Is he right Veeky Forums?

Is he right Veeky Forums?

Or is it yet another display of autism?

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I like Lindybeige. He's a smart guy and talks about interesting things. But seriously, you and this thread can fuck off. Every god damn video he makes and someone has to post it here.

Is it you lindy? Are you doing this to us? Please stop.

This, it's like people are trying to force him to become some kind of "thing" on Veeky Forums. Or maybe it's just one guy. Or him.

Somehow i knew i'd see his face.
Honestly i don't hate him, but these constant threads are getting annoying.

Lindy knows very little about this period ("pikemen never fought other pikemen") and it shows. It would have been nice if he had cited any historical sources or even mentioned that the shape of halberds changed over time. He also doesn't understand the battlefield niche that halberds occupied: the gaurding of the colors, assaults on places too narrow for pikes, and letting loose when the pikes had become bound together. In the last role, chopping would have really been useful.

Lindy keeps insisting that thristing is a better way to defeat armor than a chop, which ignores the power that a 12' lever can generate. A line of men swinging down their axe heads at the same time is going to produce results much faster than daintily trying to thrust at an elbow joint.The axe head was important enough that some period military men refered to halberds as "battleaxes". Why does Lindy think that they put on the axe head if they never used them?

Honestly it's not even that bad. I mean take a look at the other threads we daily have.

>holy roman empire
>ottoman empire
>questions that can be answered with google in five seconds
>/pol/-tier map threads
>anarcho-x threads

Serious question: what kind of threads would you like to see here instead?

I really don't think it's as bad as all that. There's a couple fun threads every day intermixed with a lot of same old, same old, and the occasional complete shitpost.

>mixes different halberd types over the centuries, ignores all that don't fit his theory
>does ignore the existing halberd manuals form the 16th century which tell completely otherwise
>does ignore the various reports on its battlefield usage, especially from Swiss sources
>another of his "I think their use in battle..." bullshidos
My days of not taking Lindy serious have come to a middle.

I don't know if he is right, but he is sensible. I see his reasoning, it sounds valid.
Unless there is written (and animated) information of how the halberds were used in manuals, then I am inclined to agree with Captain Britain on this.

I'm not sure why he does make a video about shit he clearly does know jackshit about. I could understand if he actually studied the sources, which answer most of his if's and maybes and where actually written by people who actively used the halberd as a weapon of war. It is not that there are not enough sources.

I'm just pointing out that it's a little silly to complain so much about Lindybeige threads when we get all the other ones I mentioned and more frequently.

Shit meant to

Joachim Meyer wrote a complete and illustrated manual on the use of pole arms and the halberd specifically and he tells a different story than Lindy, and so do half a dozen different manuals. Also, there is tons of historical literature (at least if you speak German) on how the halberd was used in battle and what poor fucker got his head cleaved in by whom, those sources stretch from the 14th to the 17th century.
Now Lindy is wrong again, and the likes of you believe him and hist up the internet with his bullishit memes. Thanks a lot for that.

>Is he right Veeky Forums?
When is he wrong?

Please note, it starts with the very basics, all manuals state how to hold a halberd, left hand in front, right is back, now check Lindy's grip.
Why does a guy that doesn't even know how to properly grip a halberd makes a 20 minute vid on how to use it?

Did this Meyer guy have a degree in history or study the history of halberds though?
Check and mate.

No, he was just an ordinary soldier that actually fought battles and later on became one of the most influential fencing teachers of the 16th century.

I bet this Meyer dude doesn't even have his own Youtube channel.

Na, he dead. But his fanboys have quite a few channels.

>ordinary soldier

Not an accredited source, opinion discarded.

>ordinary soldier
>fine clothing and equally neat body hair

Don't forget about that rocking booty. nohomo


>Now Lindy is wrong again, and the likes of you believe him and hist up the internet with his bullishit memes. Thanks a lot for that.

What can I say, I am a sucker for things that make sense, and I am too lazy to see if they are factual if they appear reasonable.

Thank you for correcting the record though, manual man. Historical sources, especially from period appropriate specialists, should always trump modern interpretation when it comes to these things. Cheers.

Neither does Lindy, though? His education is folklore or something, and his job is as a dance instructor. He's an amateur historian, does it as a hobby.

Didn't soldiers in his day specifically buy the most expensive clothes and then intentionally tore them up a bit, to show the peasants that not only can they afford the best clothes, but they are also rich enough to not care to keep them in shape?


No, the slits in clothes were fashion that stemmed from laws denying people of middle and lower classes to use certain colors, even if they could afford it. But you can't arrest someone for having holes in their clothes, so they bought flashy undergarments and made slits in their boring overclothes

Saint Maximilian Landsknecht Reenactment Guild: "The Landsknechte were exempt from the sumptuary laws regulating clothing styles that other citizens had to follow. Maximilian granted them this dispensation because their lives tended to be so 'short and brutish.'"

