Hobo Edition
Hobo Edition
xth for my wife Syndra
I'm banning Zoe for the next 2 weeks.
I'm sick of shitters fucking up my ranked games.
>tfw no qt petite gf
xth for Overcharge is fucking garbage
>ywn see Rakan turn Xayah into a cuck
Death to waifufags.
xth for everyone but me that plays this game is garbage and can only win when I feel like putting in the effort
>Get a MF adc
>They're retarded
>We lose
why this bullshit and not Project Quinn?
I want to be someone's slut and get gifts, too..
Because quinn is shit
I want Nami to drench me in her fishpussy!
god I wish I had a sugardaddy too
why are they ruining champion lore
>get any ADC
>they're retarded
>we lose
Fixed that for you, bud.
How long until they add a real cooldown to spell shards so a team fight doesn't have 5 flashes on the ground for Zoe to use
>he's not banning Zoe until Riot nerfs her because nobody is spending real money on her anymore
Have you ever played this game before?
no, my gifts
How do you feel now that Vlad is literally confirmed the most powerful and chaddest Noxian?
Yeah retarded adcs are common. But for some reason MF players are the most retarded. I have seen more people not be retarded when playing Vayne with M5 or Draven with the draven Draven skin then I have seen MF players not be retarded.
>Udyr's Q does 170(+571) Physical dmg every 1 and 3 hits from it around late game full build
>Press the Attack
>Udyr's already fast attack speed
What the fuck Rito
>vayne rides a motorcycle with homeguards
cringe central right there
What's that flash game where you can fuck all the lol girls
shut the fuck up, adc is fucking hard.
whenever i get autofilled adc i have 100% loss rate
shut up, slut
>adc is fucking hard
>literally have a babysitter in your lane because you're not good enough for a solo role
Leaguelets are so funny
You will never compare to a living God who can dominate any human perfectly.
Neither will your ugly mains.
I cannot wait for the full lore where it is described in depth how women offer themselves to him and peasants worship him.
but i main a solo role and have hit masters
playing adc im on a silver 3 level
Then you're a shit player
better than you :^)
>be d2
>close friend is b5
>smurf and duoq with him to help him climb
>the more i play with him the more he tilts me to hell and back
>tell myself to keep my cool and not flame him
>i flame him every time
It's so goddamn frustrating. Every game he does the same shit. He makes a million mistakes that make him feed hard or lose whatever lead I force down his throat. Then he bitches about everything else it could possibly be instead of "i made x mistake and that's why i lost lane". It's always "muh broken champ" or "muh mid didn't call mia" or "muh lag" or "muh x player is hacking/scripting" or anything else it could be. After a few games I end up going off on him because he's retarded, he doesn't know what he's talking about, and at this rate he never will. Last time we played I taxed his lane (because i know for a fact he won't last hit it anyway). He gave me the DON'T TAX ME I NEED TO CS TO CATCH UP. I told him if he wanted to cs that fucking badly he wouldn't barely scrape 3cs/m in an even lane and it's better the gold go to someone who can use it instead of to someone without a brain. He tried to make bullshit excuses about how he lost the 2v2 playing MF Zyra into Jinx Soraka and I told him that I was sick of his excuses, he was in bronze because he was garbage and that's it. He didn't talk for the rest of the game and I haven't heard from him since. I kind of feel guilty because I got angry with him, but at the same time I can't imagine someone being so goddamn bad and so fucking stupid to not realize it and figure out how to improve. Am I even supposed to feel bad here?
blogposting because i need professional opinions on how to deal with my retard friend and i have no one else to ask
I'm doing it
youre finally killing yourself?
>Dominating any other League girl
Is there a champion in LoL that sets up sentry turrets
>ranked during preseaon
For what purpose?
>smurf and duoq with him to help him climb
You're not doing him any favors. You're actually making him 10x worse than he would be if you played solo. Instead of him learning to read the map and the game state, you're probably helping him notice things he should be teaching himself to notice. Cut that shit out.
If you actually wanted to help him, you would NEVER play with him but you would critique his replays after the game and help him improve upon his mistakes.
>tramp stamp
>implying it's not an uterus tattoo to remind Sona of all times of who's the sole owner of her womb
He can and he will.
why doesnt riot do something about the general attitude of people in games?
Like every other game someone is shittalking others. usually after they fuckup themselves and look for blame.
They only do something about people that are dumb enough to use the no-no words like nigger and retard, but the passive aggressiveness or constant flame, they do nothing about?
Why not do it like old school rs. Get some of the most "honorable" members of the community and give their reports increased value. That way if they behave like an ass and theres a "mod" in it, they get punished like theyre supposed to.
>He actually spent money instead of getting it for free through missions.
You're a fucking shit lord dude.
You still gain MMR so after the soft reason you'll be able to place higher.
I don't read the lore that much but I thought varus was a guy with a family that was tasked by the village to guard the evil bow till one day it got attacked and he had to use it?
uteruses look like shit though
>Not getting 2 free skin shards instead
>walletlets caring about a few bucks
For better mmr standing next season.
Jokes on you, i spent 4 hours grinding Bot games.
Not had to use it, but he was defending the evil magic power and his whole family and village got killed by noxians, so he took the power for himself so he could go kill as many noxians as possible.
>buying something you can already buy instead of exclusive content that will never be available again
poorlets are retarded
I'm sure I've spent more dosh on this game than you ever will.
Taking the easy way out, nice.
Prove it.
why the fuck does Yorick have such a high winrate?
