/owg/ - Overwatch General

Cute Bully Edition

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This thread is ducking garbage


Bump for this miserable pile of human waste



I want to bully Moira until she cries!

Hello internet friends!

hello fren

goodbye harold

Here comes T.Racer!


Anyone wanna share some cute OW girl pictures? I have this one for now.


I want to fuck Torbs daughters

that's cool me too
o-oh no

can someone explain how SR works I'm so frustrated right now...


Just think about it, mindbreaking the eldest one so she will seduce her little sisters into sex with you which will inevitable end in a giant lesbian orgy with you in the middle of it...

Truth is that it's working as intended. Your placement wins/losses really only give you +- 300 SR from where you finished last season, which has the most weight

>it's another numale virtue signaling fishing for thumbs up episode
Am I cool yet? :)

>numale virtue signaling
explain your fancy words please

>it's another numale user fishing for (You)'s episode
You already posted that in last thread you fuck.

Low testosterone male, barely resembling an actual man. Trendy and liberal.
>virtue signaling
Trying to display perceived virtuous characteristics for real and perceived awards, in this case people thinking he is cool and giving him thumbs up.

wasnt this guy negatively voted before?

Zenyatta is cute!

I posted the wrong screenshot. Didn't mean to beat a dead horse. This screenshot isn't even related to the greentext.

press F to pay respects to new mercy rez

So what happens if Overwatch is forced to stop using lootboxes?

they will just sell the skins directly

Still best support

skimpy skins sold directly to us

Every levelup will give you 50-100 coins that you can spend as you like.
That will never happen because you can't outlaw lootboxes as a mechanic, only limit their distribution. If lootbox sale will be ruled against, they'll just do what they do in China: sell a handful of coins with lootboxes as a bonus.

Lootboxes for free (lvl up), instead of buying lootboxes you'll buy your BlizzardPoints and spend them on skins directly.

> 2cp map it's our turn to attack
> see enemy junkrat in front of the door
> he says hello and drops a mine+trap just after the front door everyone could see the whole thing
> go in chat : "junk trap in front the door destroy it before pushing"
> go in voice chat "careful guys there's a junk trap in front of the door, destroy it before pushing"
> match begins
> a mccree rolls right into the trap and get blasted

> every

> fucking

> time

i have 6000 points what golden weapon should i buy? I already have tracer, mccree, ana and zarya

Sounds pretty fucking nice to just fucking buy the skins during an event instead of waiting for the RNG gods to stop screwing you over

> and I fuck up my image on top of that

Moira and Doomfist.
Doubles, now buy those fucking guns.

Reminder, Blizzard probably takes these people more seriously than those of us asking for a more competitive environment and basic bug fixes.

Nobody cares, just fuck off back to /pol/

>is forced to stop using lootboxes
Not happening
>b-but Belgium
Who gives a shit

>spend saved up coins on skins with a chance of getting it for free
>spend real money on skins on top of already spent $40

how the FUCK do I into genji
I main zen and have fairly good aim with him but having to maintain my aim for a while after clicking is fucking me up

Nigga, you're desperate.

>le /pol/ boogey man
>fixing their piece of shit game doesn't matter
What are you even doing in this thread?

Watch all of Naruto including the filler episodes

>this is somehow a pol-tier opinion

This dude is literally asking for a rainbow skin for no logical reason than "they're gay so they're special".

Didn't even realize someone already posted this lol.

Yes, everyone who looks at Overwatch forums and has problems with what they're seeing there is just from /pol/.
It's impossible for anyone to be concerned about the future of Overwatch without browsing a board for Flat Earth nutjobs and Net Neutrality shills.

Ze ehnemy haz ehn teleporteur.

How do you think Tracer became gay? Was she raped? The military with female-only units?

>getting triggered by literally who posts on literally what forums that even devs don't pay attention to
Can polcucks get any sadder? Oh wait, they can, they do the same with twitter and tumblr as well.

Presumably raped by Lucio.

>Yes, everyone who looks at Overwatch forums has problems
Got that right.

You’re powered up for Thanksgiving get in there!

