Annie! Edition
Annie! Edition
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who /ivern/ here
xth for my wife Syndra
Stop stealing my buffs you dumb tree
1155 days without a new Jarvan IV skin.
xth for buff ahri already
Where my mind control porn at
Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.
>every game is now a toss up between banning zoe and zed
whats better for tf comet or klepto?
thats my edition
This is a WHOLESOME Annie thrad, NO LEWD!
Friendly remainder that only bad people use bad words.
Do not be a foul mouth and work on yourself.
How do I lane as Galio vs Jax? I feel like I'm getting shat on.
I really want to impregnate Zoe's immortal godlike but still legal pussy
It seems like you fail to understand the problem. Mage, Assassin, Bruiser won't guarantee your safety. Imagine having a fight in jungle and enemy assassin who gets into your AA range just jumps at you over the wall - boom, you are dead. You won't get any peel without a tank.
If you stay behind in safety, your teammates get jumped on and die without you bringing zero impact. No matter if you are winning the fight or losing, you still have no impact, if you want to do something you die, if you want to survive you do nothing.
Stop pretending that ADC is an easy role. Let's say you are Cait. Besides your traps and your E you have nothing.
SA Kayn will just jump on you through wall and delete you faster than your E animation ends, and not a single teammate will be able to help you.
>spend my whole life playing aram only because its shorter.
>eventually gets bored and decide to play SR now that its shorter.
>can't farm for shit.
>can't 1v1 for shit.
>get absolutely destroyed by everyone on lane until the lanning phase ends but by that point I'm way too far behind to be of help.
just fucking kill me.
Should I save up for a project skin shard or just go for the project skin orb?
Project skin so you can disenchant them for orange essence for better skins.
>adult zoe
fuck off with your shit taste
>Stop pretending that ADC is an easy role.
It's incredibly simple, it just happens to be insufferable because it's "Wait wait wait wait okgokilleverybodynow wait wait wait wait wait." That and having to be in a duo lane is fucking awful.
>there are people who only played aram
Sona is for Ahri and all Sonafags are cucks
how much orange essence do you get?
That's why you pick something that is always useful no matter how far behind, brand, kennen, orianna, Nautilus, soon, etc
>implying she hasn't KNOTTED the whole roster
>unlocking champs at a decent rate with mystery shards + shards from hextech
>think I might finally unlock be able to unluck every champ in the game
>can no longer reroll champ shards
>can't buy mystery champs because I have less than 10 champs left to unlock
>implying sona is gay
>implying Arhi has a cock (futa degenerates)
>implying because you like arhi and want to be cucked by her you want to make us take your shit tier fetish
>implying sona would fuck a feral fox slut
>implying I care about your shit opinion
I want Nami to drench me in her fishpussy!
Is this more to your taste?
Adult Zoe is good.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
t. booty blasted sonacuck
>think I might finally unlock be able to unluck every champ in the game
fug i had a stroke.
Honestly I'd fuck both
Sorry kid you got cucked by the KNOT
please rito remove zoe from the game. Even people who are absolute shit can just get a free win with this champion.
i love this so much, i wish i could play this shit every fucking day
daily reminder that degenerate waifufags who puts cocks on women should be the first to be lined up against the wall and shot
>being this autistic
What do I buy with my project tokens? What's the best thing to go for here?
Fuck Zoe and fuck getting ignited 4 times 5 minutes into the game.
2 skin orbs
that's TOO BAD, she's still swimming WITH me!
Post a champion that you really like, whether it be design wise, lore wise, aesthetics, viability, anything!
I really like Ivern and everything about him, especially since I main support so if I have to jungle, I can at least play him and still be a support.
>Yordle Snap Trap
Shouldn't they rename it to Real Human Snap Trap?
>this fucking damage control
embarassing desu
Show me canonical proof of any champ's genitalia.
Come get me faggot
Honestly you'd fuck a wall if it has a hole becase we all know how desperate you are.
Okay they seriously need to fucking hotfix Zoe's E. That shit literally gives her a free kill and it has way too much range on it.
>Pick [insert favorite champ here]
>They pick a counter
>Even with said champ, they fuck it up and you stomp them anyway
Why do people do this? Why not just play a champ you know how to play
instead of harf feeding because "Gnar counters Urgot" or "Blitz hook destroys Soraka"
What's in them? I see that they have a chance for some nice skins, what else?
so these borders are permanent (if you own the skin) or only during this event?
I've never cared much about these kind of events before as they usually were "play with a friend" only.
I'd fuck a fucking chair if it had the capabilities to pleasure me sexually
although fucking a god in a child's body would turly be an experience
show me proof that these obviously female champions with balloon tits and ass and every other feminine feature don't have a huge throbbing cock between their legs because I'm a massive faggot who need to ruin good women with cocks because I literally can't stop sucking them
>Hating the cock
I love Fiora just the feeling of dueling everything in her path and winning is the greatest feeling in the game.
A chance for more skin orbs, and a small amount of orange essence. Also gemstone droprates are multiplied by 1.5.
they're permanent, you can even get them now without owning the skins and if you buy the skins later you'll still have them
gonna try that, thanks user.
Zoe is pretty balanced my dude. You're just bad.
>people waste a ban on this shit
I wish I could trade it to one of you zyrafags.
>Enemy jungler places a ward at red/blue buff.
>Zoe gets Q+E+Q in levels.
>Roam down to said buff the second they appear.
>E them through the wall when they can't even see you.
>Literally a free kill and possible blue buff for Zoe at 5 minutes.
No dude. She's actually broken as shit. That bubble spell needs a huge nerf at least.
pool party diana when?
I wasn't saying any of them had cocks. I was merely illustrating the point that every character in this game is fictional and 99% of the community discussion involving them is retarded head canon. Garen could have a tight little pussy and Soraka a massive horsecock. People will just project their fetishes on to characters to fit their autistic sexual fantasies. Fapping to futa girls is no more delusional than picturing some League girl dominating you.
>Jungler comes to my lane
>Steals farm and goes away again
It shouldn't do extra damage, let along true damage, let the bubble if it lands do damage, and thats it.
Más porfavor.
What are PROJECT Champion Orbs?
They give champ shards.
Random champion inside.
does anyone actually like this overcharge mode? it seems like pure ass
I can't believe riot wastes time on modes like this and that thresh minigame instead of making more worthwhile content
Just random ones?
>Kayn on my team
>Comes top
>Fails the gank
>Proceeds to Q my wave
>Runs off to get killed yet again
Holy shit this is why I main jungle. Literally can't trust anyone else with the role.
item build path for Zyra supp?
Yeah, you get more for lower level champs though.
It's pure shit, meanwhile the fun game modes like one for all and (AR)URF get left behind to be forgotten.
Damn, so the skin orb really is the best one to buy?
>Top lane pings me to gank him
>He already pushed all the way to near tower
>It's even warded twice on side bush by enemy
>He keeps pinging
>Go there
>Take his farm
>Autistic screech
Yes. Unless you really want one of the older PROJECT skins.
Wow. Someone who understands how fetishes work. I'm impressed.
is gp a hypercarry
Do they contain a chance for a project skin? If so, wow. Neat.
nice, thanks user.
>not flat
fleet footwork
AR URF is coming back in a few weeks thankfully but yeah, they just keep the funner modes locked away and they still having updated TT hexakill for the new client.
can i clean her up afterwards though ?