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Is the act of crafting something you guys find fun to do in this video game?
Yes, especially if it's for someone. I fucking love crafting shit for sprouts and seeing them use it.
>tfw you will never be hugged by Brahms contoured ergonomic back shape
The only game that made crafting fun for me was HellMOO
Memcord is best cord,
How long did it take you to get your full bunny suit from the golden saucer? It seems to take ages even with luck on your side.
>dead Veeky Forums fc that is infamous for the amount of shitty people in it
>being defended by user
Why not get an Aeron instead?
Do your weekly gold saucer challenge log and you'll have it in a week or two
i wanna fuck this guy
Come take the catcock
It can be fun, depending on what it is and for what purpose. If it's for other people or part of a project I'm working on, it's fantastic and I like the feeling of satisfaction from finally completing something or making progress on a large-scale project like airships or a set of levekits.
I like it. It's certainly more interesting than the crafting in most other games I've played.
Male characters are intimidating to approach. What if they're already taken or don't like catgirls?
>30 matches into 4v4 feast and I already wanna die
only like 300 more to go if I'm lucky haha
'w' no inconvenience
>doing new pvp
>keep getting focused on by this Raen WAR
>can't help but feel like they take advantage of my weakened state and use me to their delight after they beat me
>love that feeling
I really shouldn't but god damn.
>Male characters are intimidating to approach.
What year is it?
Might as well take the risk anyway, its only a game
How do I make friends and get them to raid?
this is clearly nsfw please delete this
i know this feel. many times ive approached at they turned out to be gay
Thas cute i'm saving it, thank you 'w'
That is a very good catboy!
>Someone else is getting attention
>here comes ban evading Lily Celestine aka memecat to beg for attention
off yourself already.
By giving them a floating mcnugget and fries combo!
Join an FC and raid with them!
Thanks! /joy
just be glad your dick isn't 2 inches like his
do you like lizzy girl
How do I get a FC to want me that is still in the need of a tank?
I wanna make this cat's eyelids droop with ecstacy so all I can see are slits of green and blue.
would pet
Will trade (you) for memcat bf i even spelled it right this time
Thats really hot though.
good meower
It's [email protected] about a memc@ best friend? V gud.
>join fc
>all the Raiders are in a static together or have one
>raiders never offer help
>everyone else is still leveling/crafting/can't even handle primals
>end up doing everything alone again
How do I stop this from happening
Who would honestly date a catboy? I can't bear to be with a male who's prettier than me.
It is time to pay the price /xivg/... with your blood
HEY HEY YOU YOU I CAN BE YOUR expert roulette buddy
I liked it at first since there's a bit more to it than buying reagents and clicking a key, but I feel now that it's just kind of needlessly complicated and pulls you out of the game proper. There're only so many results so you can just break it down to a science, and the cross-class interactions make it extra grindy.
would let one ride catcock?
why has nobody propositioned my lala yet?
PLD got the best AF3.
When did this shit become dyeable in Heavensward?
>memelander has egregiously bad music taste
what a surprise
Watch for the bj.
go to bed pins!
Server? Name?
>Still no Lala EB
This is a true hell
Server? Are you looking for a loyal waifu?
If you want bad taste, check this out.
Cute DRKs?
good user
y-you too bad music is good sometimes especially when sadlandering
Yeah sure.
Hey you! I remember you gave me your server info before but I ended up having to leave and never got to see you. What server are you on again? Name?
*pirates the price*
BJ is FUN to PLAY with!
Nice hingan house ijin scum, as you can see I am a superior Doman samurai and am judging you thoroughly.
Are we posting atrociously bad music that you listen to anyways? Let me just win this contest.
I'm not "pins" and I'm too busy with a fresh character to really do anything but level right now.
im gonna ride this meowboy raw!!!
Yea but it sucks to be on the recieving end please protecc me
raise you
Espur Reed, on Behemoth. I'm usually distracted and running around leveling something or other, though.
Here's more bad taste!
Playing hard to get, I see.
If you find me
You'll burn out unless you take a day off and let someone quench you. There's no one on the planet who likes leveling,
Can we have some music that y'all use while RPing to set the mood? I need some auditory inspiration.
Did you change your hair!?
Why aren't you listening to Mastodon, user?
I like leveling! I'm in the middle of leveling my crafters and gatherers, but I've leveled a number of classes to 70 already and am doing more. I'm just a noob though, so I've done little endgame.
Personally I enjoyed leveling FSH the most, including combat classes. Combat gets boring but I really enjoy fishing for some reason.
I change every other day, usually!
This race is over
Assuming you mean regular RP and not ERP, this is good comf music youtube.com
Go to bed you're DRUNK
Depends what you're roleplaying. If it's an erotic scene, use those bizarre surreal tracks that H-scenes always have in VNs. They add to the magic of the moment. Japs know what they're doing.
Comfy tavern socialization roleplay? Anything that doesn't have words in it. Piano music is great.
I should listen to a mastodon album, crack the skye and leviathan are both fantastic but the rest is kinda hit or miss
Sweet dreams
Are you trying to intimidate me? We both know Doma pales in comparison to the inevitable ishgard housing. both my houses have been sold anyways since transfer soon
And i'll continue to get MORE DRUNK TO HELL WITH IT BEING 6AM !!!!!!
What the hell, who is that? Where is the pretty cat? Bring the pretty cat back, I wasn't done yet.
I refuse to give up!
There's a lot of bands I've listened to before that I forgot. I only recently rediscovered Atreyu, and I listened to them all the time when I was still playing vanilla/TBC WoW. Unless I'm completely fucked in the head.
>metal friend
can I come visit you to hang on and talk about metal and maybe other things
goodnight future eb
Crack the Skye is one of the most aesthetically impressive albums. Emperor of Sand is a close contender.
>he mentions Atreyu during Mastodon chat
don't ever speak a word again
>lala scum dirtying my bench
>this is legitimately my FC experience
>the one time I managed to get the Raiders to take me, it was a shit run of Rabanastre where we disbanded
Then I'll have to use [Forbidden Music], behold my power!
Where you moving to edgelizard.
Fuck you samuel l jackson i'm under pressure