/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

Two of a Kind edition

Tell us your server and get a referral code from a fellow /wowsg/ to get extra bonus credits/flags/XP and two free premium ships (one instantly, one after you play a T6 ship).

>Newbie guide
pastebin.com/6evJAynS (embed)

>World of Warships enters Early Access on Steam


>0.6.14 PT, part 2

>Pan-Asian destroyers

>Black Friday discounts and bundles

>Captain Skill calculator

>Statistic tracker

>In-game chat channel:
NA Channel: Search for "Veeky Forums" (by antibullyranger)
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel" (by Varzov)
SEA Channel: "Veeky Forums"

[HOTEL] on EU - contact Rex1121
[KUMA] on EU - look into a mirror and say "HOTEL is reddit" 3 times
[BOTES] on SEA - contact Benlisquare
[BOTES] & [HOTEL] on NA - contact JakeNS

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for !!!

2nd for Hotel

3rd for unity amongst shitposters

Please respond

Are you a good enough goy to spend €400 on pixels?

It was close and I had a lot of fun in this match

I was sure I included this image. Whatever.

>See post about burger Thanksgiving discounts and get excited
>90 days premium only 15% off
>Several hundred dollar armada bundles don't even include discontinued ships
Who the fuck at WG decided these "deals" were satisfactory?

no, go full gunbote
your concealment will never be competitive, so might as well forget about that and burn some babbies or make dds shit themselves if they see you close

were they too lazy to add flags as background to each of the ships or is it deliberate design choice?

You will have 7.1 km concealment with full stealth
This combined with shitty maneuverability and bad turret traverse speed makes this ship not really good for cap contesting, but it's still workable especially when facing t7 dds with their shitty concealment


Friendly reminder Haruna has awful map awareness and game mechanics because he abuses matchmaking with alternative accounts late at night to boost his winrate so that he can pretend he's a good player and mingle with other good players.

The real question is, how awful do you have to be at this game to cheat?

Hello Raptor.

you got me, how did you know?


Hello Haruna.

Isn't it a bit suspicious that we had the same style of shitposting for several months now? It's always about different clans, always about different people, always about different subjects, yet the posting style is always the same sequence, always the same patterns, always the same phrases. It's like there are one or more people here who pick up arbitrary subjects and whatever is topical just to do inane and inconsequential shitposts over and over and over again for months and months and months without stopping.

stop shitposting prick

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that interferes with a person’s ability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions and relate to others. It is a complex, long-term medical illness,

Cognitive issues/disorganized thinking. People with the cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia often struggle to remember things, organize their thoughts or complete tasks. Commonly, people with schizophrenia haveanosognosiaor “lack of insight.” This means the person is unaware that he has the illness, which can make treating or working with him much more challenging.

Delusions.These are false beliefs that don’t change even when the person who holds them is presented with new ideas or facts. People who have delusions often also have problems concentrating, confused thinking, or the sense that their thoughts are blocked.

Sounds exactly what a paranoid shitposter would say. Hello hello Haruna.

What is the best use for doubloons exactly? im thinking about buying the atago as my first premium while its on sale but im not sure if i want to pick up the bundle or just buy the doubloons for just the ship. credits are nice so i can get started straight away but i cant think of too much use for the doubloons besides free exp conversion?
im sitting on 1.7k doubloons 1 mil credits if that helps at all

atago has been kinda powercreeped
it's still great but get kutuzov instead

Has been removed)))))

but guy, i only play IJN

fucking weebs

Who is Rex and why i never seen him before he put on the clan?
Seems like an insufferable whiny bitch to me, probably has reddit gold too lol

he is a mudslime

>Lyon at tier 7



for you



yeah but the terrorists weren't muslims bro



Do you know what we did last time when we had 10% semitic problems?

Probqbly meant to seperate the list of ships by nations.

The design is still shit.

>same number of russian prems as kraut and bong prems COMBINED

britbongs btfo

does the new operation come online today or when?

>the virgin fuhrer

I'd rather have the chad Dvce

the pts is up pls come in


Posted from Berlin bunker before suicide

>only the next generation space kraut weapon could sink the best Italian BB
>meanwhile in Kriegsmarine

Ultimate proof; compare the jawlines and you will immediately know who's the alpha dictator.

>not shown: Two crusier squadrons (to even find the evil nazi stealth BB), two destroyers squadrons that failed to torp Bismarck (hydro is OP, pls nerf), two modern fast BBs, one oil tanker with guns (these three actually managed to deal damage, in a typical Albionese 3-on-1) and one exploded battlecruiser.
Good job, RN.

Not to mention the germans had to literally betray italians to even attempt an attack on Roma :^)

>Italians betray their allies, hand the enemy all their weapons
>why do the allies we betrayed hate us so?


It's funny because you think about Italy as a single united state.

>for several months

You mean almost two years. It's basically a turbo autistic chink shitposting about himself since early 2017 for victim points instead of him shitposting about others. Either way, I wouldn't be surprised if you're the particular Ching Chong because you are obviously aware of the fact that it has been going on for two years but you only mentioned several months because you're either him or a sycophant to him. I am really curious what Haruna did before he found out about Veeky Forums and /wowsg/ in 2016, did he play those epic legendary CoD games with himself and autistically yell into the mic with lots of stuttering when someone "owned" him like he does on WoWs? It just befuddles my mind that people have accepted his behavior and autistic tendencies. Any other general would've laughed their asses off if somebody wanted a safe space channel or kept ranting about the same players for no real reason, but you guys intentionally fell for Haruna's bait and autism.


