League of Legends general /lolg/

Overpowered Chadimir edition, Noxian final boss


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xth for my wife Syndra

This is Sona the bovine of Runteterra, say something nice about her and you will be blessed with strong bones and healthy semen !

Is he back?

>save up for syndra
>get oriana champion shard
I'm tempted lads. What do? just wait if out for syndra or redeem the shard?

>Get honor capsule
>Master yi and sivir
>Less BE than just leveling up

Being honorable is even more pointless than before

bard players have autism irl

this is a fact


Do you want to press R to win teamfight or press R to kill one target?

Orianna is better overall.

>tfw no support cumdump

singed players have autism irl
gangplank mains have autism irl
these are facts.

*blocks your path*

I heard orri is kinda hard to get into but that didn't stop me from playing azir either so I guess I'll just get the robopussy.

How the fuck do I play this shit champ?
I must've played a good 15 games on her now and I still feel useless as fuck.

This kha was so mad

>According to Sonafags, Sona struggles to support her own breast weight
>But they expect Sona to support me when I play ADC

> *orianna memes*
*cancer since season 1 memes* *press r to win memes*

how do you define a play as worth user
>tfw if braum wasnt there i wouldve killed veigar too

Celerity is really good guys

shut up

Sound great actually. time to be cancer.

thats nothing compared to this kha
warrior trinity full tank and then just hit r on whoevers mode fed

Like it myself, because I used to run movement speed in my runes like a memer. that extra 4% really helps out slower champions.

i want to BULLY evelynn

cool now just say orianna is the easiest champion in league and that she's been in every pro play game ever and you're set.

I want to bully Lulu

Late night challenger on CSneakys these people are honestly fucking garbage..

nice jugs

Her clear is slow, she gets fairly low on health, her Q ganks are fucking ass since when you Q in the enemy just walks away or flashes, you lose literally every 1v1 against all other junglers.

Like sure you can flank well at 2 items I guess, but even then she's not great.


is bad.

>get flash for free
>doesnt walk back into the lane to get a free kill because they have no flash

Don't play her debonair skin. it's how you lose games

I'm too busy trying to do my god damn blue.

>pick shyvana with ghost and smite
>pick unflinching and legend: tenacity
>teamfight begins
>smite enemy and pop ghost
>all this while having merc threads
>they focus me
>sterakk procs

How do you carry people who want to lose?

We are not autists. We are the trolls

is it worth the price?

get rapidfire instead of shiv so you can kill azir without getting near him

>Be me, Vayne
>Have Lulu as support, seems good
>Enemy picks Ez + Sona and completely obliterates me
>I don't have even a chance to get lasthits under my fucking tower without being destroyed
And this is even without me feeding, I died only one time in 20 minutes of the game and it still felt like shit.

On top of that we had Jhin midlane and Cassio top, so basically not even a frontliner. Why the fuck every second ranked game I meet a faggot who picks Jhin mid and ultimately feeds his ass off?

What are her other good skins?

>tfw Eve will get a nice sexy/cute 1350 skin in the following 3 months

tenacity doesnt stack verywell
if you go legend tenacity its generally not a good idea to also go mercs

If eyeball collection is a noobtrap then why do junglers with it have higher winrates than junglers that take zombie ward and ghost poro?

Checkmate vision autists. Just learn to ward properly and realize the value in free stats

not even remotely
its a maybe user. riot is incredibly inconsistent with skins
>yoricks rework took almost a year to get a 1350 skin
>nasus got a legendary the same day he was reworked

can someone explain how and why this is possible?


No previous ranked seasons and Master tier in under 200 games.

why doesn't everyone have to climb from silver/gold?

>be you
>earlygame, laning phase decides game meta
>pick the weakest laning ADC in the game by ar
>surprised you get shit on by meta picks

wow who couldve foreseen this unexpected event

Yorick is still unpopular. New Eve is a qt and will get skins accordingly. Just look at how good all her pre rework skins are, riots art team loves her.

its a smurf account?

Officer (chromas your choice) and warring kingdoms and base. There are no other options tbph

What's in the shard, /lolgee/?

im still upset officer got the chromas and not neon strike

Your support should have been Soraka or you should have picked another Adc m8


>getting proshit shards and not regular skin shards
i hope you get lucians

>play normal drafts
>meta and tryhard stuff vs plat/diamond level players
>ranked, gold 4 because I haven't touched it in a while
>shitpickers who want to lose because they got mad in champ select

None of these people will get banned, and yet they all need to take a long nap in a gas chamber.

Well that's the thing, free stats are definitely valuable. They're also much easier to make use of. Brainlets can use AD/AP to win their game, using wards and vision denial is harder and therefore gets misused more often.

