Are you calling Reinhardt a woman? Pretty disrespectful
Caleb Perez
Here comes T.Racer!
Wyatt Anderson
John Morgan
If gengo is Chu's self insert how does he feel about shimadacest?
Hudson Jackson
does chu have a brother?
Mason Foster
>join qp >autistic dva one trick is massacring our team and spamming voice lines >leave game
Brayden Allen
Chu doesn't feel.
Adam Robinson
I want my face between Lena's thighs!
Henry Perez
Am I the only one who gets annoyed when I see this little fucker on the enemy team?
Julian Stewart
Winston is a hunky monkey.
Christian Mitchell
Damn right he is!
Adrian Reed
>It's a "You're the one who has to be on Pharah killing duty as Zenyatta because your DPS sure as fuck isn't doing it" episode
Gabriel Taylor
Good choice
Jacob Peterson
Reminder that Doomkangz has a higher skill ceiling and floor than genji.
Brandon Gutierrez
Brody Reyes
You understand
Cooper Williams
Asher Bennett
you'd be surprised how many kills i get in a single minute just from idiots running into the trap that's on top of the health pack
Jackson Foster
Mei please go.
James Adams
I wish she would do that to me.
Henry Cooper
Posting best girl. Other Overgirls need not apply
Josiah Green
What the fuck is wrong with Moira? I've got gold elims, objective elims and healing (when there was a Mercy and no pharah in our team) and silver damage playing like two tiers below my main account. We won and I got less than 20 SR. This system is so fucking stupid. I don't give a shit about the rank of the account as I use it to play off meta heroes, but fuck this inconsistent piece of shit of SR system.
Levi Gonzalez
what's her costume supposed to be, they make her head/face/hair look cute
Josiah Wood
I guess star guardian from LoL that stole it from Sailor Moon.
Brandon Williams
>Not realizing the how much of a husbando winston is. Your loss user.
Jason Cox
Henry Johnson
>Posting worst girl ftfy
William Baker
If your enemy team was already rated lower than you, the SR gain is very small too.
Jaxon Roberts
>being a furry >being a bara fag go jack off to bowser like all of the other degenerates
Alexander Mitchell
I wanna fuck Sombra
James Kelly
Doomfist should have been a cute girl.
Logan Collins
If he does someone should draw his brother fucking him while dressed as Hanzo.
Charles Evans
>still get punished for someone ELSE on your team leaving
Carson Cruz
Overwatch character rips off a LoL skin which rips off Sailor Moon. Granted, Li-Ming in HotS already has that type of skin.
Jordan Allen
Every character should have a cute girl except for Genji who should have been a cute trap.
Hudson Campbell
>best girl literally the worst talon girl, pretty close to worst girl in general
Leo Hughes
I mean that my main account is placed two tiers over my secondary one (2490), which is the one I'm playing Moira at. What I mean is that I don't die unnecessarily either.
Josiah Johnson
Genji should have been cuntboy so Mercy can carpet munch.
Andrew James
Reminder that genji was originally a cute anime girl and that we were ROBBED
William Gomez
What we got was better you vanilla fuck
Chase Gray
Lincoln Davis
>I don't think this three DPS is working >be moira >gold elims >gold damage The STATE of you.
Ryan Hall
It prevents toxicity and a convoluted abuse of the system where you queue with a buddy and he leaves so you don't lose SR but then once he leaves enough times he gets banned/suspended so he needs to make another account ;^)
Brayden Richardson
I want to believe
Brody James
>cute anime girl
Disgusting. Trap, reverse trap, or cuntboy.
David Davis
Fuck outta here.
Jaxon Rogers
>most generic weeaboo possible
Brody Russell
MOIRA IS TRANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Henry Murphy
Playing widow is so much more fun than anything else in this shitty game. So far I've lost 700sr playing her but at this point I dont even care anymore.
Austin Fisher
>clearly 100% see Snowball hit the floor > actually ate him Bullshit
William Jones
bloo is poo
Joseph Reed
Genji should have had a soft sweet pussy so Mercy could run her delicate rosy tongue over his sensitive clit while her nipples become hard in arousal.
