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Post your wife's butt.
I finally completed my neko imouto waifu. It was a hellish journey of 13 jakobs and countless pity breakers but it’s over. I love her!
Thats rude senpai desu.
How many sheckels?
Posting best girl before this gets started
>Simianfags can't think about anythingother than ass
Crossover when? I want to fuck King Arthur and her son in FEH.
Posting a cuter and more popular girl
I'm not sure but probably close to 1K over the month. shes the only one I'd ever do that for.
No, that's more like Conquest gameplay description
>tfw fav servant would need several crossover banners to get in before at least 4 sabers and 3 gilgameshs
Why are these generic pegasus knights so cute?
>tfw only nohrian without summer alt
it's not fucking fair guys
this was her time and they fucking skipped her
why is this big tiddy discrimination allowed
>gaius fangirl complaining about camilla
kind of ironic
>long skirt that shows off the leg
>black tights underneath
>no slutty miniskirt/garterbelt like nuFE
>determined, dignified look
I don't know, you tell me
Hopefully this can give an idea to the Cavshitters who still need help with this Infernal.
Double Hone Double Fortify is life.
That's nice and all, but what to the two icons besides Fjorm do?
Just bought Senran Kagura on the switch. What am I in for?
I'm so tempted to feed my only Hector's DC to Camilla. I know I should probably wait until the 8% banner to see what I get but the urge is strong.
I don't even use him outside of certain GHB's.
She'll probably lose her tights if she gets put in Heroes so the /v/eddit army can have their cummies
I have over 20 swords and like 5 axes, and i have 20k feathers. Should I do it?
>name is Seth
>Summoner Support is Peri
fix that shit nigger
> not S Ranking Seth
well you still have a second one so why not
he's a pretty good unit though without windsweep
They've already removed the pants of the memedons from fe5 in cipher so I wouldn't be surprised.
Michalis doesn't need that shit, keep Iote's Shield it's great for baiting Bows.
def ploy joshua y/n
>implying I wouldn't SS best Lancer
Peri needs it to Quad more! Seth is merged at least.
meant for
>Peri tanked Michalis
>using cav
>using flier
>using armored
>using dancer
>using bladetomes
>using brave weapon
>using firesweep weapon
>using infantry
>using unit
>saving inappropriate pictures of your wife and sharing them online
You don’t care enough about her
>fury 3 and desperation 3 are considered budget
who here carried entirely by bow lyn?
Best Joshua build???
How should I build my doot?
Sweaty training with Mia!
>wake up
>check phone
>93/99 stamina
>start up another auto battle match
>fall asleep again
>wake up
>phone is still going
>turn 339
tfw i haven't rolled a singular Hinata in my Heroes career. It's not fair bros...
How was your infernal run?
rising thunder
warding blow
red tomebreaker
breath of life
brash assault seal
What B skill?
His base build is really good tbqh
Just add repo/swap and a C skill, maybe Threaten Speed or Speed Smoke if you can afford it
Iceberg might be better than Moonbow
A flier team makes it incredibly easy.
Fury/DC, Wrath, and Spd ploy with memebow
Anything that works I guess, I’m running default windswept for fun but that can change
Pretty much the same as yours
I'm kinda bummed to have passed on the Hinoka banner, double hone fliers seem fun
>use fliers
>rolled a +speed Hector
>with his S-rank partner BK honing him he reaches 36 speed
>Better matchups against every relevant unit
It wasn't supposed to be like this, this Hector was supposed to be fodder!
Why does she wear belts on her arms and legs? Doesn't that kill the circulation of blood?
>tfw no ranged flier
>Everyone have a functional flier team
>playing FEH
I could do threaten speed. That sounds pretty good. Thanks for the advice user!
I'd do this if I had a DC that I don't use. I'll roll for Hectors when the 8% comes and feed him to people.
LnD3, desperation, C-Skill. Optional Blade tome.
Alternatively: Fury, QR, Ploy if you want a blue Julia
For budget I'm keeping close defense and adding swordbreaker, def ploy from arvis, and Iceberg from Lloyd.
His stat spread screams mage baiter so an ideal build would be DC, Wrath, and Def ploy.
First try with the Reinhardt, BLyn and two dancers.
It's sumia's birthday say something nice about her!
>every caster in the game needs desperation and fury to be viable
>get one hinata to spend
He took care of everything except blues
Probably tourniquets in case a limb or digit is "misplaced"
It's not even that important. My HNowi was only used to hone Palla so she could double Michalis when baiting.
They do need more ranged fliers, though. They're neat.
Melee unit chasing a ranged unit that can’t hurt them around a post, right?
at this point there's no real reason you shouldn't have at least 1 cav/flier/armor team
Joshua's base kit is good enough in my opinion
He's fast enough to make use of Windsweep but not enough to always double so it's actually ok on him
The problem comes with which you want to use on him between Phantom Speed and Close Defense
With the first I'd suggest Def Ploy, yes.
For the second instead I'd go with Spd Ploy as C skill
Bladetomes are fine with Darting blow or wew LaD
Kinshi knight when?
The most beautiful Fire Emblem! Celica!
Pretty easy.
In all fairness, that is how I played Conquest.
I went with def ploy because i’m running phantom speed and have no speed ploy fodder anyway. Thanks for your help, user-san.
I can't wait to see the upgraded Mystletainn
Kinshi knight Kiragi on the next banner
I'm upset that they all have Hnowi.
When do I class change in FE4?
Finn just hit lvl 21, and Lex is almost 20.
That would be so fucking awesome.
And I forget to quote like a dumbass
I hope he gets dc but thats asking too much
As soon as you reach level 20
Just to be sure, Speed Ploy is to make better use of windsweep as 35 spd, while high, isn't top class anymore if the unit can't get IVs
as soon as possible, you don't lose levels, and only gain skills/stats/a horse etc.
Why IS hate her?
>3 ranged +dancer
How new are you?
There's absolutely no downside in promoting as soon as possible, go for it
Wow 2 ez next plz
I want to fuck Lachesis
Brave Lionheart's Sister when?
I need Cav Lachesis
amelia gets raped by any sword user, nowi gets raped by any sword user, fae gets raped by any sword user, don't have a good wall