A project skin that you already have


that doesn't answer any of my questions

Did you even start doran shield
Did you swap with your top when your tower was down
Did you try to fight them at 6

I mean it's a very rough lane but it's doable. It's still easier than Janna Caitlin since there is an actual real possibility of killing them through outplay

>player thats good is able to get high rank fast because hes better than shit players
why is there even a question

Ban Ezreal next time. The fucker has 56% winrate. I think sona is pretty strong too

>play league of legends with the intent of having fun and/or winning
>leave the most broken character in the game open when you don't intend on playing it


I hyped myself up so now I can't open it, gonna go make coffee then do it.

I like the project skins, it's a better gamble then the orb, at lest to me.

Please no, it's the worst one.

I don't have any!

>only 1 more patch left before the new season begins since they wont patch during xmas
>morello doesnt post any intention of the balance team to increase mr/resistances in general to stop this "laning phase oneshot" meta we are in now

bad start of the season

What is the best Akali skin?

>make nigger joke
>Get nigger champion
Eh, I'm fine with this.

Does the new meta favour healsluts and tanks to protect the ezreal/varus?

Because vision isn't as important in solo queue as raw stats.

Is akali or kat better in bed?

literally anything that's not jungle nigger headhunter.

Why is Leona so much more popular in high elo all of a sudden? Was she massively buffed recently or something?

Blood moon i think

How long does it take to get a shard and till when is the promotion running? I also want Blackman of Driveby's and conditional dashes.

Kat, obviously but I get the feeling she's also a very dominant woman akali seems more inexperienced and thus maybe a tad more submissive as you help her explore her body

Kat. I doubt Akali's ever been in that situation.

Best couple!

i need more pics of eve on my life

Supportbull here, this is literally the worst skin for Lucian.
Every single Lucian player who uses that skin is dogshit.

Headhunter is his best skin apart from base chroma.

Op as fuck with new runes

New make her insanely fucking tanky and removal of mr make her burstier
Basically she's a melee Sona with 1000 HP and 80 armor st level 3 right now

seeing as how Akali is a teenager in lore with virtually no experience in bed and Katarina is an actual raunchy slutty character of course Katarina is better.

Any tips for landing against an Azir with Annie?

skins I absolutely didn't want:
Yi, Yasuo and Lucian being the ugliest
skin I got:

At least Thresh is dicking his monkey wife every day in the lantern.

Pretty quickly if you're autistic.
I only have this one left, took me about a day of casual playing.

Sounds perfect for me.

Nah, Leona's and Kat's are the worst.
Though I was personally hoping for Ashe or Yi.

project lucian isnt a shitter skin, he has 3 skins, 1 of which is legacy, out of all of those project has the smoothest abilities and AAs by far
no wonder people love using it

yes most project skins are shitter skins but there are some exceptions
notably, lucian

Im still unsure how Lucian didnt get victorious. This year seemed like his.

You’ll know if he’s bad if he isnt able to abuse some range on his poke. Annie’s stun + trades can really hurt.

So, is Garen a cuck? And Akali a virgin?

Neh they looke way better and I actually like those two champions. Lucian looks like pure crap and the champion is crap to play.

no, Garen is just into femdom and yes Akali is probably a virgin if I had to guess.

>play shit event
>get shit reward
oh wow
At least riot gives free shit, compared to that star wars fiasco riot is great.

Akali a virgin? Maybe, not sure I'm unfamilar with her lore and Im sure they are fucking it over a table now as we speak. As for Garen being a cuck? No, it's pretty clear she likes to ride Garen's broadsword

New shitter here: At what point do I pick up any boots at all?

All these resources like champion gg show what boots people get. But at what point do I get say the basic unupgraded boots for the small move speed boost? And generally when is it actually worth upgrading/completing my boots of choice?

>he thinks this looks good.

Please don't call it the Star Wars fiasco.
It's the EA fiasco.

Buy boots when you feel like you need them. You should know when you want to be a bit faster, that's when you buy them.
If you really can't tell when you should get them use the free boots rune.

Depends on your role and the game, really.

Midlaners might want to pick up boots early on to roam more effectively.

Supports might want to put off buying them, unless their lane opponents have things that more MS would help dodge.

Etc etc.

First back get tier 1, if you are abused in lane get taxi or mercurial, if not wait until 3 or 4 back. If you are supporting, 2 or 3 back to roam quickly

Also, if you play a mage or a tank upgrading boots asap is the best choice. If you play an adc/jungler then get your core items first.

>just because Katarina wears proper athletic attire she's an actual raunchy slutty character
what the hell logic is this

>Make a small magic shield rune to help you with early all ins before grabbing mr
>It's actually good
>No one takes it
>Riot why is there no magic resistance?!