Andrew Ross
Owen Stewart
You fuck out of here faggot, your vanilla normie tastes are repulsing.
Jaxson Bennett
Just remembered why /owg/ is worse than the actual game. Every thread is a bunch of people sperging out over race, gender, or whether or not Genji has a dick
Cameron Wright
Gonna uninstall after this game
How anyone could have anything remotely resembling fun when you're 9/10 times stuck with raging autist children is beyond me
Bentley Walker
>tiny color corrected gif tumblrfags need to die
Wyatt Moore
Fuck outta here.
Oliver Ross
>Ult is halfway through in the air >get killed >lol fuck you, your ult is cancelled and your charge fully depleted
This is one of the worst craps Jeff pulled out his ass.
Cooper Baker
yeah, not many good gifs yet and i'm too lazy to make one
Thomas Lewis
Buff Doomfist
Noah Barnes
I don't even play the game anymore I just come here to shitpost.
James Gray
This is because for some reason when your character is killed everything related to your character is erased from existence. Not because of the ult loss change. It's a dumb mechanic that was in the game since the beginning. If you throw the robot in the air it shouldn't stop existing because Mei died, what the fuck.
Landon James
>Throw pulse bomb on Mercy >See it about to detonate >Matrix eats the explosion and Mercy flies away I swear there's some bug with that shit. I've seen matrix eat ults at points it clearly shouldn't be able to anymore.
Levi Barnes
Samuel Kelly
why the fuck do you guys have a trans as a champion haha are you guys tumblr the game now, jesus christ, you guys are all gaylords for playing this shit game
Austin Cox
>random disconnect >dropped 58 points
First time I've ever dc'd from or left a game, is this normal?
Hudson Williams
>derank from diamond to gold when playing widow only >there are gold borders who play genji, tracer, soldier in gold rank I just feel bad for these players. They have played the game for 1000+ hours and they still suck.
William Nguyen
Reminder your wife is SHIT! SHE'S SSSSHHHIIIITTTTTTT!!!!!!!
Robert Torres
buy more gambleboxes
Henry Sullivan
Junkrat is pure fucking cancer. Nerf this shit already
Nathaniel Thomas
DO NOT insult the horse
William Reyes
But my waifoo is Sombra too!
Liam Gomez
Use pharah agains him :)
Joshua Nguyen
Sombra hack disables passives. Is the game fixed?
Kayden Jones
And she is also shit.
William Miller
>when Im the only one getting elims (8 elims, gold medal for both dmg and elims) and peuple are complaining about my pick
Brandon Allen
If you get a micro cut on the character selection screen before you start and make it back in time even before the doors open, you still get an SR loss penalty as well as a 10 minutes ban.
Jeff thinks this is equally bad as rage quitting the game before the first round ends.
Ryder Lopez
I didn't know Bastion transforming counted as trans.
Noah Martin
her dmg sucks unless you have perfect aim it will be ok.
Sebastian Reyes
I'm not sure if I can share my wife user, what if you took a dumpster fire like Symmetra instead?
>Countering Genji
Never gonna happen
Liam Murphy
>Is another "teamate leaves the game becuse we only got the second point in dorado, even though we were 1.43 meters of the third one" episode
Daniel Thompson
>playing mercy >only one acknowledging enemy widow's existence >switch to winston >team screeches >widow constantly gets APE'D >switches to genji and only attacks me >win
Nathan Wilson
>what if you took a dumpster fire like Symmetra instead? Hey now, Symmetra is a close second quality waifoo but Sombra hacked my heart with her spicyness.
Carter Green
Why is there still no team competitive and solo competitive?
Tired of getting matched up with 5-stacks who instantly flame me for everything that goes wrong.
Jace Carter
I really, really like this webm
Jackson Cooper
Platinum best tier
Jordan Perry
She is quite the spicy puta
Chase Morales
Carter Nelson
I hate Sombra
Jaxon Cox
he was referring to zen's ult
Leo Sullivan
hey think of it as the game letting you smurf legally