>want to play zoe after practicing with her in practice tool and apply my superior mechanics
>enemy team locks her in
>I lock in soraka mid
>they can't hit a single skillshot on me until level 6
>they only fight when their ult is up
>they have no cdr runes
>proceed to stomp her as a support mid
I don't get it, let me play the fucking champ you garbage pieces of shit
>Getting a boarder that people will see for 5 seconds isn't retarded
nice counter argument spaz
Fuck that's much better than the shit they put in his new lore. I'm on borrowed time was my favorite league quote and it had a better purpose when it was varus trying to get revenge for his village over some dumbfuck who accidentally released him
>tfw feel bad when i get random gifts or gifts in general
please don't spend money on me, being friends is enough ;;
>he doesn't intentionally disconnect during loading screen so people have to look at his superior portrait edges
You kidding me?
I want to smell zoe's small little butthole and lick her tight little cunt
What champions were ruined with visual updates? You can't tell me you prefer the right to left unironically
>diamond border, mastery 7, exclusive skin border, rare icon, 2500 hours emote, rare club tag, single word summoner name
>immediately goes 0/10/0 and ragequits
Active Item CDR on Takedown or Out of Combat Movement Speed on Takedown with Evelynn?
They're both shit. That's why you use pentakill and spam dance in lane to remind your allies and enemies of the best pentakill song.
>new game mode
>forced to play shittiest role in the game
>literally just hide and seek with invincibility
>has more effort put into it than the permanent extra game maps
Why do these insist of this garbage. Fucking fix ARAM or make Treeline more interesting instead of these awful meme modes made solely to promote shitty skins
Completely wrong, idiot.
Clubs are for shitters
-shitty Resident Evil chronicles boss
actual creepy undertaker guy
you should play support for him and get on voice chat and tell him very carefully what to do (but not angrily). and hopefully he'll pick up on stuff. stuff like cs'ing is actually not that natural because OMG CASTER MINIONS ARE DESTROYING MY FARM THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE.
I want to put a baby in that belly.
it's people like you that fucked this game look how much better old yorick looked compared to nu yorick
He's played the game solo since season two. He got me into league in season 5. Ended plat s5 diamond s6 and s7. This is the first season he's asked me to duo with him. Last season all I did was do vod reviews where he'd ask me to watch a game of his and talk about how he played/what he could learn from it etc. I think at this point after being bronze every season he probably just wants the skin and I'm fine with helping him out. It's just driving me crazy.
I queue jungle/mid and take over games so he gets free wins. Maybe queuing support might give him more incentive to focus up a bit, though.
>game last over 10 min
>bugsplats ever 30 s
nice preseason labs
holy shit keep crying fag
For Sona it'd be a womb tattoo in the shape of a heart to remind her how much Ahri loves to impregnate her womb (basically becoming the sole owner of it) and to also show how Sona loves it whenever Ahri knots her after pounding her for hours and the fox cock's head completely pierces her cervix, becoming stationed inside her womb and then proceeds to dump all her cum in her for hours
weak bait
>want to help friend get better
>trying to carry him
If you were good at this game you would know that duoing with someone ups the odds of you guys being placed against another duo or premade
Real talk here you booster apes need to go hang from a tree. You ruin solo queue for everyone else and you're not even helping your friend get better. You're either going to carry him to a rank he doesn't' deserve and he'll decay on his own or you're going to ruin his MMR by placing him against people he can't play against.
You have to learn and play by yourself to get better. Just watch his replays and tell him what he's doing wrong. Trying to teach someone in real time while they play, while you're trying to carry him never works
>I queue jungle/mid and take over games so he gets free wins
>surprised he isn't learning shit
Do you have brain damage? If he's been bronze since season 2 then he's not going to get it.
What are they supposed to do? You can't have a rioter for every 10 players to babysit every game.
It's an online game where you're going to encounter other human beings.
stop using a toaster, retard
Does anyone actually like this mode?
do you think she would force me to lick her abs?
which is why i said give certain players more influence on reports
that way you can more easily punish bad behaviour and encourage a better environment
Theres just too much low key inting and flaming in this game
if it was a game of basketball in real life these people wouldnt constantly behave like an ass because theyd be risked getting punched in the face
sadly you cant do that online so people behave like assholes more frequently, and riot is in a position where they can change these things
>tfw I'm no one's daddy
I want to neck myself.
I doubt it.
Post champions you love whether by design, play style, viability, personality, anything!
Nice textures and effects in the map, shitty game mode and gimmicks.
I wish they would have just done the Invasion Game Mode but wit Battlecast skin champs.
as soon as yasuo and kalista get their planned reworks
>literally posted yorick's best updated skin
I want to prolapse Sona's ass.
>playing brand support
>teammate hovers vayne
>ban vayne
never stops being amusing
Will you be my daddy?
adcs only, though
>teammate locks cleanse/ghost nunu customer of it
>ywn have your league bros be your daddies
Depends if you are cute enough.
Legit gonna kms cuz of autocorrect on phone
Same problem here. My friend wants to main support Taric and Blitz. I main Draven with MF and Kog as backup picks. He NEVER lands hooks or stuns because he plays super passive and just hangs behind me as if he's playing Soraka. He also just spent an entire 45 minute game without buying even basic boots, and kept missing hooks because he couldn't get close enough to land them. Shit is so frustrating because he never listens to my advice on build paths or playstyle. He panics a lot and runs during fights, leaving me to die when I could have gotten a multikill with his assistance. The worst part is that he is incredibly smug and thinks he's "super autistic" with blitzcrank when he lands about 1 out of 20 hooks. He mostly just hooks minions that were right in front of him that he didn't notice. FUCK I wish I'd never told him about this game.
A Robin Hood themed Riven skin strangely comes to mind. There are better choices, of course.