Fighting Games General /fgg/
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red bull event has started again
How do I cope with losing online in fighting games? My playstyle is pretty much all offense, zero defense, and playing Ragna online in BBCF really fucks me over.
how do i get a poison gf
I still don't see the appeal of this character at all.
>the king of virgins
>chad fighter
*krotty chops you*
play jin
there will be some sort of announcement at Tower of Pride
Playing girl characters makes you ghey
Happy Thanksgiving fgg.
>light hair
nigga you gay
desu, that just means you really don't know what you're doing. Anyone can press buttons. Now focus on learning how to defend, even if it means intentionally giving up the round/game.
But Jin's an asshole.
Stop calling them fireballs, they're ki blasts
an asshole who wins
>didn't mention her boobs
it was a given
>Now focus on learning how to defend, even if it means intentionally giving up the round/game.
How do I practice defending, and what do you mean by intentionally giving up the round/game?
Why the fuck is there no proper english stream of this jap event?
ugly boy
Are you talking shit about my boy Jiyuna?
Why is M. Bison known as Vega and Balrog is known as Bison and so on in Japan?
Is there something lost in translation from Japanese to English or something?
thanks, you too meign.
Is Roxy going to be in Jive?
Block and don't attack. DP through a gap, but don't go on the offensive otherwise.
You'll likely not win this way, but the focus is on improving and shoring up your weaknesses.
t. biscuits
that's why you should pick a top tier
ourboys junior and john
is this cfn? game keeps cutting out, looks laggy as shit, dropping frames, and canceling animations like crazy
Who's the best Urien player these days?
But Nemo has better mixups...
Should I get the Deluxe Edition of SFV on Humble Bundle ($40) or wait for Arcade Edition to come out?
Seems like they'll both give me the exact same amount of content. The "12 premium skins" that the Arcade Editions comes with are just the same ones from the character pass, am I right?
and Dogura is one of the greatest 2d fighting game players to ever live
wait for arcade edition.
Nemo is hotter so he can channel Urien better.
so is Woshige
*jumps and throws air fireballs*
*jivecode cancels onto the ground*
>nerfing one of the jivest characters
If power rankings were a thing then Dogura would be number 1 right now.
What are the chances of Rashid getting nerfed in Season 3?
>playing male characters
>not playing characters regardless of tier or gender
>urien aegis mixup into kill
jive is such kusoge. not even in anime do you get some timed powerup bullshit to end the round in 1-2 combos. it's like jive tries to act an honest game until someone gets vtrigger. it's shit at hiding it and shit as a game in general.
Why are their names in English on the jap version of the game?
they pretty much nuked the s1 top tiers so we'll see.
But almost all the characters you play are female, and Morrigan's the only decent girl you play.
aegis was worse in 3s. just sayin. it's not jive exclusive that it's so busted. also there are only like two optimal uriens in the world really.
Is it true that Jebailey likes traps?
Based urien taking one for the team
Is it true you're only supposed to drink 2 red bulls a day?
Wait, Nemo plays Goober too?
Yeah, even if it's retardedly hard to block at least it doesn't lead to a literal TOD
You really shouldn't drink that shit at all.
I play plenty of males. I'd say it's more like a 70/30 split.
Jesus why is necalii allowed to combo after the stomp
says who? your mom dont count
Now if only you had good taste in female fighters.
>drinking energy drinks
You end up looking like this.
Why the F***K does GoOne's Menat look so fast and smooth while mine can't even move two steps without getting knocked down
exactly. they still have to open you up in jive.
you don't have the other player's respect aka you're not solid enough. also it isn't really fair to compare yourself to the best in the world with any character.
it's not just urien, it's any of the best characters in the game
menat needs faster normals
its goichi dumb frogposter
with the way stun works and how gorilla some characters are it might as well be tod at a point
But I do.
Getting rid of stun would improve the game so much and it's such an easy change to implement.
What would kolin's gimmick be then?
They're not?
explain this then. You can't go around saying you have good taste in female fighters AND main Noel.
Let her keep it or give her a sub zero move.
I mean they are written in English.
>Call out XKira for being wrong about Sagat being revealed at NA Reg Final
>He blocked me
Instant freeze
Would be very cancer
Are you seriously calling Latin alphabet "English"? How old are you?
>implying noel isn't patrician taste and best bb.
i dont know if you're doing a meme or somethiing
I wouldn't say Noel is worst BB, that honor goes to Rachel, but she certainly is nowhere near best.
>Wasting your time calling out anyone online
What's with the long fr*cking breaks between matches.
regardless i was addressing aegis
ive been considering the same thing. I think it depends on if arcade edition comes with s3 characters included (or any other extra characters)
Basically I dunno. the base game is also on sale on steam for like 16 bux so ive been thinking of that too
play kolin
tokido going to win capcom cup
Wait what is even going on
This ISNT the Top 8 yet?
Tokido NEEDS to win
At least we agree rachel is the worst. Nu is pretty good too.
Nope, first this and then another long break, it's single elim too.
This would be a million times more fun if the breaks weren’t 25 mins long
Tokido getting BTFO by a fucking Chun Li
Notably Slowed walk speed and no greylife.
Thus her trigger suits her in the "it covers her weakness" front better (weak footsies and pressure).