will kill retail.
lmao no
le wants to be special snowflake because you weren't the focus in wc3
Reply to this and the next item drop you get will be the one you want more than anything in the world.
Amen. God forbid I get to complete my hardcast pyro without getting hit by a knockback or having to move.
And Evanesce, probably OP but fun as fuck.
>tfw no chubby vorepanda tummy to digest you into panda poo
he's right tho
I fucked up a normal pug on my DK as a tank. I thought I knew how to do Avatar, but then I got flustered and everyone flamed me. Best way to avoid nervousness while playing tank?
Hey! Eyes up here nerd!
As I was saying, maybe just maybe I'll introduce you to my friends once you grow a backbone and switch to Alliance
The DK class campaign is literally you resurrecting people.
>tfw playing for the first time since cata and main monk
You might be right...
why would you be nervous around total strangers? you will never see them again
that's the beauty and horror of lfg: do whatever the FUCK you want to do
I'm already Alliance though
And I'll look in whatever direction I want
just race change to the most adorable and lovable race in the game next expansion, no one will get upset with you ever again.
>nearly die in the beginning argus questline where you have to kill 3 big demons
wtf is this
>spent all day getting declined for extremely low level M+ dungeons
Feels bad
maybe get gud newbie?
Who's excited for an early Thanksgiving weekend Veeky Forums lore thread!? :3
Just experience user. Avatar can be a pain because of the swap and the moving. I used to stress out at the thought of just tanking heroic dungeons.
how? it made me go here with like 840 ilvl
>tfw hardly any """"""""female"""""""" characters want to vore a male character that isn't worgen or gnome
so with realm distinctions like pvp/pve being removed next xpac I should just pick a high pop server right
servers don't matter one bit anymore outside of RP now that there are cross-realm guilds or whatever
ye the one with biggest pop for your faction
who /forever lfr hero/ here?
me. I'm too afraid to join a guild
>faction war expansion
>vol'jin, cairne, garrosh, and grom are dead, thrall is retired and saurfang will probably die soon
>fucking sylvanas is the "warchief"
I don't see how blizzard expects me to root for the Horde in this xpac. Someone explain
I like the Forsaken, but they are immoral and they don't belong in the Horde at all. Sylvanas is the opposite of Orgrim Doomhammer. I blame waifufags for this bullshit. Anduin belongs as the leader of the Alliance and he's at least a little bit interesting, not a full-blown villain like Sylvanas.
I'm only staying Horde because I don't want to pay for faction changes (and based Zandalari). I would support the Twilight's Hammer if they let me
/normal hero/
>tfw all you do is fish, pick flowers, pvp and mythic pluses.
The life of a social retard
Well in that case, you can look all you want boy.
Tomb is finally over ... what did I think of it, overall?
You aren't supposed to like the Horde. It's literally the black factiom
It really does shit all over the original lore to do this with Sylvanas. The whole thing about the Forsaken is that the Horde was an alliance of convenience for them, and they were likely willing to stab the gullible orcs in the back at the nearest opportunity. Now they've been made into loyal carebears, what's up with that?
You probably thought it was shit.
Don't you dare post pictures of my wife again.
I'd honestly happily settle for someone just into F/F but even that is impossible to find.
>towelliee said they are going to add 2 patches after antorus
Yeah leveling update and then pre-patch with the legion sub-races and their storylines lmao
>good = interesting
>villain = not interesting
Sound good.
Might hop along later into Goldshire on my fem, who knows?
how long is after
i NEED to play lightforged draenei asap
>normal isn't hard
>join a guild that's ready to try normal
>wipe at some point because people keep saying they know the encounter but clearly don't
>give up for the night
>next week half the guild is offline when it's raid time
I am honestly happier not having to rely on anyone. I'd like to play the real game but fuck it, I'll stick to lfr.
I'd probably not see you any miss out entirely anyway
does anyone actually want the Horde to be the good guys besides the vocal tiny minority of horde fags that played in Vanila and bought into the honorable savage bullshit metzen pulled?
That's the problem. I want to play with people who are competent. But my lack of experience would make me the bad guy who would cause wipes
do people seriously care about wow lore?
I'd hate to be that fuckup retard who screws the raid for others
I don't care too much, but I'm always going to see them as the bad guys so long as sylvanas is part of it and the current behavior of the forsaken is tolerated.
Stop playing world of warcraft, it is a bad game
I've found that being "that guy" isn't as bad as you think it is. It's just very hard to find a group that isn't 50% dead weight already because all the competent groups are happy with their members as-is.
It's not impossible to get into a good group, but after so many failures I found it not worth the effort.
The humans in warcraft are the most generic trash in the game. The Alliance is incredibly boring aside from a few things like Genn and Jaina. Thrall's Horde are the best faction in this lore, assuming we aren't allowed to play as the Scourge or Twilight's Hammer.
reminder that the alliance is the screamer faction
what's a non-dead EST realm
>honourable savage bullshit metzen pulled
It wasn't bullshit between wc3 and wrath, they just pandered and made horde the bad guys again
>tfw no idea what erotic descriptives to use for female anatomy or how it works
how do ERP as gril (male playing female character)??
Male worgen druid or female night elf druid?
Even true Horde players want the Horde to be more brutal than the Alliance. But we don't need one faction to be straight up evil, which Sylvanas is bordering on
My stupid avatar fag pictures are getting stale. Where should I go for some fresh memes?
neither, both are abominations.
Male Tauren Druid.
Will your panda eat me if I roll on WrA and approach you about it?
combine the two, female worgen!
Th-They're g-getting more wolf-like in BfA!!
One knotting the other
Good idea. That's a good shot there.
Yes. I am a faggot.
i can't fucking do the argus questline as a hunter what the fuck
If you're really into that stuff then I want to be your friend desu
>trying to compete with a disc priest who has 2 (TWO) wisdom buffs
>get into 9/9m guild
>befriend guildmaster
>enter inner circle
>topic of traps is brought up in discord
>gm mentions "not minding traps"
>inform gm that I trap
>time passes
>gm becomes extra friendly
>mention there's a state im visiting soon
>gm says "oh i live here, let me know if you're ever in town I'll show you around!"
is this how you get a cute geared bf /wowg/?
>trailing a goblin rogue through outland for nearly an hour
>never catch him before he just gone completely
Fucking goblins, I just need to shoot one and I'm done this shitty achievement.
why did they reverse jaina's hair color
she isn't that old
me and my bisch
What are the various professions good for? Do they they ever put out stuff that's better than drops?
The extra white in her hair is an indicator of how swollen and full of milkies her breasts are.
>furfag vs qt
Why are belfs so smug?