Gee, billy, two tokens?
Gee, billy, two tokens?
Tranversive Steps? Any good on warlock?
game sux
Does it help you? If yes, then yes. If no, then no.
Its not rocket science, fuck, man.
Man 'O War or Tarantula?
Sins of the Past
Not when Karnstein and Nezarec's exist.
>here's some tokens
>for a chance to get gear that is 10 light levels lower than you
What the fuck is the point? Just let me buy pieces for cosmetic purposes.
Stuck at 282 power, can't find anything to boost me any further. (still haven't done the raid tho, waiting on some buddies to power up) I want to get Rat King but how tf am I suppose to have 5 mins left over
You gotta get with your buddies and rush through that shit. Don't fight what you don't have to.
Keep doing the milestones that give "powerful gear" rewards.
>people still think gear or spec matters outside of gimped trash like fighting lion
I don't like it. I like my Blue Shift.
I think ive read this sentence about 5 times now
What the fuck are you trying to say?
You do know you can just nade spam the whole fucking night fall right?
it's an autism test
sorry you failed
>for a chance to get gear that is 10 light levels lower than you
I think you mean for a chance to get the same piece of shit grenade launcher you just got 8 of
and this game has no point.
>that face when you're a manchild slowly realizing that no game has a point
I dont have autism? fuck, i wanted to be special
two tokens lmao
>put point in mobius quiver cause why not its the final perk in the best pve talent tree.
>get orpheus rig and its perk is pretty much negated by quiver
fucking BUNGO
does the same thing happen with sunslinger and celestial nighthawk?
Brown gooks with no eyelids?
Like Cambodian half-orangutan Muslims?
Now with proper editing.
been running antiope + mananananana to great success in crucible lately, i think ive finally found a loadout i like entirely.
whats the best scope for the manannan? the handling on the candle feels really good, not sure if the range loss is worth it though. i still feel somewhat limited at long range, though this is mostly just vs mida babbies
nice thank you user
Dedstin 2: TTAAB
Nobody uses the manananananan so you're not likely to get a response here
it's almost like nothing outside of making babies or maintaining survival has a point
even that is pointless in the big picture
>implying either of those has a point either
I doubt that, it's great with antiope and probably one of the best energy scouts
Nigger, I have been playing since September and I don't even know what gun you're talking about.
Nobody here uses it.
congrats, you've swallowed the redpill and realized nihilism is the only real philosophy
now you get to do whatever you want as long as it entertains you because nothing matters
Tell me everything I need to know about reaching 300 form here on out /dg/!
I’ve known this shit for years user I’m just biding my time desu
>my name is console shitter and the only guns I have the brains to use are mida and uriel
Please leave
What's the best Voidlock grenade?
Mods are Titans confirmed
So, how many of you still play this game? I looked at all the shit from the reveal streams and realized that they really don't care. Hell, the game is riddled with glitches and the incentive to play decreases with each passing hour.
At least I was able to get my $89.99 back after filing a dispute with PayPal :^)
Axion for pvp, vortex for pve. Vortex can work for pvp too
Is playing until the season pass run out and only because I foolishly bought it with the game
>TFW you just became the edgiest kid in school.
Step it up m'dude, Nihilism is for faggots and goths.
Currently at 5 Recovery on my Hunter. I have the Road Complex helmet and chest only, I have some recovery mods on my pants. It's not hard, you can look good too.
I'm at 4 Mobility, 6 Resilience, and 5 Recovery.
But I've been playing every day since PC release too and there's still no reason to understand what gun you're talking about.
3-5 usable guns on console, 3-7 on PC. And none of them are whatever the fuck you're talking about.
I log in for a couple hours every Tuesday then log off my friends haven’t played in weeks
>not being so nihilist you don't call yourself a nihilist
noones heard of the mananana because it wasnt on the leddit list of "must have" "top pve" guns
Its a rare drop from the gunsmith too
Nihilism is for faggots and goths, tho.
Nobody's heard of manananana because it doesn't exist. The weapon you're referring to, presumably, is Manannan SR4.
That's not EXACTLY how it works around these parts, partner. The Uriel's meme started here. One shitposter and it evolved into an S tier weapon.
If the manananannananananananana was worth anything, at least one person would have posted about it before now. It's likely one skilled user making diamonds out of poop.
don't people talk about mananannananananna here like every day.
>implying anyone cares
>implying that makes it any less correct
sounds like you're just upset
Exactly. People assume because they didn't see it on a list on ign or reddit that its useless.
Manannan sr4 is the name. Go look it up and then tell me it's not viable still. Easily one if the best energy scouts, the stagger from the explosions is amazing and it also has the movespeed perk stolen from mida.
