/dlg/ - Duel Links General

Duel Links General #165

Best Girl edition

Last Thread: FAQ

Latest News
>Espa Roba will be roaming from the 21st until the 29th (as predicted, bad drops)
>A Duel-a-thon is going on right now, the reward card is shit, though.
>Next up after Espa Roba is the D.D. Tower: Water Dimension event

Useful (Duel) Links
>Sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc. (Partially outdated but it's the best we've got.)

Android emulators (or just use the Steam version)

A few tips for new players
>You can change the resolution of the Steam version with DuelLinksConfiguration.exe in the game folder
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>When sending Vagabonds, always choose the 1 card challenge because it gives the most XP
>There is no indication that Konami bans people for using the modded APK.
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems.
>Level up Mai, Keith, Alexis and Odion first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua, Metalmorph, Spell Shield Type 8 and Curse of Anubis respectively.

Other urls found in this thread:



Do NOT answer questions that are asked. When a question is asked, your reply should be similar to these examples.
>Read the OP you fucking moron
>Google it retard

Shut up, faggot. No one gives a shit about questions but you.

Oh no my poor eyes!!
Fuck off.

Well, the FAQ is rather empty,


The OP needs to get overhauled, the android emu part is obsolete and we need a proper non-empty FAQ.

I just started one after the one guy asked for one in the thread 10 minutes ago. Of course there's not going to be much content.


just put a link to dkayed's discord.

>1. What is the Duel Links Meta discord and why you should join it for 10 shekels

Start with the game description i guess then that the best pack for begginers is Servant of kings to make an auto deck and get stapples

t. dkayed

>1000 bonus assessment
Wow why are they rewarding lazy fucks whats the point of my 8000point decks now

>He isn't paying $3.99 for /dlg/ premium

do you ever even need more than 9999 R-orbs

>you will never have an albino Egyptian qt gf that has the spirit of the best normal monster which isn’t saying much

Synchos will come soon and we’ll get Maiden, right?

>mfw my 7k deck is just as good as yours now

w-why is there always two threads
whats the difference

google it faggot

Synchro when
Lightsworn when

It DUEL Links. We gotta have a duel between threads every time, or else it wouldn't be /dlg/ now, would it?


Are you talking about two threads being made at the same time or /dlg/ and /dng/

Posting a few of the more interesting decks at KoG

We all agree that Econ will get limited in the next balance patch right

I feel like running a spirit deck. Anyone got one?

Two people always making different threads every single time
I can't even tell the difference

It's just people being dumb and feeling the need to rush to make early threads

google it faggot

Look at that we got our first 100% dedicated shit poster.

>1k bonus assessment
>just used shitton of keys on alexis trying to get CAs and only got like 80 left

What is the cheapest best farming deck for newbies?

>trying to reroll for two sphere kuribohs since it's used in most decks i see
this is what reroll hell feels like aiming for 2 URs.
on the other hand, is there a charmer deck? i like their designs and they're in the same box, ultimate rising.

cheapest here is always really fucking broad here
I can tell you to get cerberus shit but if you don't have cerberus or good magic cards then tough shit it's not as cheap anymore.
Same applies to pretty much every deck, that is, unless you saved gems.

Damn it I love Genex but its support has been pretty lackluster. Popping any card with army is still fun

I've seen this shit before, drillago hurricane deck

And then it gets limited to 1

Is there a reason we don't have a spread sheet to add one another?

Utilize a search engine, homosexual.

I don't get why there aren't a bunch of 1-limit cards. It could fix some shit and it would actually make sense. Like very powerful cards that are incredibly rare (SR), why aren't some of these 1-only?


okay what the fuck is that shit

Basically this. Unless if you can build a decent Lab builder deck, some farms will be extremely difficult. You can try building a thunder dragon fusion deck with piranha army, secret passage, gift of the martyr, and Riryoku. Its simple enough for a newbie

Fun when it works, terrible when it doesnt. And it fails to work 8/10 times

>Half way through an ultimate rising box
>Only 2 UR which are garbage
>Only 5 SR all except 1 are unplayable

At least I have a single wonder ballon now! Fucking kill me

Nice RNG.

Come on my man don't be a brainlet.

Not sure how this is supposed to work, it didn't

should i just aim to get one sphere kuriboh within 10 packs max then while i'm rerolling?
the other UR cards don't look that good

They barely limit cards at all, after all broken cards make konami money

OP is a faggot an realized that you can't change public pastebins created as a guest (I've never used that shit before so fuck off).

