Why the fuck aren't you shorting the South African Rand (ZAR)? It's about to be Zimbabwe 2.0.
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I stay away from FOREX, that's why. Now maybe if there was an inverse leveraged ETF that tracked some major South African index..... hmm
You can potentially make a lot more on FOREX because of leverage. Shorting the Rand is basically a sure-thing.
Pic related, FOREX gains since last week. Just put in an order for USD/ZAR.
teah me your ways
Finish this: babypips.com
Once you're completely comfortable with Forex, start checking out Forex economic calendars, such as: forexlive.com
Start following and making note of what announcements effect which currencies and how much.
Bumping so maybe some of the retards here can actually earn some money.
stop shilling
there are easier ways to make money
Like gambling on cryptos that shills here are trying to pump and dump?
>South African Rand
Is it actually possible to short hyperinflation ? It seems way too easy
The thing is, it's possible South Africa could have a miraculous recovery, and you could lose a ton of money.
But that doesn't seem likely.
its easier and more predictable than forex
are you really posting your demo account transactions and claiming you know shit?
I've been paper trading for a while, everytime I double my money I start a new account to make sure I can do it again.
I've been doing this for about seven months and results are steady.
So yes, yes I am.
After a year of steady gains I'm going to open an actual trading account.
kek look at mr bigshot doubling his demo money
Glad you have the market figured out friend
Care to share your big moneymaker strategies? I mean besides the "read the news and go short" one
It's really not difficult to make gains with leverage. By following Forex calculators and watching the news like a hawk you can understand market trends and which news affects which currencies. I'm not pretending like I'm some super knowledgeable Forex trader, I've just been successful with paper trading.
I mean, when Trump said the dollar was overvalued it dropped like a rock. News like that is super easy to predict how it will affect currencies.
And since the drop in the dollar was very reactionary, once the dollar's value started to creep back up you can predict it will go back to around the same value, which it did.
trading 10 lots at once, you are like me.
Mah nigga.
You're lulling yourself into a false sense of security, stagnation is death in this line of work. You need to drop the demo account(6 months is already too long) and start using real money(low amounts) and be as unemotional as possible
I want you to read "One Good Trade" by Mike Bellafiore (If you read it already you should probably recap a couple of chapters)
Veeky Forums is really shit for serious trading but you can always find small pieces of knowledge here
Good luck
Thanks for the advice user, will do.
IB isn't leveraging forex anymore