Friendly reminder that Destiny had a superior gear acquisition, playlist, and story mission system since original launch over three years ago.
the game still considers you 285
>+5 mods
find a crew to run NF and raid with or get fucked outta those ms gear
i miss lmgs
>10 Restoration
>6 Resilience
>1 Mobility
Is there even a reason to bother changing my gear next expansion? It all looks ugly.
>the game still considers you 285
>>+5 mods
I don't have any +5 mods, though...
>i miss lmgs
Did you mean hmg?
nvm on that part then the other bit still stands
why is midtown a clash map again?
the flow of fights are so poor
didn't they say they specifically designed it for countdown but put it in this mode anyway?
Strike playlists were fun, pity bungie phased them out.
Ship, you shotgun sliding nigger, get the fuck out of my games REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Peak crucible was CHOICES
>tfw 3v4stack
>we still almost win
>team keeps crowding together so that everyone dies to pulse grenades
>enemy literally is 4 titans with unlimited pulse grenade works
>fists everywhere
I was peering around a fucking corner and when I tried to go for cover I was fucking blocked by my entire enemy team
They all died seconds later to two pulse grenades.
>Four stack is against you
>Their clan name is in some Asian script
What do you do?
I don't.
Fuck em.
I miss my Zhalo and Arc burn nightfalls.
>They all have the crucible emblem
>They're all 1.4
>They get shit hard
What a surprise.
jump off the ledge for the entire match
yeah sure, that's what we need, bloated strike playlists with varying different degrees of difficulty ranging from piss easy to medium.
>That's what we need strike playlists with varying different degrees of difficulty ranging for more types of players.
I'm glad you agree.
Friendly reminder that 2 Tokens and Blue was pre-recorded footage.
Except that isn't what happens. Players usually congregate to one difficulty and stick with it.
>it was pre-recorded footage
>meaning the dev team thinks the "reward" is perfectly fine
I can 100% see people only ever doing the event during a flashpoint.
i hate that the two tokens meme is going to be a thing for months
>Except that is what happens. Players usually change their play-style based on their mood.
Very true, very true. You're pretty cool, user.
Why to? Its pretty appropriate and a chuckle-worthy.
What's this about two tokens? I haven't been on here the last few days
PC newfag. Feels like I'm just dragging my feet through Crucible just for the chance at Saladin's slot machine. Feels pretty awful.
>cool emblem
>you have to buy something from the store
Imagine going to the gym with your clothes in a Destiny 2 tote bag
Hell I get slight anxiety going in with the Gearbox one I got at the Battleborn launch party
accidently specced wrong on my hunter and made my orpheus rig useless
also dismantled quickfang before i realized it was any fun
should i just remake?
>I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and I like to kiss my own butt
Too much information user
>specced wrong
Would this work
>Buy two separate orders for each pin
>Get three emblem codes
>Sell the limited totes and the extra store emblem (they shoot up to like thirty bucks the second the promotion ends) to recoup costs
Why is quickfang fun? What's different between it and other swords besides swing speed?
PC friends Iron Banner wasn't this bad. We use to get post game rewards, had Vendor who sold godroll gear and weekly bounties dropped all sort of IB loot. We had Ghosts Shells, IB ships and even Sparrow.
It's basically the only simultaneously fun and reliable way to play mobile.
Can't you just go top tree when you want to use OR?
Why are people even bothering trying to get the IB armor? It'll be redundant in two weeks when IB S2 armor comes, which is the same but with an ornament slot.
Can't cry over what I can't have. I pined for 3 fucking years to get Destiny on PC. I got Destiny 2 instead. Feels like shit.
I'm more in it for Time-Worn Spire. You're gonna have to fight the slot machines sooner or later, might as well try to get it done ASAP.
yeah its fuckin retarded. orpheus rig gives energy after you expend it all on void shot based on how many are tethered. the last perk either makes it really fuckin awkward or outright breaks it by making it shoot multiple arrows. that tree has the double duration grenade which is a must in pve
>besides swing speed
thats all there is to it. some sources say it can drop via engram randomly but i dont see it in any actual item pools in game.
It looks like shit too.
>Imagine going to the gym
you lost me here
you can use the top tree and quickfang also drops from legendary engrams
I got a quickfang drop from something, I had two on my hunter earlier. Maybe gunsmith.
>forgetting to mention that the post-game gear was "powerful" so you could get to max light level with it
yeah, IB used to be fucking great
You ain't ever tried going to the gym for a week or two before giving it up?
Tote bags are perfect for that shit, bringing clothes back and forth. I wouldn't rock a Destiny one though. The Gearbox one is at least a little subtle.
If me and some ragtag team of randos can beat these fagots why can't you /dg/?
Don't say meta because I didn't use any meta weapons.