Dota 2 General - /d2g/

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cropped porn is the most plebian shit

Was matchmaking changed with 7.07c? I play US East and I've barely been able to win a game all week, this is after weeks and weeks of me a 50+% win rate for the last 20 games. These games are not close matches either, there has been a 10+ gap between our kill score and theirs. I'm 2k btw

wow pangolier offlane is actually good

here's my build

>starting items
>boots according to situation
>spirit vessel
>diffusal and radiance and whatever other luxury items

fuck euls though, seems like a waste of time

play as the ultimate spess creator

>win 2/3 of my games on high skill with 0 death supports going into 80 int silencer territory crushing my games
>archon 3
>prev 5k+ friend loses 10/10 calibration games
>placed ancient

roughly based on previous mmr my ass

where's user's loli pugna folder?

>not stacking javelins for basher/mkb
the science was settled hours after launch

icefrog here, ama

has it been verified that that build actually wins more games

why did you let valve add rubberband

thighs or armpits

When are you adding a flat chested and/or a loli hero?

>captcha: Poundland COTON

man of taste

more flavor to the game that way


not sure

slacks seems like an absolute pain to stack with

What are you gonna replace Presence with?

Doesnt false promise do a low purge?

autismo build

try getting 3 javelins and see what happens

*chips down your health*

is it artour's turn?

This is a terrible build
Here is mine
>javelin before boots
>brown boots vanguard
>finish off basher
>rush mkb/ abyssal
If you have an amazing start the

Blink is fantastic too but pointless until you get ur lvl 15 talent

How can MoF be so bad?

It's like all their players negatively impact each other.

let's face facts

Moonduck is the best thing to happen to Dota since Slacks showed up

>killing BTS
>create tons of memes
>bringing out the best in tier 2 casters like Maut
>unique Tournaments
>do all they can to get new players interested in dota
why haven't you taken the Moonpill yet?

performs a strong dispel upon cast
the continuous purge was removed in 6.86

LuL no

Sometimes teams are like that, they just perform worse than their individual players would imply and then when they disband every player goes on to do better with new people.
Timado in particular wasn't ready to just randomly play from w33's couch, he needed a proper org to support him for him to reach his potential.

>Play 1 game
>Become Herald
Isn't this supposed to take 10 ranked games?

Watching you lane for 2 minutes was enough to realize you were shit.

its a bug just keep playing

Everyone is a herald until all 10 games are completed

I was roaming, and on my smurf. My main calibrated to Legend 5 after 10 games

They need to kick Synderen and get a captain that isn't so fucking passive aggressive all the time. Someone who's more up to their level and isn't afraid to do risky plays. Someone who has placed higher in every TI he's ever been than Synderen ever has.

Why the fuck is the new unranked season taking place in the "AM or Medusa every single game" timeline?

>I'm on my smurf

i'm playing unranked and getting matched with players who are around 3k-4k, with sometimes a 5k, but the games are nearly always considered normal skill on dotabuff. should i calibrate? does it matter with the new calibration system?

>Jimmy from Team Skull wants to fight!

>pick non-greedy heroes
>play greedy

why do people at archon do this

>sometimes lose games
Why do TI winners do this?

cancel is a bad midlaner and synd is a questionable captain and he doens't play his position as well as a lot of the higher tier pros like fly, ppd, solo and yao.

>Blink is fantastic too but pointless until you get ur lvl 15 talent

but it guarantees a stun for one

plus it has all the other utility uses of a blink. it's pretty great on pangolier even when his ult is down since it lets him weave in and out of combat and cast his spells much more easily.

i've tried the javelin build but it feels like it just forces you to play too passively and tricks you into thinking your job is to deal damage. i love the tanky blink build since you can be super, super aggressive and oppressive to your opponents, basically giving tons of space to your cores in fights

i mean i could be 100% wrong but that's how i feel about it

ok you were almost serious

>coordinator is being updated
But I want to play dota

Wow Purge is bad. I haven't watched his stream in years and he hasn't improved.

the epitome of dunning-kruger

>Picks enigma
>never uses blackhole

i'm too lazy to check, what is he fucking up

>tfw you main Lion

do we like the new mmr system

>picks enigger to counter morphling
>uses blackhole to finish off a pos5 rhasta below 50% hp