Hey guys, I am Arlios friend and we'd like to share our cool and interesting video with you guys! We're not bragging or anything, but you have to admit it was totally necessary for us to share this video publicly so that everyone can see we're intelligent students. Yeah we know this is pretty basic stuff that you learn in high school but we are autistic so please understand :).

>making up history


t. Luger

You fell for his shit, now you must take responsibility.

>they teach this in (((colleges))) these days
no wonder Raptor is proud of his gender studies degree

Kraut or burger destroyers?


>see H-class battleship proposal
>not just some of the proposed ships have guns with >48cm already, but every one of them has fucking torpedoes
If WG decides to give us an H-41 or H-42 as a T9 German BB prem I will be very happy to see about this. She will be a fucking floating mobile fortress.

>triple 0
Anyway. Grosser Kurfurst is basically H-41, with some WG balans magic applied.
Now why not 48 cm guns? Because WG said they don't want any nation to have bigger guns than Hotel.except Soviet))))))))))))

>G.K/Gneisenau 128mm is Hermelin main gun
At last, I truly see

Teach me to aim please.

Shoot randomly. It's RNG anyway.

point and click

>Soviet BB with bigger guns, much bigger than Yamato's
Even the proposed Sovetsky Soyuz features only 406mm guns. Although they can just make the AP shells penetrate 1000mm thick armor from 15km range))))))

>those 128mm guns have much smaller range than those on Hermelin's
On Gneis? I understand. On Currywurst? Why? Is a T10 BB having secondary range of 10km on stock a bad thing?

>KW-45 battlecruiser proposal
>Length -- 300m
>armament 4x2 Bisco guns
>armor 200/300mm + turtleback memes
Battlecruiser line WHEN?

>>Although they can just make the AP shells penetrate 1000mm thick armor from 15km range))))))
>Shoot broadside enemy - only overpens
>Shoot angled enemy - bounces
High penetration is meme

I wonder who could be behind this post. . .

Sounds like that'll be the pasta t1 bote.


PM Gaishu on Discord. He got the tools you need.

>play bb
>aim is way off
>at least 1 shell will disperse into target anyway

>low tier RU DD
>start firing at baBBies while going full speed
>they take their guns away immediately from closer targets to shoot a 48kt sanic mobile
>actually hit

For fucks sake

>it's another UI lags when you hover over something more then once every 5 seconds episode

>press x to lock on another target while zoomed in
>your weapons have been locked on the current position
happens way too often to just be a simple annoyance


Small family company, cannot hire good code. Please understand (((((

What time is it? Time to nominate WoWs in steam!


I nominate WoWS for "best boatfu" award


How do I play this game well and contribute to my team?

Depends on what class and ship you play. Elaborate.

I'll been playing Myogi and the Kuma.

Myogi is (not even joking) the worst ship in the entire game. It's huge, sluggish, has only 3x2 guns and two of the turrets are in the back. If you like playing BBs (don't let anyone here tell you otherwise, just use your brain and WASD from time to time) fight through to the Kongo. This is the first really good battleship (excluding the Royal Navy ones).

Low to mid-tier cruisers aren't too easy to play since they eat penetrations left and right without much room to riccochet (bounce) them (= negate damage).
Just like with the Myogi, the T5 Furutaka is a great upgrade with her high-calibered guns. For a quick explanation of her, see -> youtube.com/watch?v=Yys0RBJ3dpM

>being bad at the Myogi

double click to fire all your guns at once

myogi made me quit the game the first time I played it

Yeah I was hoping to get into the Kongo. Thank you, btw. It'd help if I could hit what I was aiming at.

Don't worry about aim, it comes with time. At some point you'll be hitting max range turning DDs just by expectation on what they're doing next. Of course not always, but you get the point.
What's more important is where to aim depending on your ship, enemy ship and his angling towards you.

Learning that would help, too. I just don't want to be garbage.

>both EU clans dead
well I guess its time to REALLY join a leddit clan

Ishizuchi really should've been IJN's T4 tech tree BB instead of a premium.

Please tell me how to have fun in battleships. I'm trying to get to the US carriers, and I hate everything about the battleships. The slow speed, that awful turret traverse, these glacial reload times. How do I get past these things with the minimal amount of suffering?

EU /wowsg/ was always ded


jokes on you that's what every battleship is like

Well, basically, angling means you have more relative armor to protect your citpussy from enemy shells. If the enemy shells don't overmatch you (further below on that point), you have a higher percentage to bounce them on your armor the more you angle towards the enemy. Aka don't show broadside because you will most likely eat every shell that hits you, in worse cases even citadels.

To overmatch (penetrate 100% no matter the angle) armor you need to have a caliber that is 14.3 times higher than the enemy armor.
So in the case of the Myogi with her 356mm guns, you can overmatch everything up to 24.9mm. Up to that point you don't really need to wait for the enemy to show broadside, because you can shoot right through his nose.
If the enemy CAN bounce your shells (>25mm) you will most likely just get riccochet hits, leaving you without damage done.

Honestly, it sounds more complex than it is and you don't have to learn all the armor schemes and whatnot. Especially when you're at T4 where grinding is pretty limited up until the next ship.
Sadly, the small family company named WG allows every BB to overmatch every other BB up until T7 (or 8) with their teaching of bad habits.

If you have other ships and collected more exp than you need, just swallow the pill and convert it to free exp with real money to save time and suffering. Although the US CV line is even more suffering.

A glorious vision of the future

Reminder to buy modules with discount for rental ships.