Until 11am pacific time, whatever that is

explain this meme

sexually matured late in the military

Stop trying to pretend you're not some crazy SJW. Blizzard is known for listening to their vocal minority user base and destroying their own games because some asshole on their forums said a thing.
Blizzard killed World of Warcraft because of some whiners on their forums and we're supposed to listen to your retarded infiltrator SJW ass that they're not going to listen to their new Overwatch fanbase? Fuck off.
If you want pride flags in the game just say so, don't pretend you hate tumblr.

Whatever it is, it will probably make it harder to get skins without spending real money.

t. someone who has never bought lootboxes

Just answer me this,
Genji or widowmaker?

Burgerlards eat turkey to celebrate all the indians they killed


>t.triggered polcuck
So easy to trigger you snowflakes. Didn't you say you're not /pol/? What happened to that, tard?

Something to do with turkeys, and white shitlords who took a whole continent away from its natives


fuck u

London slums right after the omnic crisis were a tough place to grow up in

What part of anything I said had anything to do with /pol/?
Also what the fuck do you think ''snowflake'' means? Your tumblr brain has corrupted that term beyond recognition.

>spam same pic in every owg past few days with typical /pol/ "arguments"
>omg what is ur problem we just want our game to be gay-flag skin free

Like, there's milion other things to fix, like fucking balance or bugged maps, but let's focus on some fucktard from their forum who was recently downvoted into oblivion for that suggestion

not deleting /pol/ forever was moot greatest mistake

Which Overwatch hero would react most negatively to being raped? Who would get over it fairly quickly?

just like the mexican cartels, that explains Sombra

>most negatively

>fairly quickly

One of my alltime favourite movies. If only I could be bothered to make a proper edit.

>I-I'm not p-/pol/
Planning to embarrass yourself any further, polcuck?

When Christmas event will start?

Why do you think they both have street thug skins?

>spam same pic in every owg past few days
>/pol/ "arguments"
>recently downvoted into oblivion for that suggestion
You're hallucinating. That post didn't even exist yesterday. It's not even a day old.
The ''/pol/ arguments'' are entirely in your head. No one has blamed flat earth, jews or globalists for it.
The post at no point had been ''downvoted into oblivion''

Why do you have to lie? Couldn't you just have said ''keep politics out of this thread?'' You don't have to lie to get your point across.

Widow wouldn't even care, you could rape her in very kinky and sick ways.


>literally everyone who doesn't like rainbow flag skins is a poltard


Graffiti Tracer represents her teenage delinquent phase when she was a spiteful little bitch due to being sexually confused about liking girls.

december 12 most likely

>everyone who uses the term ''SJW'' is now from /pol/
Hello tumblr

>reddit spacing
Back to /r/donald, tard.


Lena lost her virginity to a guy lmao

I play videogames to escape faggot shit.
People don't want faggot shit in their games. It's obnoxious. Look at Runescape, they forced all their users to have to deal with some Pride Day event where everything was gay and when people said "hey, I pay money to play this shitty mmo so I can roleplay being a bard or something, not look at gay pride shit I can see in real life." They were banned for intolerance. It didn't go over well.
I didn't care that Tracer is a lesbian because it did not present itself in the game at all besides one throwaway line. The moment Overwatch starts introducing gay pride skins I stop playing the game.

She was still figuring things out, don't bully her.


I bet she used to let random guys she met in clubs take her home and knock her up to prove she wasn't a lezzer, but would just lie that with them on top grunting while she felt nothing at all


What if Tracer was actually raped by girls and they mindbroke her into being addicted to pussies?

Zenyatta, Reinhardt, maybe roadhog

I wonder if that "lore book" has any sort of significance in the game. Because a similar book is both in Moira's workroom (featured splashscreen) but also lying around in several places of Blizzard World.

So how is Blizzard gonna milk this game when Belgium is backed by the whole EU to ban lootboxes and crates from games as they are seen as gambling?

I bet every fucking company is looking at EA for fucking it up so bad that the government starts to get involved lmao

>knock her up


they will just sell ingame currency or skins directly and now fuck off we are already over this discussion

What did EA do that crossed the line? Valve to me has always seemed like the worst offender. How the fuck did EA top them?

Is it just me, or is Moira not good enough to be a solo healer?
The limited amount of healing she can do before having to recharge, and the fact that she has a small range and has to choose between damaging and healing orbs makes her unviable for a solo heal position, it seems.