>tfw you main jugg

who gives a fuck

identical to the old system
only difference is the """"reset"""" and you get a pretty picture to share in your profile instead of a number

more like hide my mmr for a moment and increase it equal to how many games i won

Literally the exact same system with a picture to indicate mmr range
The bigger question is literally what was the point

Gotta bring some players back somehow

>its a "autist that cried about seasons 'fixing' ranked disappears when its obvious they were wrong the whole time" episode

Yeah, i meant a dispell instead of purge, my bad

fulfills the needs for something shiny and new to entice soibois to continue playing

am i getting redpilled

its cool
spirit vessel is only a soft counter to oracle
it also makes oracle+second healer lines incredibly strong situationally

can anyone please tell me how to fix this reset thing, I got my badge and rank but now I'm level 1 and don't have a badge


mmr is not rewarding in the same way and you don't really lose your badge unless you have a zillion loss streak

meanwhile with mmr you had the 3999 3ks and 4001 4ks and mmr fetishism for every single point

it felt like a grind and was the focus of the game
basically a loss streak feels less depressing now

i had this too, it fixed itself after some time i dont know how

It all means fucking nothing if your numerical mmr is still there for you to see, people will fixate on that as the "true" indicator.

>this is your average herald player

don't worry about it
it's probably something wit the coordinator and it will fix itself

did you play while it was fucked up and did it fix itself by the next patch or after some time

this is true, but you only got the "you don't really lose your badge unless you have a zillion losing streak" part wrong, you just don't 'drop' your badge at all during a season, only when calibrating again

who cares? people used to get really mad because let's say they got to 5k and then had a really bad losing streak and dropped to 4.5k. in their minds they "deserved" to be 5k because they got there once but they're tilted because they're not there - with the new system it just doesn't happen.

>OG playing like complete shit
Are you literally fucking braindead, dumbass?
They are playing with a REALLY bad French standin that does not speak a single word of English, can't play AM or Sniper and dies solo and builds shit items.
OG just got 5th place on Dreamleague EU which had all top 3 teams in the world at the moment. OG are nowhere near shit.
And EG losing Midas mode is your measure of shit?
Kys, retarded nigger faggot.

>OG playing like complete shit
Are you literally fucking braindead, dumbass?
They are playing with a REALLY bad French standin that does not speak a single word of English, can't play AM or Sniper and dies solo and builds shit items.
OG just got 5th place on Dreamleague EU which had all top 3 teams in the world at the moment. OG are nowhere near shit.
And EG losing Midas mode is your measure of shit?
Kys, retarded nigger faggot.

i was playing while it was fucked up and it fixed itself after some games

>OG playing like complete shit
Are you literally fucking braindead, dumbass?
They are playing with a REALLY bad French standin that does not speak a single word of English, can't play AM or Sniper and dies solo and builds shit items.
OG just got 5th place on Dreamleague EU which had all top 3 teams in the world at the moment. OG are nowhere near shit.
And EG losing Midas mode is your measure of shit?
Kys, retarded nigger faggot.

still me, now it's fucked up again so i guess it's just bugged for now

Back to your fucking shit meme discord faggots.

>purge picks sniper vs SF
>oh good matchup for him
>he goes safelane
>LC vs SF mid
>your only stun is duel and cold feet
I know this is supposed to be non-serious but actually try and win a game.

first game of new ranked calibration and someone abandons 6 mins in :))

thanks for stepping in maut
the shitposting was getting a bit out of hand

confirmed that you're where you belong you passive aggressive bitch

is OG playing like shit or did their WESG team lose or something?

whats on ur face

7k players on their 3,5k smurf accounts are all calibrating to 3,5k. Nice recalibration

>friend messaging me to get off dota and come over to play magic with his Veeky Forums minions

competitive games are a waste of time to begin with so why would i play a competitive game that also happens to be based on luck

recalibration is a meme, so are seasons six months lol

>draw penis with veins on map
>everyone laughs

i dont get this dotard humor

no one gets "weebs" either

Toxic masculinity

are they supposed to have veins?

>anime posters

>competitive game that also happens to be based on luck

Well, pubs in dota are 60% getting lucky to not get shitty teammates

someone give me the rundown on Taylor Swift


Terminal autism

>so this is where I close off /d2g/ for the night

see you guys tomorrow I guess..

She has the tism

Feels good man

just randomed io

have 5 games on him

wish me luck xD

Meanwhile in Canada