Veeky Forums BTFO
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post more of these
>14million for saline
This is hillarious and hits home cause at the hospital we have loads of saline bags and dispose of them as if they're nothing, but charge obscene prices for their use
Might be the doctor's labor or whatever, but definitely not material
here's a useful template
I want to see more mutualist, queer anarchist and anarcha-feminist memes
capcha is close road
What does the pink smiley stand for?
>The Fag Army is a left-wing queer anarchist group in Sweden
sounds like there's a lot of growth in the regulatory agency job market! Good!
Keep them coming.
The fucking A-10 Warthog one killed me
>his does the most memeballs towards the least meme form of anarchism
>least meme form of anarchism
don't get this one
>The Fag Army
that would explain the importing of niggers lately. Swedes just crave BBC.
>when the Veeky Forums servers are garbage and it takes 5 minutes to load a 144kb image
More like your internet is garbage poorfag
Nobody claims real capitalism hasn't been tried, and there's lots of success to be had, among the failures.
The same cannot be said for the lefties.
I'm so sick of this fucking meme I literally have google fiber
The website has gone to shit since Hiro bought it
Nobody makes this claim tho, unless you're talking about libertarians and anarcho-capitalists.
I like this one
u got me :(
Here's some Anarcha-Feminism
bump. requesting moar mutualism
>there aren't 5 dead read soldiers for every dead german soldier
has anyone got the Veeky Forums one about accidentally summoning an ancient god to win an election
They still lost
spurdo is the greatest meme of all time
Hitler was a nationalist-soclialist you dumb retard
When you can't make actual arguments against a system but it's okay because you can use anecdotal evidence
Yeah, but it would be funnier.
Found the butthurt ancap
can't argue with that
>tfw there will never be an ancap strategy game in which you need to carefuly maneuver situations to make sure it all fits in with the NAP
That sounds pretty good.
This should be anarcho fem
lol what do you think fascism is?
>implying the government can be trusted
I'm not him, but only Spain, Portugal and Italy were fascist. With Italy adopting more and more national socialist policies as the war progressed (such as the laws on race) signifying its status as the minor partner in the Pact of Steel. Germany and Hungary were national socialist, while the Iron Guard doesn't really fall into either, but is, I suppose, closer to national socialism. Other minor states were mostly German puppets, and national socialist.
Implying the plebs aren't also packing heat and the entire thing doesn't just devolve into a Snowcrash style clusterfuck.
> He doesn't want to ventilate a haywire traffic bot with his console mounted 5.56 pistol on his way into his sweet corporate gig helping track down violent runaway synthetic humans.
>Nobody claims real capitalism hasn't been tried
some ancaps do
They fought in the Spanish Civil War you autist.
nobody important
kek two Nazis went down for every American
>Nobody claims real capitalism hasn't been tried
I've heard quite a few right-libertarians claim that capitalism is the complete absence of all government involvement in the economy, and that therefore """true capitalism""" has never been achieved because there was never a point in time where the government didn't do at least one thing that involved the economy
pretty retarded desu
why are ancaps always butthurt?
It's pure laissez-faire capitalism that hasn't been tried.
Except it has, with pretty much only failures to its name -- cue the "b-but my specific, perfect, brand of pure laissez-faire capitalism hasn't been tried."
Regulated liberal capitalism, of course, has been tried, and been wildly successful, which is why it's the dominant economic system in the world today. Hasn't stopped both leftists and fiscal libertarians from peddling their shit ideologies, though.
t. drumpfkin
Okay, he's right, but so what? If you take the rich man's property and divide it amongst the now 501 poor people, you have 501 slightly less poor people.
Where does this "Trump is fascist" meme come from
The people on the right barely exist
Why would I ever want to support commie, fag, and feminist anarchists
Where did you get the idea that I'm a Trump supporter?
>golden age
We've listened to people call Obabo a commie for 8 years, deal with it
>real _ideology_ hasn't been tried!
Just say "no true Scotsman fallacy" and watch them cry.
Me on the right
>Calls someone an autist
>Gets mad when someone speaks against the 3rd Reich
Wanna know how I know that you're a hypocrite?
So what if past attempts have failed? Doesn't mean the ideology is wrong or shit. Communism being doomed to fail when attempted large scale doesn't make it shit.
Communism is shit because of a lack of resources.
Is every Neo con a fascist then?
Wanna know how I know you're retarded?