It appears certain mercenary guilds were exempt from these laws.

Black, Brown, dark Blue and white.
All other colors are for whores and sodomites.
t. Protestant

>one of the most influential fencing teachers of the 16th century.
Marozzo say hi!

Meyer is quite late 16th century though, does his legacy and his name kept on being followed during the 17th century? I'm more into italian stuff, but people like Agrippa (sigh) and Marozzo were still talked about about a century after their treatises were published for the first time. Do not want to go full "italian vs german" (whatever those means), but isn't Meyer more important now that he was back in his days (like quite a few fencing authors actually).

[spoiler]No idea, I was just memeing.[/spoiler]


>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success
>Napoleon was literally Hitler

Don't forget the cuck army threads

he claims chopping would disrupt formations, but I doubt vertical chops would

it is odd that he didn't think of that

He was quite influential, he wrote the most complete treatise on the late Liechtenauer tradition and on the Marksbrüder style of fencing (albeit he was a Freifechter). He also introduced the Italian school of fencing into the German curriculum. Several 17th & 18th century fencing masters take direct reference from him.
So yes, he was important north of the Alps, and he belongs to the more important teachers of the 16th century.

But halberds heads are for chopping wood. Don't you know all weapons needed to double up as a tool?

Cool, I knew his treatise was the most complete of the late german ones (though there might be room for Paschen as well), but I didn't realized that it was influencial that far in the modern era.

>castles were defended by three soldiers
Although a lot of his stuff is bullshit, his thing on siege numbers was perfectly fine.
He said they would have extremely low garrisons in peace time, because why would you need more?
He also pointed out that packing in a large number of soldiers during a siege was a bad idea, since you have a limited amount of resources.

"Halmbarte" the orginal name means axe on a long stick. Also thrust/ hook combinations have been used to good effect as you can thrust and if you miss, hock with the spike to the back of the other guys knee joints, kidneys or arse.

Pascha, albeit undoubtedly German, is not seen as a member of the German school anymore. The tradition essentially died off with the end of the fencing guilds. But yes, he wrote lots of good shit.

>berserkers weren't real

that one is legit considering Saxons, Irish and Franks didn't report anything even resembling them

But they existed.

Lindy has a whole video saying they existed

Woah and the source is a bunch of sagas which also claim they can blunt weapons by just looking at them. Name some battles that involved those berserkers.

Did you even watch the video?

Lindybeige correctly says that berserkers weren't warriors that would fight like maniacs and go berserk in battles (what most people think of berserkers). Instead the were some sort of champions working for lords.

He's always right

Which ignores sagas and what Ahmad ibn Fadlan was told by the Rus which do portray berserkers as frienzed. Either way it's horse shit.

>Is it you lindy? Are you doing this to us? Please stop.
it can't be. like you said he's a smart guy and talks about interesting things. whereas OP is a flaming faggot.

>Is Lindy right Veeky Forums?
No. The answer will always be no.

>Joachim Meyer wrote a complete and illustrated manual on the use of pole arms and the halberd specifically and he tells a different story than Lindy, and so do half a dozen different manuals
well, what do those say?

>another of his "I think their use in battle..." bullshidos

Pretty much all his videos about weapons and armor are like that, he puts on an armor/grabs a weapon, plays with it for a few minutes and then talks about them like some sort of expert. Books, studies and sources? lol who needs that, thats for nerds.

>like some sort of expert
Why the hell do people think he says he's an expert. In most of his videos he states that he's not an expert and it's just theories and guesses.

Because he speaks with apparent authority and seems to believe in what he says.
People and most youtubers talking about swords for that matter won't / don't check historical sources, so it's all about people talking with the biggest confidence in what they says. Even if they are proven wrong multiple times, they'll still be given credit at the new video.

The halberd is basically used the same as a quarterstaff

No. Halberd is used like a halberd, it has its own set of techniques, and the point, hook and axe are all used, often in combinations, like thrust & hook, hook & push or strike & push combos that will get the opponents blade out of the way or connect the back spike to body parts your opponent never would have expected.
This hook, push and pull moves set it apart from the staff, which only has strikes and thrusts in his offensive repertoire.

His assertion that everybody would not dare to risk advancing because his faggy school friends didn't do so is not backed up by anything besides that.

It's like saying people won't advance into a hail of gunfire and trying to explain the landing at Normandy or Verdun.

Waiting for Easton to clear this mess up.

>the guy on the bridge is the mayor of the town he is defending
>they kill him by stabbing trough the bridge (sounds familiar?)
>they cut the fatty parts out of his belly and use it to polish their boots in plain sight of the enemy
>Swiss humor

>Did the holocaust happen? Genuinely curious.

Proves pre 20th century people were disgusting savages.