Tomorrow I'm getting the results of my psych test for the foreign officer job I'm applying I'm so fucking scared

Tomorrow I'm getting the results of my psych test for the foreign officer job I'm applying I'm so fucking scared.

Been working for this for years and I'm really afraid they will reject me because of my autism, I said some dumb stuff in the interview because I was nervous as fuck.

How do I carry on if I'm turned down after working for this for the past 4 years, I have no plan b my degree is practically useless outside of this field I have no useful experience anywhere, I put all the eggs in the same basket and tomorrow it might crash and burn.

I'm so scared I want to throw up

You should be fine. What are your credentials?

I just have a bachelor's degree in international relations and speak a couple of foreign languages, nothing really useful for the job market, I just always thought I would become a diplomat and now I'm realizing this might be harder than I expected, being a neet for many years doesn't help either..

Damn son, those jobs are HARD to get. Even if you land it, they'll send you to Afghanistan for years before you land a cushy role

I already passed the first three rounds, we're down to 88 candidates for 13 jobs, but in the psych evaluation the pressure got to me and I answered some dumb shit, I really don't know what to expect tomorrow and I really don't know what I will do if I'm turn down

Good luck user

I believe in you. Just relax

Why don't you find some benzos to pop before your interview. That's what I do

Thank you guys you're really nice

It's just too late for that tomorrow I'll just be given the results.

If I'm still in I have an international law written test on the 29th and then a I have to answer some questions in front of a panel of senior officials about international politics.

I'm kind of nervous about the latter but I can't take benzos or I'll be too dizzy to perform well, and there you have to perform, it's really really important that you do well there.

I hope you don't get it, sounds like you're a sheltered college kid. Get some real world experience son, you shouldn't be tripping about this.