If anyone can tell me if it's possible to edit it, I will, otherwise here's pastebin.com/87GTAd4N another pastebin, created with a registered account, so I can edit it.

Tell me what else to add.

>Rerolling for 2 sphere kuriboh
I wouldn't recommend it. Kuriboh isn't as common as it was before, and if its in a deck it's usually only a single copy. Sphere isnt a staple in decks like it was during the reliq/hhg meta

How do I unlock Windstorm of Etaqua?

Read the OP you trolling cunt.

Which vagabond is best to send to friends?

Its a poor control deck

Because you can only use ONE card off the limited list. Not one copy of each, one single card

Should also have 1 of each for some cards.

Bastion sighting

I don't see anything there, just tell me you faggot

How are you going with aspie rowboat /dlg/?

I pretty much have a full GB deck right now, really want to play CA and I already have one senju.
Would it be wise to invest in ultimate rising since I need the ritual birb and don't have a single kuriboh?
I mean what staples can I be missing?
What are current staples?
Already have mirror, the 800 attack trap, lance, 3 controllers, floodgates.

i cant even beat him regularly

i'll probably just aim for one then.
i'm mainly aiming to grab URs stuck in shit packs.
reroll guides usually recommend to get shit like mechanicalchaser but why would you ever waste your precious reroll gems on grabbing R cards?
i can get those anytime since they're in a mini-box too which makes it easier than sniping URs in a 200 pack box

Guys I finally made it after 50+ battles!

Nothing but garbage

Machine scramble, 3 XZ Canon tanks in the extra deck

shitter here do i have to keep pressing the data transfer button every time if i want to switch between phone and pc

Is this actually good?


Must be tough being a latefag

wow really thanks zzz


Anymore suggestions?

How come there's nothing for the pc version of the nodded apk?

>Just use the in built "deck search" function
>Find some shit deck that I have all the cards for auto farm
> It is a 3k deck

Well that'll do for now I guess?

Divine grace deck, lost to mwall

can i build cyber angels with x1 sonic bird x1 senju?

Ninja cancer deck


what do i put in to fill their slot?

holy fucking shit you can get malicious in this game
Destiny draw when

You get a copy of DDraw for getting Aster to level 40

happy thanksgiving my duel links friends

monarchs when
disk commander when
call of the haunted/premature when
stratos when

Because unlike the mobile version, Konami probably can crack down on PC cheaters

Happy Thanksgiving, user

I literally started the game 3 days ago and only lost 3 times out of 16 duels and I'm now Silver 1.
Using a Silent MOMMY deck btw.

something like this i suppose. Maybe put in some sprites blessings.
I don't really play CA honestly

Remember your manners at the table lads

Someone just used Spell Shield 8 on me, where do I get that?


>Tea mat
What a pleb.

What a slacker, I started 3 days ago, and I'm in Gold 1 although now I'm grinding for a better deck, because I'm afraid I'll lose because I'm still lacking in staples..

It's literally in the OP you fucking spastic, learn to read

/dlg/ - Duel Links General FAQ
Common questions asked

"I am just starting, which pack should I open?"
If you're interested on spell/trap staples and powerful beaters without nothing else to them, buy Servant of Kings and aim to get Wall of Disruption; along the way you will get plenty of 1800-1900 attack beaters that will help you along the way. If you're not interested on staples, wait until you have an idea of which deck you want to build and then ask.

"I see some starter decks on the store, should I buy one of those?"
If you want a readily built deck that can actually win against the AI opponents, buy Legendary Warriors and nothing else. It has 3 1800 attack beaters, plenty of equips to help you along the way and you can eventually substitute the bad monsters for a better spell/trap lineup.

"I have some SR/UR tickets, what should I do with those?"
They stand for Secret Rare/Ultra Rare tickets; you can exchange them by going to the PVP building and then pressing "Exchange Tickets". As for card choices: if you don't have 3 Enemy Controller, exchange your SR tickets until you get 3 of them. Keep in mind that there are some events that will allow you to get free Enemy Controllers (such as the Mokuba unlock event) so don't waste your tickets. As for UR choices, all of them are equally mediocre. The best options (if you're not interested in a specific card) are the alternate art Blue-Eyes/Dark Magician that will also bump the ammount of your starting iconic monsters to 3.

Good stuff

tfw prismatic lv 6 horus
tfw the pack refuses to give me another one.

>disrespecting Tea
fuck off freshcunt, come back when you learn some manners

when the fuck was that

Alexis level up reward.